Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

April 25, 2012, Page 10

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

April 1882


The funeral of the Hon. James O’Neill, Sr., took place from the Court House last Thursday. Every business house in the city closed from noon until evening and the citizens of this place and many from the surrounding country assembled filling the spacious Court Room to its utmost capacity to pay their last tribute of respect to the pioneer of Clark County and the founder of our city. The services were conducted by the Rev. H. W. Bushnell, who paid a fitting tribute to the memory of the deceased in the eulogy pronounced.                                            


The Neillsville flouring mills shut down last Tuesday, having run out of grain.  Mr. Colburn has several carloads at the depot, where it must remain during the mud blockade.                      


The first school in what is known as District No. 3, in the Town of Lynn, commenced last Tuesday with Miss Anna Redmond as teacher.  The district was created last fall at the solicitation of Stephen Welsh, and Steve, is as happy over the event as any boy ever was with his first pair of boots.                       


Little maple sweetness has been to market this spring, the season’s having proven the most unfavorable one for its manufacture known for years.                                                                  


The log drive, while it has not been a general success, has been immensely so on Wedge’s Creek, Popple River and several more of the steams tributary to Black River.  The upper river log drive delay has been caused by the ice.


The new O’Neill Creek Bridge in this city has been badly warped by the undermining of the upper end of the north pier. This pier was built during the winter and indications are that the foundation of the upper portion thereof was not placed below the quicksand, washing out at that point at the time the dam above went out, nearly two years ago.  The bridge will be put in shape by its builder, Mr. Bradshaw, as soon as the water is low enough to permit the work being done.


Last Saturday was a very lively day for Neillsville.  For the first time in several weeks the roads were sufficiently good to admit travel and persons, generally, from the surrounding towns were to be seen on our streets.


Albert Towns, postmaster at Heathville, left for Michigan about three weeks ago and it is supposed has no intention of again returning to that locality to assume charge of the Heathville office, the functions of which were suspended by his departure.                                                                                         


The Town of Loyal was formed from territory formerly belonging to the Town of Weston and was organized February 28, 1865. The town composed all the territory in 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Range 1 East, and 1 and 2 West of the 4th Principal meridian, and was reduced to its present boundaries, Township 26, Rant 1 West in 1873.


The surface is rolling, with rich soil of clay loam under-laid with hard-pan, and is very productive, especially to grass and clover.  It also bears good crops of oats, rye, potatoes, barley, corn and buckwheat, but is not good wheat growing country, there not being sufficient amount of lime in the soil. Turnips, onions and all kinds of vegetables grow in abundance.  The uplands are covered with a thrifty growth of timber, mostly maple, basswood, ironwood, birch, rock elm, black and white oak and some butternut and white ash. Some of the low lands and along the streams is mostly pine mixed with the hard wood, which is of a superior quality.


Rock Creek flows through the northeast corner of the town, flowing from northwest to the southeast, and is used for floating out the pine logs into Black River by means of dams built every two or three miles for that purpose. There are several other small streams in the town.


The farms are generally supplied with water by means of wells, where water is found in abundance and of a good quality, at the depth of from fifteen to sixty feet, the average of being about forty feet.  The woods are well supplied with grass and herbage, enabling cattle to find plenty of grazing and in the latter part of the season are ready for beef marketing.


There is also a large amount of maple sugar manufactured from the sugar maple, which is found on all the uplands on almost every farm. The early settlers depended mostly on the logging woods for their supplies, which they received in turn for their labor, but in the past five or six years they have turned their attention more to farming and there are now one hundred and four improve farms in the town.  There is a large amount of unimproved lands, which is owned by non-residents and includes some of the choicest land for farming purposes. The lands are being offered for sale at from five to ten dollars per acre, according to the quality and location.


April 1937


April 4th marks the Fourth Anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps.  Officers, Technical Staff and Enrollees of Company 655, Camp Arbutus lake B-52 (Wis.) cordially invite their relatives and friends to join them in observing this anniversary.


