Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin April 8, 2015 Page 11 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
March 1885
The Methodist Sunday school children were treated to a sleigh ride last Saturday. Their merry laughter and shouting as they passed through the streets was pleasant to hear.
Fred Hrach and his brother-in-law will build a cheese factory, three miles northwest of Neillsville. Mr. Hrach was engaged in the cheese business, when living in the old country, Switzerland. Mr. Hrach intends to have some necessary machinery from his factory in Switzerland, which he yet owns, sent over here.
Also, Mr. John Baier will raise grapes for wine on the big hill, three miles northwest of the city, this summer.
Schweizer-Kaese and wine will make a good lunch.
A merry party of seventeen went out to Canons Mill last Friday night and tripped the light fantastic until early morn. They took oysters and other food with them and prepared an elegant supper, to which, we are inclined to think, their appetites did ample justice. They report seventeen barrels of fun to the square minute. The party consisted of: F. S. Kirkland and wife, Jos. Morley and wife, Messrs. E. M. McConnell, W. L. Hemphill, C. B. Kirkland, Louis Schuster, Chas. Lee, and Jeff Schuster; Misses Mame Dewhurst, Mattie and Carrie Schuster, Viola and Dimple French, Jessie Lee and Mrs. Chubb.
The logging camps in the woods are breaking up now and soon under the influence of rains and blazing suns, the product of the wood-cutter labor will be sailing down the river to the sawmill and market.
Uncle Si Wilcox came down from his farm last Friday and took a load of his household furniture back with him. Mr. Wilcox has concluded to make his farm his future home and will put up some fine buildings thereon the coming season.
Every description of fruit, canned goods, candies, pickles, pipes, cigars and tobacco, in the largest quantities and at the cheapest price can be found at Dwight Roberts.
If the roads are good, I will receive new lettuce and radishes today. Dwight Roberts
A little child, five months old, is at the county house and someone is wanted to adopt it. Any childless family has now an opportunity to get someone to love, with only the trouble necessary to clothe and feed it.
The Citys Common Council has purchased two fire alarm bells, one for the North Side, weighing 100 lbs. and one for the City Hall weighing 800 lbs. The bells have been shipped and are expected to reach this city during the week.
Last Friday, a young son of Mr. August Garbush, of Maple Works, had his hip joint dislocated while wrestling with one of his schoolmates. Dr. Templeton was called and soon reset the limb.
The Green Bay Advocate is authority for the statement that at one sale recently, the Upham Manufacturing Co., of Marshfield, sold $150,000 worth of lumber and shingles to the Minnesota Lumber Co., at Polo, Ill., at prices very satisfactory to the seller. This is a large sale, but the Uphams are a broad gauge company and make big sales.
A half dozen Indians visited the city today, having three young bear kittens. They were brought into this office and one of them took Carl Stanges leg for a tree, and true to nature, tried to climb it. The bark on the tree not being very thick, the cubs claws entered the flesh and caused Carl to cavort and prance around and use language as expressive as anyone who had been accustomed to polite society all his life. Mr. Heaslett, who seems to understand bear nature, induced the young cub to let go, and Carl became himself again. The cubs were caught on East Fork, about ten miles from this city. The mother, a big animal, was killed while defending the cubs.
How are we to amuse ourselves at the dime sociable, now that Rev. William Galloway has expressed his desire that euchre playing should be stopped? But we as Christian people cannot see anything worse in enjoying a social game of euchre than there is in playing love in the dark and snap and catch em or some other sickish game. We do not think it is hardly right for cards to be played at the dime socials, as they are for the benefit of our minister, and yet, we do not see anything so terrible bad about it, and besides if our weekly socials were stopped, we think it would be harder to raise funds for the minister.
March 1960
Sale of the cafι and tavern building in Granton owned by Walter Steinbach to John Lewis, former Granton oil company bulk agent, was announced Tuesday evening. The property is located on Main Street, opposite the Schwarze Drug Store. The transfer will take place April 1.
Mr. Lewis and his family moved to Medford about two years ago and for the last year have been located in Galesville. The family will live in an apartment above the business establishments.
Mr. Steinbach told members of the Granton Rotary Club that Mr. Lewis has assured him that the cafι will continue to be operated.
The parking meters are paid for.
City Clerk John C. Brandt said Wednesday that he had made the final payment of $92.61 for the 241 parking meters, which have been in use here since the spring of 1956.
The total payment for them amounted to $16,328.37. This amount included the cost of a post straightener, repair equipment and other appurtenances.
The meters are bringing revenue of from $8,000 to $9,000 per year, Mr. Brandt said, in addition to approximately $1,000 a year for violations.
From this point on, the total receipts will remain with the city. The meters were paid from revenue they produced, with one-half of the proceeds from them being applied to their purchase.
Mrs. Thomas Winters of Neillsville will observe her 91st birthday this afternoon at Memorial Hospital, where she has been a patient for several weeks. Her three daughters, Mrs. Floyd Wall, Mrs. Irving Stevens and Mrs. James Vincent, and her husband, will spend the afternoon with her. Mrs. Winters spent her 87th birthday in a hospital with a fractured hip.
Farm Auction - March 12; Located three miles east of loyal on Highway 98, and 3 ½ miles south; or, 14 miles west of Marshfield on County Trunk H to Greunkes Corner, and 2 ½ miles south of Spokeville. Sale starts at 10 a.m.; with lunch wagon on grounds. Alvin G. and Gerald Luchterhand, owners; Christian Sales Co., Abbotsford, clerk, represented by Al Zygarlicki, Marshfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neff, Sr., have moved into their new residence on West Fourth Street. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Christie and daughter, Kelly, moved last weekend from La Crosse into the Neff residence located just west of the Fullerton Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Poehnlein and family have moved into the Cannon house near the Northside School, recently vacated by the Orville Jake family.
