Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI, May 1, 2013, Page 9


Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

May 1, 2013, Page 9

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

April 1913



Donald Crothers who has been working for his uncle J. M. Johnson of Oxford, Wis., for several months past, came home Tuesday to work on the farm.                                                           


A full line of John Deere machinery, including gasoline engines, will be on hand in April at J. A. Randall’s shops.


The Fred Klopf homestead on Sixth Street in this city will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, the 5th day of April, 1913, at two o’clock in the afternoon.  The sale will take place at the front door of the courthouse.  Those who intend to purchase a home in Neillsville will do well to attend this sale.


During recent years, rowing has been revolutionized by the advent of the Evinrude.


This is a portable motor that can be readily carried from place to place and fitted to any size or style of rowboat.  It weighs but fifty pounds and develops 2 H.P. and will drive a boat eight miles an hour.


Five leading government agencies have adopted this modern means of transportation for Light House Service, Coast Survey and other lines of work.


C. H. Gates has been appointed local representative for the Manufacturers.


The old Christ Vates farm, two miles north of Loyal, sold last week for $18,250.  It consisted of 158 acres with good buildings and is in a good state of cultivation.                                   


Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Connor issued cards this week announcing the marriage of their daughter, Helen Melissa, to Reverend Melvin Robert Laird.  The marriage will take place Wednesday evening, April 16, 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, Marshfield.  Reception will be at 403 East Third Street.                          


The Pleasant Ridge Creamery cooperated last Thursday to buy and sell all farm produce and fuel at wholesale.


Mr. Herbert Counsell and Miss Maude Raine were married April 9, 1913 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Raine, in Pine Valley.  Rev. Prescott officiated.  Only relatives and near friends of the parties were present.  The bride was attended by Misses Ella Raine and Nina Counsel, and Claude Raine and Clarion Counsell acted as groomsmen.


The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Counsell of Pleasant Ridge.


The young couple has rented the Julius Benedict farm in Town of Grant and will begin housekeeping there.


For Sale - single comb brown leghorn eggs for hatching, 50 cents for 13 or $1.25 for three settings.  Also a few Pekin ducks, Embeden white geese and bronze turkey eggs.  See Mrs. Geo Bandelow


Mrs. J. Enhelder, an elderly lady of Weston has invented and patented a device for feeding bees, which for some reason or other has failed to store enough honey.  This device invented by Mrs. Enhelder is just the thing to do the feeding successfully and not waste any material.                                           


Farm Loans - I am prepared to make farm loans at 5½ percent interest with the privilege of partial payments.  No commissions or charges for drawing papers.  Geo. L. Jacques, Neillsville, Wis.


Mr. A. E. Lawrence of Wabeno, Wis., was a pleasant caller at our office last Friday.  Mr. Lawrence at one time ran the store at York Center and later went to Loyal and established a bank.  He is now cashier of the bank at Wabeno and interested largely in timberlands in Forest County.                               


The old Hemlock Dam has been gradually washing away since the river broke up this spring. The first break was on the west side where an old pier gave way.  The fill and embankment is now being carried downstream.  In all probability, the historic structure will never again fill a pond, which extended for miles back of it and was a most beautiful spot in the summer months.   



Some large rocks on the far side of the Black River, about four miles north of Greenwood, are all that remains of the former Hemlock Dam structure. Two earthen dikes, one on each side of the river, helped hold the water back. The main portion of the dam was carried out in a spring flood.  At one time, Hemlock was a thriving hamlet with a boarding house, a store run by Baxter Shaw, two houses, two shanties and a mill that was run by Mr. Limprecht.



There will be a dance at the New Hall in Globe on Friday, May 2nd.  All are cordially invited.


County Highway Commissioner W. C. Thoma and a crew have been at work this past week making some portable sheds to be used for sheltering teams; a sleeping shanty for road crews during road building season and sheltering road machinery during the rest of the year.                                                                


It is reported that Otto Zank has bought the Sam Johnson Farm in Pine Valley.