Observation will be nationwide with appropriate ceremonies; and the members of this camp are asking the public to respond and attend the exercises wherever they have friends or relatives. Interest shown by the public in cooperating with the camps will, in a way, go to prove their appreciation for the splendid conservation work being done in fire prevention, reforestation, road improvement and so forth.                                                                                      


There will be a CCC enlistment at the courthouse Monday afternoon, April 5, beginning at one o’clock.  This will be for single men from 17 to 28 years of age.                                                                    


The stubs of an old Pleasant Ridge School order book which was brought to our attention by O. W. Counsell, a former clerk of that district, contains a fund of interesting history and also so much of actual news value, that we take pleasure in passing it on to our readers.


The location of the schoolhouses and the wages paid will be of particular interest to younger generations.  Among the incidental orders drawn is one for $1 to Mrs. J. Selves for cleaning the schoolhouse. This work, always done at a very low wage, seems to have been done in turn by a member of about every family in the district.


Teachers’ wages, according to the record, were also very modest, ranging from $10 to $35 per month during the 39 years in question.


The first schoolhouse, a log building, was erected opposite the Blackman farm. This crude building was later replaced by a more commodious and substantial structure, located on the line between the George Swann and Louis Schultz farms, on the north side of the road.  It was moved to the present school site and was later torn down and replace by the building that burned about 22 years ago. At that time Neillsville boasted a civic secretary, Walter Schatz, who aided the people of that community in obtaining plans for the fine building, which still serves the Reed District.


(The Reed School building is now a historical site, located on the southeast corner of U.S. Highway 10 and Cardinal Avenue intersection. On summer weekends the building is open to visitors and tourists who may be interested in seeing the setting of a typical rural school in its time of education. D. Z.)        


A Town of Washburn farmer was fine $100 and costs or six months in the Clark County Jail on Saturday when he appeared before Judge E. W. Crosby on a charge of having unstamped liquor in his possession. The arrest was made by state liquor agents and charged that they had found a 10-gallon still and coil and a quantity of moonshine of the farm property.


George Bandelow and son, Marlin and family moved Thursday from their old home in Pine Valley to a farm near Marshfield.  The farm, vacated by the Bandelows, will be occupied by Hilbert Naedler and family, who moved in the latter part of the week from the old Ziglinski farm in the Town of Grant.


The parsonage of the Zion Lutheran Church at Maple Works near Granton was discovered on fire Monay, April 12, and it would have been destroyed had it not been for the prompt and efficient work of the Granton Fire Department.


Fishing licenses are now in the hands of agents in Clark County, Clerk Calvin Mills announces.  Old licenses expire May 1.  Licenses are required by anyone using any rod or pole to which a reel is attached.


(That means anyone fishing with a cane pole didn’t need a license. D. Z.)


Leland Davis’ application for the privilege of running Uncle Tom’s Cabin, soft drink stand, at the Hewett and West Sixth Street corner was denied Tuesday night by the city council.  The officials decided that stand would be too much of a hindrance to traffic.                                                                           


Kids! Here’s good news for all you marble shooters.


Lawrence Millard, county superintendent, has been selected to sponsor a marble-shooting contest for Clark County in connection with a statewide contest being put on by the WPA and the Milwaukee Journal.


It is tentatively planned to hold three preliminary contests in Clark County, at Neillsville, Owen and Greenwood, with the finals being played in Neillsville. Winners of the contest will take part in the district contest at La Crosse and the district winner will go to the state contest at Milwaukee.                              


