Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI,May 8, 2013 Page 11


Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

May 8, 2013 Page 11

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

May 1878


Mr. Robert Schofield has decided to move from Weston’s Rapids to Greenwood, where he will hereafter make his home.


The ripple of excitement caused by the election has all died away and everybody is once again on good terms with everyone else.  The saloon-keepers have got their licenses and the temperance people are preparing to carry on the campaign in the old way, by moral persuasion.


The license men engaged in a general jubilee on Tuesday night.  They in fact rather overdid the thing. A man may feel happy over the assurance of his regular rations of whiskey for the coming year without firing a cannon and “whooping ‘er up” all night to the annoyance of those who are able to take matters more complacently.


The Christie House has been purchased by James O’Neill, Sr., its builder and original proprietor. The name of the house will be changed back to the O’Neill House, by which it is still generally known. The House will be conducted by Mrs. O’Neill, who, since taking charge of it a few months ago, has kept an excellent business.


Black River Falls voted to take a drink last Tuesday by a majority of one.  That is, one temperance member, W. T. Price and two license men, Vincent and Oleson, were elected, one of the latter having but one majority.


At the last session of the County Board, Joseph Gibson, John Welsh and D. L. Stafford were appointed a committee to select a site for a new bridge on the Black River road.  They performed their duties last week and will report in favor of locating the bridge at the Dells, near the old French mill.                            


A revolution in the method of logging seems to be seriously considered in all lumber districts of the northwest, especially since the failure of the snow last winter.


The utility of railroads or tramways is coming to be quite generally believed in and if they do not prove a success it will not be because they have not received sufficient trial.


A St. Croix firm, the Star and Times tells us, in constructing four cars to be used in hauling logs from skidways in the woods.  Each car will have eight wheels, about 18 inches in diameter.  The cars are constructed so that they can be let out to any length desired. They are run on oak rails, four inches across by three deep. The cars will cost about $150 each, and the track about $500 per mile.  Hewn timber will be laid down and the rails spiked to them.


It is the intention of this firm, Jefferson & Jacobs, to log all summer.  Theis new system of railroading logs to the streams, if it is found practicable at all, will have that one great advantage proposed to be taken by the St. Croix firm.


Work has been pushed forward on the railroad as fast as the rainy weather of this week would permit.  The permanent survey is now more than two-thirds completed.  The grading is going steadily forward and the timber is being got out for the Wedge’s Creek Bridge, which is to be a Howe truss.  A contract for getting out 10,000 ties along the line of the roadway has been let to Hiram Sprague, at five cents apiece.  This is simply for the labor of working the ties, the company furnishing the timer and taking the ties on the ground.                           


A lodge of the sons of Herman was organized the first of last week by the Germans of this place. The lodge starts out with a good membership.                                                                                 


The work on the railroad has been pushed to earnest this week. Mr. Gates has been busy with from twenty-five to thirty men and has already got several miles ready for the ties, there being but little more to do than to cut away the brush and small trees. It was the intention to have four miles of the road ready for the ties by tomorrow night and the latest work assures that it will be accomplished.


The road is being built, along with energy of the managers and the general and growing interest of the people, it is fair to expect that before many months we shall be in communication by rail with the balance of the rest of the world.  It will not be sixty days before the grading is done.  As ties are to be had, this will also be a small job for the hundreds to expert choppers who are ready to lend their assistance. Cash subscriptions are increasing at a rate that makes it quite certain that the funds for iron can be raised by the time the ties will be needed on the project.


May 1938


Over 100 golfers enjoyed play on the Neillsville course Sunday, May 1st, including many from Black River Falls and other places.  Five new members joined Sunday.  The new “Get Your Goat” game started off in good shape, with Geo. F. Zimmerman accumulating two “goats” during the day.


Gentlemen members of the Neillsville golf club are requested to bring hammers and saws to the club house Sunday morning at 9 o’clock and assist with some carpenter work planned for that day.  A porch at the north will be lengthened parallel with the east porch.  If you cannot be there at 9 a.m. please come as soon thereafter as possible. There will be a number of professional contractors to start the work off on a proper footing.  The ladies will serve dinner at 12:30.  In the afternoon there will be mixed foursomes in a blind bogey tournament.


