Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

June 17, 2009 Page 20

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

June 1869


Supt. Fuchs reports to Hon. Jas. Ross, Secretary of the State Board of Immigration the arrival of immigrants to Milwaukee, for the week ending May 21st to be 1,371.  Of these 645 were Germans; 693 were Scandinavians; 18 were English; 9 Welsh and 6 Irish.  Of these immigrants to stay in Wisconsin: 479 Germans; 323 Scandinavians; 18 English; 9 Welsh and 6 Irish.


There were 166 Germans and 350 Scandinavians who went to Minnesota and 20 Scandinavians who went to Iowa.


“Headville” is the name given by those in the vicinity to a small collection of houses, in the woods northwest of the saw mill, in honor we suppose, to Mr. Head the pioneer settler.  The next census will probably show quite a settlement there.


A meeting was held on Saturday, June 5th, in Maple Works by the young men of that vicinity and a baseball club has been organized according to the rules and regulations of the national game.  They will be called the “Clumsy Club.”  They also played a game, which created some excitement among the people at Maple Works.


Arrangements are being made for a match game of baseball between the Clumsy team and the Pioneer team of Neillsville, June 26th.  It will be the first match game played here and there will be many spectators to watch.


Third Street from the courthouse down to Lynch’s Corners has been plowed, scraped and fixed so that it is now a nice, smooth thoroughfare.


We understand a contract has been let by the road commissioners to repair the road from Lynch’s Corners to A. W. Clark’s place at $2.00 per rod.


Efforts are being made in town to organize a brass band.  We have two or three leading musicians who have had a great deal of experience.  If the proper encouragement will be given; the band can be made a success.


We have heard reports lately from persons living in the Town of Loyal of a strange man being frequently seen in the wood in that vicinity, who appears wild.  At one’s approach he will disappear into the thicket not to be seen again probably for several days.  He has been seen near the farms of Mr. Taylor and Mr. Newall.


How he gets enough to eat is a mystery, but some believe he visits farms in the night and takes what edibles he can find, as he has been seen carrying things.  A farmer’s cow came home from pasture, which was discovered to have been milked and the wild man has been credited with that trick.


The demolition of the old frame house, which stood on the little hill on the south side of O’Neill Creek, to make way for a new and more costly residence, destroys the first building of its kind ever put up in Clark County.  The old house was built 23 years ago by James O’Neill.                                                    


The Road Commissioners have given notice the job of repairing Sections 2, 11, and 12 of the main Black River Road that will be let to the lowest bidder at the courthouse on the 10th of July at 10 o’clock a.m.   We hope the jobs will not be let to any person who will bid so low that the work cannot be performed right.  There are some pieces of roadwork, which the maker ought to be ashamed of and the county should refuse to pay for.         


Having determined to settle upon a farm a few miles north of Neillsville, I offer my house and lot, with gun shop, for sale at a bargain: Will sell for $450, reserving tools and furniture. There is a good well on the place, and everything is in right good shape.  Samuel Green, Gunsmith, Neillsville


The Neillsville Brewery is rapidly nearing completion. Workmen are now engaged in putting on the building’s roof.  Neverman and Sontag say they will have beer of their own manufacture ready one week from next Saturday.


June 1904


Mr. Donahue is running a small grocery store at his house in Ketel Hollow.  (Ketel Hollow was in the area of State and East Second Streets. D.Z.)


One of the coolest and cleanest spots in town is at Listeman’s bottling house at the rear of the Neillsville Brewery.


Miss Nina Hommel and Victor C. Woellfer will be married June 15, 1904, at the home of the bride’s father, Maj. J. W. Hommel, on Grand Avenue.


(The Woellfer’s owned and operated a drug store on Hewett Street for several years. D.Z.)


From the Dells Dam news: “The new cheese factory is about ready to begin business.  The machinery for the cheese factory was hauled in Tuesday; Plans are to start up June 9.”


June 1954


Pfc. Charlotte Ayers, Camp Lejeune, S. C., and Sgt. Joe Flannigan, also of Camp Lejeune, are spending 10 days at the Claude Ayers home. Sgt. Flannigan is a buddy of Donald Ayers.


Relatives have received word that Pfc. Wendell Ayers, who had been stationed in Hawaii the past several months, is now at the marine base at Itami, Japan.                                                      


The annual meeting of the local school district is approached by D. E. Peters, superintendent of schools, with a complete teaching staff for both grades and high school.  He figures that he is in luck, for he knows of many school executives who are scratching gravel for teachers, without much luck in digging them up.


The last vacancy to be filled was that of director of the band.  The plans of C. Scott Hunsberger had been somewhat uncertain; he had considered a change.  But his final decision was to remain with his pupils and to enjoy the new band room and the other musical facilities of the new building.        


Hohl Bros. of Greenwood reconstructed their gas station and sales room and are having a grand opening Saturday, June 12.  The new structure is 74’ x 55’, twice as large as the building which burned November 5, 1953.


Hohl Bros. stated their gratification at the splendid spirit shown toward them in the Greenwood community, a spirit, which they say, left them no choice but to provide larger quarters and to expand their business.


Greenwood will stage on Saturday its third cheese and butter festival. Featured will be a cheese and butter judging contest, a large dairy products display and free cheese sandwiches.


The Greenwood band will open the program at 1 p.m.  Music will also be furnished by an accordion band.  There will be contests and games, boxing matches and amateur stage acts.


A stage show will be presented in the evening, with the crowning of the queen.  Fireworks will close the entertainment.  Everything is free, except that Booster Buttons will be sold by the queen candidates, and that money is to be used in helping to meet the festival costs.