Memories of the dedication of the Neillsville Opera House on Wednesday evening, February 22, 1893, were revived by many of the older citizens a preparations were being made, during the past few weeks for the rededication of the remodeled and newly decorated Armory.  Mrs. Ruth Wage has a well-preserved copy of the formal invitation issued for that gala occasion 44 years ago, when Co. A gave its first military ball. The price for tickets and supper was $3, with music furnished by Whitcomb’s Orchestra and the grand march was led by Claude Sturdevant and Margaret (Eilert) Listeman. The committee on arrangements, according to the folder, consisted of Capt. J. W. Hommel, Lieut. H. W. Klopf, Lieut. I. B. Spencer and Private B. E. Luethe.  The reception committee included Corps. R. Carleton, W. Wolcott, Bert Beardsley and Privates Geo. Jacques, A. E. Dopp, Julius Neverman and Harry Baldwin, while those in charge of invitations were Privates. O. A. Jackson, Dr. Wm. J. Brewster and George A. Huntzicker. Floor managers were Sergeants W. B. Calway, F. A. Archer and Frank Glass.  


The Neillsville National Guard Unit’s 1892 Armory building was located in the 100 block of East 4th street and served many purposes during its existence.  The National Guard offices were located in the building, and it was also often referred to as the Neillsville Opera House in the earlier years.  It had a large auditorium, which featured a stage and hardwood floor with portable seating available when needed. Theatre groups often performed there and local civic organizations sponsored popular dance bands for special occasions. The 1905 Neillsville High School building, located across the street (in the next block to the east) from the Armory, didn’t have an auditorium so used the Armory’s facilities for basketball games, proms, plays and graduation exercises.



The city council Tuesday night passed an ordinance requiring all bicycle riders in the city to be licensed and providing regulations similar to those governing automobile traffic.                


Friday, the State Highway Commission of Madison opened the bids on new highway paving contracts in 18 counties, the total aggregating over $2,000,000.


One of the bids was 6.975 miles on Highway 73 in Clark County from south of Christie to Greenwood, the successful bidders being McKenzie Brothers Inc. of Minneapolis, Minn., their bid being $169,701.13.


Work is supposed to begin in the near future.                                     


The North Side Park, which has been farmland for a number of years will be seeded and put into shape this summer. It is also planned to plant more trees and lay out a playground and baseball diamond. This work was started a number of years ago but was laid aside for work deemed more necessary at that time.  Other projects planned for the summer are opening of two roads, Bruley and 9th Street to 13th Street and Price Street, just east of Emery Street at the west end of the park.


Representatives of the newly formed golf club corporation, which is buying the Hawthorne Hills Country Club, appeared before the city council Tuesday night to request a donation of $500 from the recreational fund to assist them in completing the transaction. As an inducement to the city the aldermen were informed that the golf course would be opened to children free of cost six mornings a week where the young people could learn and play golf under the supervision of a professional.


Francis Welsh, who was the first to address the council, stated the golf course was being purchase at a cost of $5,300 and that between 34 and 35 $400 shares had been sold up to date.  He asserted that the group was having difficulty in raising the balance, but said the deal could be put over with a $500 lift from the city.  He pointed out that the course would have to be abandoned unless help is received immediately and declared it was an asset of great value to the city. Art Russell, who told the council he never played golf, said he favored the project.


Other speakers were Everett Skroch, secretary of the junior Chamber of Commerce, and William Campman. They emphasized the importance of preserving the course as a matter of civic pride and value.


A special meeting of the council has been called for tomorrow, which the question of whether the money is to be contributed will be settled.


Attend the first annual ball of the Junior Chamber of Commerce at the Silver Dome, Saturday, May 1.  Music will be by he new Silver Dome Orchestra of Seven Pieces. Gents 40’, Ladies 25’


Frank Hemp owns a rare old violin that was made 128 years ago, according to the label inside of the instrument.  It reads: “Georg Gutter Atorf Im sachsichen Voightland, 1808,” done in the Latin script. This violin belonged to Mr. Hemp’s great-grandfather and was brought to America by his father. About five years ago Theodora Hemp took it to Milwaukee to have it repaired and was told by an artist in that line that he knew of only one other instrument of this make, which was manufactured about a year later.





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