Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

February 6, 2008, Page 20

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Linda Cottrell-Sanders & Prepared by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled and Contributed by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

January 1918


Weekly bulletins are issued from the Home Economics Dept. of the University of Wis. containing menus for meatless and wheat-less days with recipes for meat and wheat substitutes.


These suggestions will solve many problems as to variety of diet for meatless and wheat-less days. Therefore enhance cooperation with Mr. Hoover’s requests, which is especially essential at this time.


To make these bulletins, which are too extensive for publication, available to all, a representative of the Conservation Committee will meet, all interested at the Red Cross Knitting rooms in the public library every Monday afternoon during open hours.


By order of the Food Administrator, no more clear white flour will be made until further notice.  All mills have been remodeled to make the new flour.  It is a creamy white, pure and wholesome, but contains as much nourishment at (as) the old white flour.


Obeying the orders of the Fuel Administrator this office shut off heat Monday, except enough to prevent water pipes freezing, and closed the shop for general work on that day.  Until we are again under normal conditions, we must simply do the best we can, making all the sacrifices our government demands.


The director of athletics at Camp Grant appeals to patriotic citizens of the Northern states for roller skates for the soldier boys.  He says that there are hundreds, probably thousands of skates around homes, where no one is using them.  Forward them to Athletic Director Lewis Omar, Camp Grant, Ill.


The U. S. Government called upon Wisconsin to furnish 50 bricklayers to go to France.  Clark County filled its quota by sending Fred Breseman of Lynn, last week.


For Sale – 160-acre farm with new house, large cement basement barn, silo; 120 acres under plow, the rest in heavy timber.  Five horses, 35 head of Holstein cattle of which 15 head are pure bred, with papers, all crops and machinery.  It is in the Town of York, located about 3 miles from Neillsville, the county seat of Clark County.  Price includes all present crop and machinery $22,500; Terms to suit buyer.  Chas. Scholte, Neillsville, Wis.


People of Northern Wisconsin entirely fail to realize the far-reaching effects of the blizzard that swept a large are of the United States.  In our area the storm was scarcely noticeable.  Its northern limit, in this state, was about at Elroy.  From there, sought (south) nearly to the Gulf of Mexico, there was a terrific blizzard.  It reached from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and did millions of dollars damage besides paralyzing traffic of all kinds.


Several farmers who live in the Janesville Settlement and West Weston area turned out last Wednesday to fix a road on the Black River.  A road was made on the ice so that they can haul wood by sleighs, down to Neillsville.


The State Council of Defense is sending out the following notice:


Motor Car Drivers and mechanics are needed for Pershing’s Army in France.  Apply at the nearest recruiting office.  Physical examination will be given and fitness determined.  Good wages and transportation furnished to the training camp.  Men in this service are not drafted.  Ages 18 to 21 and 31 to 40 are inclusive


V. D. Lee went to Withee last week, to take charge of the large creamery there.  Mr. Lee had charge of the Pine Valley Butter Co. creamery here for some time and was one of the most efficient butter makers ever in this community.  He has a fine tact in getting along with patrons, is strictly honest and understands his business thoroughly.  The Withee people are fortunate to secure his services.


Miss Clara Ketel, of the Globe School, has bought an oil stove and is now making warm dinners for her scholars, which is a great treat to the children in this cold weather.


We are glad to note that our Congressman, John J. Esch, last week voted for the passage of the equal suffrage amendment.  In so doing, we believe he represents the greater portion of this district.  He also recently cast his vote favorably for the prohibition amendment.


January 1943


William Ruchaber, second ward supervisor and former Neillsville merchant, and F. E. Winn of Granton expect to leave Sunday night, on the first leg of a journey to a government project near Edmonton, Canada, on which they will be employed.  Going to Minneapolis Sunday night, they are scheduled to leave for Edmonton Tuesday.


Columbia has had plenty of snow.  Roads have been plowed and school buses, milk haulers and those who have business trips to make manage to get through.  The snow is so light and fluffy that a small breeze moves it and easily caused drifting.  Many birds are hungry and searching for food.  The section men, report seeing numerous quail and pheasants on the railroad track picking up grain that has fallen from the freights as they pass through.


The frame building, which long served as the Tibbett Bros. office before the new building was erected, was moved Monday to the C. A. Paulson farm, on Pleasant Ridge.


At least 15 Neillsville young men were inducted into the army at Milwaukee Monday, according to records of the selective service board at Loyal.  The records were not complete Wednesday and the final count may give a larger number.


Those who were known to have been inducted into the army were: Keith Bennett, Walter Beyer, Harold Francis, Gordon Frantz, Robert Free, Donald Gress, James Hauge, Charles Kauffman, Theodore Kunce, Loren Mallory, Glen Marden, Kenneth Olson, Milton Schoenfeld, Wallace Schwellenbach and Robert Sischo.


Others from nearby areas, who are known to be among the group, are: Steve Rosandich, George Sternitzky and Henry Hasz of Granton; Wesley Schwarze, Robert Carl and Raymond Ackerman of Greenwood.


The Federal Communications Commission reports the receipt of more than the usual number of complaints about vulgarity on radio programs.  The Commission is now investigating.


Meantime, a protest against the use of “hells and damns and other rough and vulgar expressions” was lodged by the Ensley High-land Methodist Church of Birmingham, Ala., with broadcasting companies and newspaper press services.  “We feel that we are going backward,” wrote the secretary of the church’s board of stewards, “when we replace or substitute clean, refined language, which is heard and read at our firesides, with loose, rough and vulgar talk. So far as we know, there is no scarcity or priority on adjectives suitable for home consumption.”


