Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin December 7, 2011, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
December 1911
The announcement was made that the Thorp post office has been made a savings depository and began receiving deposits on November 21st.
Eat Cream of Wheat for breakfast. It reduces the cost of living. Its available at your Neillsville grocery stores and you will receive a Free Silver Spoon in each package purchased.
Trogner and Johnson are at work making 38 fine tables for library and office purposes. The tops will be of the very finest quarter sawed oak. They will all be of the mission style. They expect to have some or all of them finished before the holidays.
The ONeill House served a fine menu for Thanksgiving Day Dining!
The menu featured: Oyster cocktail, sliced tomatoes, green onions, dressed head lettuce, Michigan celery, dill pickles, chicken giblet soup, Coney island clam chowder, baked lake trout, egg sauce, Pomes Saratoga, boiled Armours Star ham with new spinach, new potatoes in cream, roast sirloin of native beef with mushrooms, roast young turkey with oyster dressing, cranberry sauce, Virginia style stewed chicken, Italian spaghetti, Irish potatoes, stuffed baked squash, early June peas, fresh Lobster salad, home made pastry, hot mince pie, lemon cream pie, Thanksgiving ice cream, raisins, mixed nuts, American cheese, tea, coffee, buttermilk, sweet milk and Cafι Noir.
Meal was only 35’ per person. An enjoyable Thanksgiving Dinner!
(Wow, what a faire. Also, Cafι Noir is a small cup of strong, black coffee. D. Z.)
Wanted to buy a forty-acre farm in Fremont, York or Weston, with some improvements; Price not over $1,600. Will pay cash; Write address, Lock Box 95, Neillsville, Wis.
The first creamery in this locality, probably the first in Clark County was built in 1890 by D. Dickinson who last week, retired from mercantile business in Neillsville. The creamery stood near where Gus Krauses house now stands over near Black River Bridge. The patrons set their milk in deep cans and the cream hauler skimmed the cans. The cream was paid for by the inch, a glass in the side of the can showing the amount of cream. In the spring of 1884 a separator was put in and a skimming station was run in the town of Grant near Reinhold Kuechenmeisters place and another in York on the farm later sold by M. C. Redmond. Later the creamery burned down. The Clark County Prospectus, a pamphlet published in the Republican and Press office in 1890, describing the resources of the county, states that the creamery manufactured 5,000 pounds of butter and more per month during the butter season. In the territory then covered by the cream routes of that old creamery, there are now produced fully 75,000 pounds of butter per month during the butter season and more than 40,000 per month in the dead of winter.
At first, farmers were not at all eager to patronize a creamery or go into dairying and the old creamery, although it kept going several years, was not a financial success. The real father in the dairy business around Neillsville was H.B.J. Andrus who started his creamery west of the Black River in 1899 and aroused interest in milk production. For this, Mr. Andrus deserves much credit and kind remembrance.
Did you know that Wisconsin has the largest freight railway yards, the largest grain elevator, the largest ore docks and the largest zinc oxide plant in the world, and it has more cheese and butter factories than any other state in the union?
Chas. Waller, of Columbia, was a business caller at Eau Claire Monday. While there he closed a three-year contract with the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co., to have charge of their gravel pit located near his place at Columbia. The railroad company has several miles of track located there and every winter they store some of their rolling stock, such as boarding cars, gravel cars and such. With the opening of every spring, they find the cars in very bad condition. The stoves in the boarding cars will be smashed, the movable parts will be gone, and the company would then be out thousands of dollars every year. Mr. Waller, living there, will have a good opportunity to watch their property, so the closing of the deal was the result of his Eau Claire visit.
The high water Sunday at Black River Falls took out a portion of the coffer-dam built to throw the river back into its own channel and swept away the center of the pontoon bridge. The city is again shut off from the depot and the old railroad bridge is the only way to cross is on the ties. It is probable that planks will be laid at once on the railroad bridge. It is reported that the party having the contract for building the coffer-dam has thrown up the contract. The situation is very discouraging.
Dwyer & Kurth have recently added to the equipment of their meat market; two notable improvements, a meat slicer and an elevator. The former is an expensive and up-to-date machine for slicing dried beef, boiled ham and such meats. It is clean, sanitary and can be adjusted to a hairsbreadth. The elevator was almost a necessity for getting barrels and heavy articles into and out of the basement.
Evans Shop will for the next 30 days sell items on hand, such as cutters, sleighs, cutter gears, hoarse robes and one Blue Bell cream separator (good as new), all at cost.
Geo. Bue was in town from Shortville and found some high water on the town line road at the Cunningham crossing. The road for some distance was under water, high enough at one place to come into the buggy box. George had to put his feet up on the dashboard of the buggy or else tread water.
Wm. Piper of Greenwood has been busy buying potatoes for the A. M. Penney Co. this season. He states that there have been 12 carloads of potatoes shipped out from there, for which the company has paid $3,000. It is estimated that there are as many potatoes left in the ground on account of the wet season. This can be a great potato country is the opinion of the officials of the A. M. Penney Co. Farmers should plant other varieties such as Rose Round Whites, Long White Triumphs and Ohios.
December 1941
The Pleasant Ridge folks, Tom Hommel and a large number of friends from Neillsville, Granton and other nearby points gathered at the Ridge Church Sunday, Nov. 22, for a homecoming celebration and to honor George Vine, who has been superintendent of the Sunday school for the past 25 years. Mr. Vine, a native of that community, was born February 8, 1876, on the farm now occupied by his brother, Fred Vine. The home farm is located a half-mile north and a half mile east of the church. He was five when the church was under construction and just old enough to toddle down the road to Sunday school when the structure was completed. Since that time he has constantly been connected with the institution as a member and worker in the Sunday school and church.