Wheeler Forman’s horse and buggy were mired and nearly passed from view in a mud hole in front of Taplin’s barn on the North Side last Friday.  It caused quite an excitement and lookers-on were expecting to see the poor animal croak, but after a little rest it took up his burden of parcel post and mail, being able to make the route as usual.


For Sale or Exchange: A 5-passenger automobile; fully equipped and in first-class running order.  Will exchange, for unimproved lands, livestock or anything of value; see J. A. Phillips.


April 1958


Ground was broken in Withee Sunday morning for a new Nazareth Lutheran Church building, which will cost an estimated $44,000 with its equipment. Construction is expected to start right after Easter.


A bell tower will be located at the southeast corner of the narthex, and in it will be hung the bell of the present church. This is the only old piece of equipment, which will be used in the new church, according to the pastor, the Rev. W. Clayton Nielsen. The bell was dedicated in 1905 and has been in constant use since that time.


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lautenbach and family moved Saturday to Granton, onto the Eugene Thiede farm, which they purchased recently.  The Heck brothers purchased the Lautenbach farm south of Greenwood.


Electors of the Town of Pine Valley voted without equivocation Tuesday to purchase a rural fire truck and establish fire protection.  They will do it either in cooperation with other townships adjoining, if those townships desire or they will go it alone.


That was the outcome of the rural fire district question at the Pine Valley meeting, where the vote was 52 in favor, and 12 against.                                                                                                


Word was received here Tuesday of the death in the east of Maj. Gen. Clarence L. Sturdevant, a native of Neillsville who was in charge of engineering for the Alcan Highway during World War II.


It was not known here where General Sturdevant was at the time of his death at 8 a.m. Monday.  However, he and Mrs. Sturdevant had been making their home at Silver Springs, Md., since his retirement several years ago.


Gen. Sturdevant was the son of Lafayette Sturdevant, one-time attorney general of Wisconsin.  His father built the house now occupied by the Dr. Kenneth Manz family at 202 Clay Street, and it was in that house that Gen. Sturdevant spent his boyhood.


He was graduated from West Point military academy and became a career army officer. The high point of his career was the construction of the famous Alcan Highway, which connects the United States with Alaska by overland route through Canada. This highway, still in use, was recognized as a tremendous feat of engineering and construction skill.


Gen. Sturdevant was married to Beth Youmans, daughter of Mr. and Drs. C. A. Youmans, early residents of Neillsville and Clark County, and was a sister of the late Guy C. Youmans.  They home was a landmark of Pleasant Ridge until it was razed a few years ago by C. A. Paulson and replaced by a smaller, modern structure.


Also surviving are two children: John, and Miss Elizabeth, who is a librarian in Walter Reed Hospital at Bethesda, Md.


So far as is known here, General Sturdevant achieved the highest military rank of any native son of Clark County.


The sale of three farms in the Neillsville area was reported during the last week.


In one of the largest sales of the beginning season, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vandeberg of Neillsville purchased the Edward Murphy farm opposite the Neillsville Country Club. They also own a farm in the Town of York, which is in the soil bank.


The sale was completed Tuesday, and the Vandebergs have taken possession.


Another sale reported was that of the John Epding farm of 40 acres, just east of the city on route one, to Ray Reineck.  Mr. Reineck, high school janitor, took possession this week and has sold his farm in the Town of Pine Valley to Chicago residents.                                                                                              


The formal designation of a ballpark and playground area and the opening of a section around it on the north side for residential expansion, were voted by the Neillsville city council Tuesday evening.


The vote was unanimous in the affirmative and was formalized with a motion to sell building lots for approximately 14 homes, and to reserve the remainder of the area, including the present ball park used by the Pee Wee League, plus additional space, for park and playground purposes.