Candidates for queen are the following: Jeanette Lindner, Marjorie Rondorf, Ruth Steele, Shirley Rasmussen, Joan Metcalf, Roberta Weiher, Nancy Scherer, Mary Ann Parkel, Jackie Irvine and Clara Kyle.


The following Clark County registrants, all of who were volunteers, left by a chartered Greyhound bus on Wednesday, June 2, for Minneapolis, Minn., where they were inducted into the army:


James R. Hannan, Loyal; Kenneth C. Goetz, Loyal; Verland A. Schmidt, Loyal, Frederich F. Grap, Jr., Neillsville; Melvin W. F. Hoffman, Neillsville; Lawrence Walteraitis, Thorp; and Rudolph Zorman, Willard.


Relatives, friends and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hemp with a rousing charivari Saturday, June 12, their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.


An enjoyable evening was then spent with them and at midnight a bountiful lunch was served.


Their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Bohnsack, baked and artfully decorated the large white and silver wedding cake.


Mrs. LaVerne Johnson of Mt. Horeb, who had been her sister’s maid of honor, was present.


Ordination into the Lutheran ministry of Edward Winter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winter of Route 2, Granton, will take place at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 20, in Zion American Lutheran Church at Granton.


On June 2, 1954, Mr. Winter completed his theological training and was graduated from Wartburg Theological seminary, Dubuque, Iowa.  His early education was obtained in the public school at Lynn and Granton High School.


After a brief period of farming he attended Wartburg College at Waverly, IA   He received a B. A. Degree from there in 1951.


On August 30, 1953, Mr. Winter was married to Miss Joan Cragg of Dubuque, Ia.


After ordination the couple will move to Cortland, Ind., where Mr. Winter has accepted a call to serve as pastor to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.  He will be installed as pastor there Sunday, July 4.


Participating in the ordination service will be the Rev. Leonard Domke, a former pastor now of Rice Lake, Wis., who will deliver the sermon.  The Rev. John H. Jacklin will administer the ordination vows, assisted by Pastors E. Milleville of Nasonville, E. Aalto of Loyal, and A. Pink of Marshfield.


Following the service a reception will be given in the church parlors for the newly ordained clergyman.


Edward Winter is the first son of the congregation at Granton to enter the ministry.  This ordination is also the first to be held in the church.  Added interest attached to the event from the fact that June 20, the time of the ordination, is also the birthday of Edward Winter.                                                                  


A resume of 34 years’ labors while away from Clark County and home folks has been received by Hubert H. Quicker and members of the wide spread Quicker family, from A. J. Quicker, a brother of Hubert.


The 34-year period, incidentally covers the growth and development of one of the nation’s great defense establishments, the naval air station at San Diego, Calif.  For Mr. Quicker has been closely connected with this installation since 1920 and is now superintendent of public works at the air station.


Something of the size of the installation and the scope of the public works department is told in the N.A.S. Annual, a year-book published by the base, for this year.  The book is punctuated with frequent comments written by Mr. Quicker.  They recall his connection with much of the construction and many of the older installations pictured therein.  An old pontoon-equipped bi-plane, for instance, with canvas covered wings; a frail looking craft compared with modern-day jets, is pictured and this margined comment is made in green ink: “Have flown in the above back in 1920.”  The hanger, a small wooden structure on water’s edge, also is pictured.  Mr. Quicker asserts that this hangar “has since been replaced with a more up-to-date hangar.”  One of the modern day hangars he draws attention to “cost 8 million dollars.”


The annual pictures many of the top men of the naval air station.  Mr. Quicker knows and is a friend of most of them.


Mr. Quicker also has held high positions in the Master Mechanics and Foreman’s association.  He was president in 1948 and secretary-treasurer.


Mr. Quicker returned to Clark County four years ago during his vacation.  It was his first return home since 1926.


The Silver Dome will pass July 1st into the hands of Frederick J. Munkholm and his wife, Erna Mae.  They are taking over from the Webers.  They will operate as a corporation, having filed articles, which provide for 120 shares of one class of stock with a stated value of $500 per share.


The Munkholms come from International Falls, Minn. and have three small children. They have had experience in the restaurant business.


In connection with the transfer Walter Keller was recently in Neillsville.  He was spending a little time in Wisconsin.  He was carrying with him a photograph of the modern style houses, which he and his brother Al have been building on their realty development in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.




The Silver Dome Ballroom and Fireplace Supper Club businesses were purchased by Fred and Erna Mae Munkholm on July 1st, 1954.  Original owners were the Keller Brothers, who built the ballroom in 1933 and then the supper club, establishing and operating both businesses in their early existence.


Mrs. Dan Castner has received word of the death of a sister-in-law, Mrs. E. E. Chipman, nee Mary Castner at her home in Granite Falls, Wash., on May 27.  Mrs. Chipman, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Castner, was the last survivor of that early pioneer family.  Her maternal grandfather, Daniel Mack, was one of the first settlers in the Town of Loyal.


The Neillsville community extends its compliments and wishes for success to the Tidy Wood Products Company, which has located in its modern wood plant near the city.  This new industry produces wooden salad bowls, such as are displayed in the window of The First National Bank.


Our congratulations also are extended to Mr. J. Norman, the owner, on his foresight and self-sufficiency in establishing and developing this industry.  It is our hope that the establishment of the Tidy Wood Products plant near Neillsville will be beneficial to the industry and to the community as well.


The Tidy Wood Products Company wants to buy maple logs.  We urge residents of the area to inquire at the Tidy Wood Products Company plant concerning the type and grade of logs needed by them.


(The Tidy Wood Products Company’s building was located west of Neillsville, on the southwest corner of Highway 10 and County Road G.  The building was later occupied by The Hacienda restaurant. D.Z.)





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