A potluck dinner served at noon hour was followed by an impromptu program. Rev. Walter T. Scott, a former pastor, Rev. Obed Asp and Rev. G. W. Longenecker were the principal speakers. A number of past teachers and pupils were asked to talk on the influence the church and Sunday school have had upon their lives and the part played by these institutions in the up-building of the community.
There were letters from former Pleasant Ridge people, which were read by Rev. Asp and George Vine.
The first Pleasant Ridge Church, built in 1881-82 under the pastorate of Rev. J. E. Webster, served the community for exactly 50 years for it was in 1933 that the old brick church was destroyed by fire. The following year, a new frame structure was erected, dedication services taking place on the third day of December 1933.
Because of the old-fashioned spirit of neighborliness W. H. Weigert had a new barn Saturday night, not more than 14 hours after his three-year-old barn had been razed to the ground by fire.
Hearing of the loss at the Weigert farm early Saturday morning, about 12 neighbors quickly organized a barn raising bee. They dropped the work they had planned for themselves and hustled over to the Weigert place. And they worked through the day like beavers.
When night fell, the outside of the barn had been finished and the roof was on. Of course, the inside was not completed; no stanchions, or the like, but the cattle had a place out of the night weather. The new barn is 14 by 44 feet, made of hemlock.
Japanese attacks on Hawaii, Guam and Midway Islands resulted Sunday in tightening defenses of the vital Panama Canal. Before close of day authorities in Panama City were rounding up suspicious Japanese. Canal authorities were completely prepared and stringent control was immediately invoked. War declarations of Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica give United States access to valuable bases for defense of the Canal Zone. Several people whose roots are in Neillsville and Clark County are in the Canal Zone. William E. Tragsdorf, clerk in charge of the office of engineering, recently returned from a visit to Neillsville. Wayne Brown, a Neillsville youth and army pilot, is stationed there. Mrs. William E. Miller, nee Jeanne Kurth, is in the Canal Zone with her husband.
Relatives of many others were in Army and Naval duty in the danger zone.
Among them are: Charles
Perushek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Perushek of Willard, a machinist mate
on an aircraft carrier at Pearl Harbor. Robert, 21, and James Cattanach,
24, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cattanach of Owen, second class seamen on a
cruiser last reported in Pearl Harbor.
Keith Colby, Loyal, stationed with an army unit on the island of Guam. Pvt.
Phillip W. Haag, nephew of Leo Foster of Neillsville, stationed at Pearl
Harbor. Lt. B. B. Becker of Neillsville, stationed at Manila, P.I.
Vincent and Alphonse Melcher, brothers of Mrs. George D. Hart, whose husband operates the A&P meat concession in Neillsville, army men stationed near Honolulu.
Names of those in the danger zone are necessarily incomplete, and were the last known stations of the men. News of the treacherous bombing attacks on the Pearl Harbor naval base at Honolulu, HI, jarred Neillsville and Clark County residents Sunday afternoon, as they never had been jarred before.
Deep resentment at the stab in the nations back, momentary shock, and high excitement were immediate reactions of Clark County residents; and the war became the exclusive subject of conversation and speculation on street corners, at restaurant counters and bars, and in homes.
These reactions rapidly took concrete form Monday morning. By 9 oclock that morning at least six telephone calls had been received by Fred Lakosky, chairman of the county selective board, at his home in Loyal. All of these were from men who wanted to enlist in the army or navy. One was from a 38-year-old man, a father of seven children, and a man who holds a responsible position in his community.
This action alone indicated an almost complete reversal of public attitude, for it has been some time since the selective service board has had volunteers in any number.
An early indication of the guarding against saboteurs was the stationing of guards 24 hours a day on the Omaha railroad bridge over the Black River at the western edge of Neillsville. The guard duty is under the direction of Claude Westphal, section foreman, and was started Tuesday.
One local merchant said that a little Christmas toy sold Saturday evening, had been returned almost as soon as the store had opened Monday morning. It had been made in Japan and the stamp so designating its place of origin was on it.
Articles made in Japan are far fewer on their shelves of local merchants than they were three or four years ago. For the most part they have gradually been pushed aside by American and English-made articles of similar variety.
There was no doubting that the attitude of Clark County residents was squarely and solidly behind President Roosevelt Monday noon when he asked congress for a declaration of war against Japan.
A decision to sell the county poor farm in the Town of York and to move the personal property onto the Clark County Asylum farm was reached by the public property committee in joint session Tuesday morning with members of the pauper claims committee.
Three reasons for exposing the 160-acre farm for sale were listed by the committee. Because of present world conditions, the committee deemed this the best time to offer the property for sale. Other reasons entering into the decision were the fact that William Plummer, manager of the poor farm for several years, does not care to rent the farm, and that a new heating system is needed.
The real estate will be sold under sealed bids, which will be opened at 9:30 a.m. February 8, the committee determined.
The 280 acres of the Andrew Anderegg estate in North York was sold at public auction recently. Jake Anderegg purchased 200 acres and his son, Edwin purchased the remaining acres.
Grand Opening Saturday, Dec. 6, of Andys Super Market on Hwy 10, opposite Hauges Floral Company; Serve your-self and Save. We feature Schwahns Sausages; Schwahns wieners lb. 25’ or Bologna lb. 19’.
The Radtke Hardware Store was located in the I. O. O. F. building at 140 West 5th Street in the early 1900s. The circa 1910 photo was taken of the interior during a day of business. Those in the photo, left to right, were: Mr. Resong, Herbert Radtke (in knee pants standing on the sales counter), Tom Hommel, and Mr. Radtke. The man at the far right, between stoves, was not identified. |
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