The property involved is bordered by 12th and 15th streets on the south and north, and by Lynch Street, actually an extension of Willow Street as it lays south of O’Neill Creek, on the east.  Properties fronting on Bruley Street are the western boundary of the area.                                                                  


Baseball is underway at Neillsville High School with Coach Gene Staffen in charge.  Thirty boys reported this week with six lettermen; John Schwellenbach, Tom Dorski, Phil Thompson, Richard Quast, Darrel Tompkins and Marvin Dux, returning.


Neillsville will be represented on the mound by Jerry Stytz and Tom Meyer, with Johnny Schwellenbach of Christie doing the receiving.                                                                                      


Coach George Gannon reports 33 boys out for the Granton High School baseball team with four lettermen; Jim Lee, Orville Garbisch, Dale Trimberger and Douglas Opelt, returning.


“We lost our battery from last season and every position is open,” said Coach Gannon.  “Several men will be tried at each position.”                                                                                                           


A swarm of congregation members razed the old Zion Lutheran parish hall last week, a building believed to be more than 100 years old, as a preliminary to the construction of a new church on Mapleworks corner.


The new church, for which ground breaking ceremonies are tentatively planned for the first Sunday in May, will be situated diagonally across the large Mapleworks Corner. It will be built of brick construction, 97 by 41 feet, with basement. The entrance will face the corner, being located on the southeast end of the building.


With an estimated cost of $100,000, the congregations has already raised between $35,000 and $40,000 in cash for the project.  Much of the expense will be eliminated by the donation of work by members.  A Wisconsin Rapids architectural firm as designed the building and the building committee has Richard Hillert as its chairman and Clarence Pannier as its secretary.


On the location of the parish hall, more commonly referred to as the “Ladies Aid building,” will be a large parking lot.  At least 19 members of the congregation were present to work on dismantling the old parish hall, known as the “Ladies Aid Hall” at Windfall Corners, now Granton. The main portion of the building was more than 100 years old.  This old building, one of the historical landmarks of the Mapleworks Corner, will provide form materials for the new church.  Beautiful pine lumber was in it. All clear wood, some of the boards measured two feet and more in width; like nothing available today.


The main portion of the structure originally stood on the location of the present Hugo Trimberger home.  At that time Mapleworks was the area settlement, and there was no Granton.


In 1890 the building was moved across the street to its later location. For a time the Zion congregation, which is a member of the Missouri Synod, used it as a residence for the church schoolteacher.  In more recent years, it has been used as the parish hall.                                                                                             


Ed Francis, who started barbering in Neillsville about 33 ½ years ago, will retire from active work when he closes shop Saturday afternoon, he announced this week.


He started in 1924, working under the late Harry White, working with him for about a year, when he purchased the Fred Neverman barbershop on October 25, 1925.  The shop then was located in the building now occupied by the A & P food store.


In 1953 Mr. Francis and Harold Pischer entered into partnership, where he worked with the exception of a few wartime years.  In 1945 he purchased the present building on East Sixth Street, behind the A & P store and remodeled it into a barbershop and apartments.                                                                         


William Seif and Corliss Harriman of Chili and Eddie Zschernitz and Ray Rodreguz both of Marshfield, left Sunday afternoon for a smelt fishing trip near Ashland.  Mr. Zschernitz, who left the group to return to the car, became stuck in quicksand.  Sinking deeper as he struggled, he finally called for help.  Before being freed, a pair of shoes was lost.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKinney, of Indiana, have purchased the William Stockwell farm in Pine Valley and plan to take possession May 10.  William Stockwell purchased the 123-acre tract, located west of the Black River, in 1912.  He lived on the farm alone from 1912 until 1916, when he was married to Miss Ella Stelloh, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stelloh.  Mr. and Mrs. Stockwell have lived on this farm for 42 years, now planning to move into the city of Neillsville.


Mrs. Lila Oelhofen, the former Lila Tieman, and her two sons have moved here from Milwaukee, now living in the Kenyon apartments in Greenwood.    


Verlyn Schmidt of Loyal has moved his family into their new home on the Max Statz farm in the Town of Weston.  Mr. and Mrs. Statz moved April 7 into the Ray Larson house on 28th Street.





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