A new national political party, the National Progressives of America, was launched by Gov. Philip La Follette at a mass meeting at Madison Thursday evening, April 27, attended by 10,000 people from all parts of Wisconsin, including many from Clark County. The new emblem is a cross within a circle.  La Follette has been speaking before audiences in Iowa and Minnesota with permits sought to go on state ballots.




Governor Philip La Follette and a group of Clark County Progressives standing in front of the Slovenian Hall in Willard in early October 1938.  Pictured (l-r) Hugh Givin of Loyal, Henry Rahn, Calvin Mills, Governor Philip F. La Follette, Senator W. J. Rush, John Ockerlander and Peter C. Ludovic.


The first outdoor band concert of the season Sunday at Schuster Park by the high school band was enjoyed by a large number of people. The band and Director R. A. Becker have the thanks of our citizens for the concert, which was much appreciated.                                                                                        


Having leased the Cummings Filling Station, corner of Division Street and Grand Avenue, I will have an opening Saturday, May 7.  To each customer purchasing 5 gallons of Gasoline on that day, they will receive One Quart of Oil FREE.  Richard Schlueter, Proprietor of the DX Oil Station.                      


The public library of Neillsville was started by three people: Mrs. Chauncey Blakeslee, Mrs. D. B. R. Dickinson and L. B. Ring. Five years after it was started, C. S. Stockwell and an enthusiastic group of citizens took over the library and managed to get a library building constructed on the Doc. French lot.


When the present library site was purchased C. C. Sniteman, Judge James O’Neill and three other citizens gave $100 each to help pay for the site.                                                                     


Clark County maple syrup producers are establishing a national reputation for their product, as orders for their syrup are pouring into the county agricultural agent’s office from cities as far away as Spokane, Washington.  A Chicago railway office recently ordered 78 gallons and a nationally known company is looking ahead to Christmas when Clark County maple syrup will be shipped out as Christmas gifts.                                     


The city of Neillsville is beautifying the park around the water tower by leveling and terracing the grounds, trimming the trees and planting flowers.  It is planned to add tables and benches later so that citizens may take their picnic lunches there.


Throughout the years this point has been generally recognized as an ideal spot for a park, due to its nearness to the downtown section and the panoramic view one gets from its height.


Mrs. W. B. Tufts is supervising much of the work, especially the laying out of flowerbeds and borders and the plantings, her services being given without compensation.                                


The Reinhard-Davis Co. moved Monday from the Otto Lewerenz building on South Hewett Street to the H. J. Naedler garage building east of the new post office on East Sixth Street, where they will carry on their auto service and repairing and agency for Pontiac cars, GMC and DT trucks. Mr. Naedler will continue to handle his accessory and other lines.


Otto Lewerenz is having the building vacated on South Hewett Street remodeled for restaurant purposes and a large crew of men is at work making the necessary alterations and additions.


The main part of the building is being remodeled for a confectionary, restaurant and ice cream sales, which will be 40 by 44 feet in size.  At the rear is a large room 23 by 40 feet that Mrs. Lewerenz says also is being remodeled.


An artistic entrance is planned at the front of the building where root beer will be sold.


Train after train ran over the Omaha line through Altoona and Fairchild Wednesday every few minutes.  High water and washouts on the Burlington and Milwaukee tracks near Prescott and Red Wing made the rerouting necessary.  However, Omaha trains managed to keep running on regular schedules.            


W. J. Marsh, who for over 50 years has been an outstanding merchant of Neillsville, announces this week plans to retire from active business with a lease given on the store building at 170 South Hewett Street to the J. C. Penney Co.  For 47 years Mr. Marsh has conducted a successful ladies ready-to-wear and dry goods store at this location, and it is with deep regret that his many friends note his retirement from active business.


Mr. Marsh started in business here February 22, 1887, with his brother, L. H. Marsh, in a building adjoining the Neillsville Bank.  They continued there until Sept. 1891, when the present building was purchased.  In 1904 W. J. Marsh purchased the interests of his brother, who moved to Seattle, Wash., where he is now located.