As to the fact, there is no question.  The use of tall talk in public has greatly increased since we entered the war.


It is not true; however, that tall talk is an aid either to efficiency or conviction.  The silent man will concentrate more and on it harder.  The man of moderate language is the more convincing.  What is evident, when a man uses cuss words, is that he lacks command of himself and of language.  Anybody can say “hell,” but it takes a master of English to apply the precisely correct word to the situation in hand.  Rightly considered, cussing is a confession that we lack command of language.


Ray Ingham has commenced putting up his summer’s supply of ice at the Rock Dam resort.  Elmer Severson and Arnold Claire are helping him, with Joe Lesar and Clarence Butler doing the hauling.


Allen Champney, our new game warden, delivered some pheasant feed to the Willard station, at Frank Prebil’s place last Friday afternoon.


Physical fitness classes for high school senior boys were to be in full swing by the end of the week, according to City School Supt. D. E. Peters.


Under the direction of Leon Larson, football coach and physical education instructor, senior boys will receive 50 minutes of physical conditioning exercise each school day.  The class will be required of all senior boys who are physically fit.


While the program was suggested to include juniors, Mr. Peters said that the school would work only with seniors for the present because they are to (the) ones who will have the most immediate need for it.  Juniors will be included in the physical fitness program if time will permit a schedule to be worked out.


The program will follow the general procedure outlined by the army and will be complimentary to the physical program given army recruits.  This program includes four general activities, aquatics, gymnastics, combative activities and sports and games.  However, because of the limitation of facilities, the program here will not permit the inclusion of aquatics.


“Ere long, we may have to go back to the old time wooden bath tubs, wash tubs, sinks, water buckets and tanks and the dozens of other containers which have so freely been manufactured from the various metals in the past.  At a local carpenter shop last week, there was, in the process of construction, an all-wood sink for the Neillsville Milk Products Cooperative, to be used for washing the equipment in the cheese room. The sink is fitted with parting stops at the seams to make it absolutely water proof.  When asked what they were going to line it with, Ted Gall answered: “Nothing and it won’t leak a drop.”


Butter and cheese probably will be rationed next spring; it was indicated Saturday at the Office of Price Administration in Washington, D. C.


An informed official disclosed that cheese, although a dairy product may be rationed along with meat because of its adaptability as a meat substitute.


Butter for civilians is so scarce now that it cannot be rationed at present, explained the official.  But when production increases in the spring to the point where retailers can honor ration coupons for it, rationing can be undertaken.  Meanwhile housewives will have to get it as best they can.


Mrs. Roy Durst, news correspondent of the Town of Foster, writes that the Lone Pine School was closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as the teacher, Mrs. Viergutz went to Milwaukee on business.


Eino Louma of Owen and Floyd Cook of Thorp were appointed sheriff deputies last week as Ray Kutsche completed organization of his department.  The appointments bring to six the number of deputies in Clark County.  In addition to Louma and Cook are: Joe Hartung of Pine Valley; Fred Dangers, county identification expert; and Harry Frantz and Kenneth Mathewson, county highway motor police.


Dairy Plants within Clark County, as of January 1, 1958.  (Continuation of listings)


Hillside Dairy, Stanley route, owned and operated by Leo P. Biel, Factory building of tile construction a substantial neighborhood operation, which produces cheddar.


Hoffman Dairy, Thorp route, owned and operated by Harley Hoffman, A retail distributor bottling milk and making ice cream for local consumption the only milk bottling plant in Clark County.


Humbird Cheese Factory, located at Humbird, owned and operated by Vincent Ruzic.  Makes quality cheddar and retails cheese to visitors passing on nearby U.S. 12.


Kasper Cheese Factory, Unity route, owned by Harold Kasper and operated by the Kasper family; makes cheddar and Colby, all packaged in small style.  It is a distinctive longhorn operation of substantial volume.


Laabs Dairy factory of Willard; owned by the well-known Laabs family, local manager, Merlon Schoengarth.  It is a substantial operation, well managed, with a large patronage, producing cheddar.


Lombard Dairy, Thorp route, owned and operated by J. N. Biser.  Installed a new sewage disposal system in 1957 and made other extensive improvements.  Quality cheddar; produced by an operator with wide experience and reputation.


Lone Oak Cheese Factory, Withee route, owned and operated by Walter Emmerson; makes cheddar, a strong advocate of quality program.


Lone Pine Cheese Factory, Thorp route; owned and operated by Frank and Anna Meske; a cheddar operation.


Longwood Cheese Factory, Withee route, owned by R. J. Cooper, Marshfield; managed by Lewis Gerke.  A large cheddar operation, conducted by an experienced and efficient maker; new intake and addition recently constructed.


Lynn Dairy, Granton route, owned and operated by William and Ruth Schwantes, producing quality cheddar.


Mandel’s Cheese Factory, Colby route, owned by Albert H. Mandel, an operator of experience, long in the same location.  A factory kept up to date by steady improvements.  Produces quality Colby cheese


Marathon – Clark Cooperative Dairy Association, located at Abbotsford; a big operation in cheddar, in a modern building; owned cooperatively by more than 200 farmers; managed by Ervin Schilling who long operated a factory south of Thorp and is well known in the county.


Mauel’s Dairy, Owen, milk distributor and manufacturer of ice cream.


Meadow Farms, Abbotsford village, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pfalzgraf, distributor and manufacturer of ice cream.


Neillsville Dairy, H. H. Quicker, milk distributor and manufacturer of ice cream.






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