Following a “quitting business” sale, which will be announced the coming week, the present store will be extensively remodeled and redecorated before being taken over several months later, by the J. C. Penney Co., under a long term lease. The store is 28 by 104 feet in size, with full basement available for store purposes.


The Neillsville store is the 51st in the state for the J. C. Penney Co., and is one of a number started this year in carefully selected cities.   The first s tore in the state was opened at Watertown in 1916.  The company has over 1,500 stores in the United States.                                                                                          


The Rev. Herbert Juneau of Eau Claire will address the graduates and the assemblage at the eighth grade graduation at the St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Tuesday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m.


Lorraine Jenni and Dolores Tock will represent the class with brief talks on “Service” and “Words of Farewell.”


This year’s graduating class of 21 is the largest at St. John’s Lutheran School in recent years.


Following are the members of the graduating class: Milford and Gerhardt Roehrborn, Herman Wagner, Milton Schoenfeldt, Clifford Roehl, Walter Oelke, Arthur Bardeleben, Louise Ott, Myrtle Geisler, Ericka Tresemer, Dorothea and Eileen Tramm, Vergilie Watenpuhl, Gladys Bardeleben, Marion Wetzel, Lorraine Lewerenz, Dolores Tock, Lorraine Jenni, Dolores Radke, Alvin Eberhardt and Harland Kuhl.


Instructors were Erich Sievert and Miss Adelia Schumacher.            


Bids to complete paving on Highway 73 from Greenwood to Withee, a distance of 10.4 miles, will be received by the State highway commission at Madison Friday, May 20.  This will make a paved highway from Neillsville all the way to Highway 29 at Withee, and also south four miles toward Merrillan.


This is the last concrete paving to be done with funds from the Clark County bond issue of two years ago. These funds will be used to match federal aid in financing the paving, which, along with gravel road connections on side roads, will cost about $250,000 or $25,000 to the mile.


Besides the concrete slab lay the work provides for the moving of 21,000 cubic yards of dirt; 13,000 cubic yards of sand gravel fill; 12,000 cubic yards of gravel for road surfacing and 200 feet of cable guard fencing.


The contract for this work will specify the wage scale. This will be from 50 cents to 60 cents an hour for unskilled labor; 50 cents to $1.35 for intermediate grade, and 70 cents to $1.50 for skilled labor.


Flags will be placed on the graves of 652 departed war veterans in 56 cemeteries in Clark County on Memorial Day, May 30.  There are a number of other Civil War veterans buried in unmarked graves, whose identity has not been established.


Of the deceased veterans five served in the War of 1812, two in the Mexican war, 473 in the Civil War, one in Indian wars, 32 in the Spanish-American War and 126 in the World War.  Buried in Clark County are veterans of every war the United States has ever been engaged in except the Revolutionary War.


The five veterans of the War of 1812, buried in Clark County, are Capt. John French, buried in Neillsville Cemetery; Capt. Joseph Finley, in the Town of Dewhurst (cemetery not certain); Jacob Chesley, in Colby Cemetery; Samuel Hartford, in Pine Grove Cemetery, Loyal; and Bartemus Brooks, Lynn Cemetery.


Gabriel Brisbane of the Town of Hard served in the Mexican War.  Thos. Carleton of Neillsville served in both the Mexican and Civil War.


Bright Feather, an Indian buried in the Town of Dewhurst (Town of Levis: Pvt. Dewey Mike Cemetery) was listed as an “Omaha Scout” during the Civil War.


Henry A. Frantz of Neillsville served in the Spanish-American War and the Boxer Rebellion in China.


Wm. Waterman, Town of Grant, is the only Confederate War veteran buried in Clark County.


Friend Morrison of the Town of Butler served with the Canadian Army in the World War.


Thos. Dygart, Thorp, served in the Indian Wars of 1876 under Gen. Custer and Gen. Miles.


Major Anton C. Martin, Neillsville served in the Spanish-American, Mexican border and World War.


The lives of war veterans buried in Clark County span all but a few years of the history of the United States, as a number were born before Geo. Washington began serving his first term as president.




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