Marriage licenses:
Walter Schmidt, Town of Pine Valley, and Rochelle Wren, Neillsville, to be married March 5, in Neillsville
Eugene John Vick, Marathon County and Carol Jean Brecht, Loyal, to be married March 5, in Loyal
Gerald Arthur Olson, Thorp, and Dorothy Ryniec, Town of Withee, to be married March 5, in Thorp
Sen. John Kennedy will bring his campaign for the democratic presidential nomination into Clark County for the second time today.
Accompanied by his vivacious wife, the young Massachusetts senator is scheduled to arrive in Neillsville at 11 a.m. at the
American Legion Memorial Hall. At 11:30 a.m. he is scheduled to visit the Auto-Test, Inc., plant on West Eighth Street; and will follow this with a noon-time radio talk.
In Neillsville at 11 a.m. and will remain for a little over an hour. A coffee hour reception is being arranged at 11:00 a.m. at the American Legion Memorial Hall, with arrangements being made by Wm H. Yenni.
Sen. Kennedy, who is making a three-day tour of Wisconsin, appeared in Abbotsford about two weeks ago as he invades the ninth congressional district of Wisconsin. The district is considered by many observers, a stronghold of Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota.
The first record of the singing Noeldner sisters of Loyal is on the press and about to be released.
The two songs recorded are numbers composed by the sisters. They are backed by the Tom Francis Quintet of Minneapolis, a rhythm and blues orchestra, as well as Rock n Roll, consisting of lead guitar, a sax, bass, piano and drums.
The record will first appear with a small company label and if it proves successful in this five-state area, the sisters will affiliate with a national label, probably Roulette or Tel.
They are working through Roulette recording artist and Rock n Roll singer, Jimmy Bowen. He first became interested in the singing of the Noeldner sisters when they performed with him and his band, the Rhythm Orchids, at Fourniers Ballroom, Eau Claire, and later at the Prom Ballroom in Minneapolis.
The Noeldner sisters are: Mary 20, bass; Carol, 18, Lead; Kristine, 15, tenor; and Helen, 12, alto.
The Stables Nite Club, located six miles west of Neillsville on Highway 10, has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerbyson of Livonia, a suburb of Detroit, Mich., from Earl Markham. The transfer is to take place April 1. Mr. Markham has operated the place for the last two years.
Purchase of the W. J. Spry & Sons feed mill in Granton by the Neillsville Farmers Union Cooperative, was announced this week by Lloyd L. Spry.
The Granton operation of the locally-based cooperative will be managed by Lester Hebard of Ladysmith.
Were about to clear up the mystery of the mysterious men.
Last week several residents of Neillsville inquired, and others just plain wondered, about a light-colored car containing two men. The car parked in a residential district; the men sat there for a half hour, then they started the car and moved on a half block or so and repeated the process.
Meantime, many residents noted the goings-on, some with an uncomfortable feeling, perhaps wondering if somebody was casing the joints to find soft touches.
They were casing alright; but not for soft touches. The men were Asahel W. Potter and Howard Reynolds, assessors from the state department of taxation district office of Sparta.
Theyre legal. So dont worry. They are conducting the mass appraisal of Clark County, which The Clark County Press reported six months or more ago would be conducted this year by the state. The last such appraisal of property in Clark County was made in 1953.
Figures gleaned in this manner are the basis for the states equalization between local tax districts.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Minette, who last week figured in the purchase of the Edgar Tews house at the corner of Hewett and 1st Street, also were principals in two other real estate transactions reported later in the week.
They sold their house at 1010 Prospect Street to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Meier, who are no living on East 5th Street. The Minettes planned to move into the Tews house about March 15, and the Meiers will take possession of their new house immediately following.
The Minettes also purchased the house of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilsman at 715 West 10th Street about April 1. They plan to build this summer near Schuster Park.
Bill Hrasky, who started tinkering with alarm clocks when he was 10 years old, has completed the assembling of a 1936 Taylor Cub, model J-2, airplane and now looks forward to acquiring a pilots certificate.
I was always interested in anything that would run, said Mr. Hrasky, and in my early years even an alarm clock intrigued me. I always wanted to take them apart and sometimes I wasnt able to get them back together.
After graduating from Neillsville high School in 1925, Mr. Hrasky was employed for several years by a radio factory in southeast Wisconsin. When car radios came into use about 1932, he sold and serviced them. In 1941 he became an electrical mechanic and later operated an automobile repair service on East Sixth Street. Since 1954 he has been in charge of maintenance at Nelson Muffler Corporation in Neillsville.
Back in 1926 Mr. Hrasky became interested in airplanes and had an opportunity to put in many hours of flying in a World War I fighter plane called the Camel. A friend had a pilots license and Bill flew as the mechanic.
That first experience in the air, said Mr. Hrasky was so thrilling that I looked forward to the day when I could fly a plane of my own. When Charles Byse purchased a Kinner Bird biplane I rode with him on many occasions, and also with Richard Qualley of Cannonville when he bought the Byse plane.
Later he had the opportunity of flying with Warden Roy Ferguson of la Crosse and with a pilot at Marshfield. In 1957 he made a trip to Stoughton to see the Beechcraft, which had been operated by the late C. E. Nelson and while looking at it saw the unassembled plane, which he purchased.
The plane was brought to Neillsville in a semi-truck in 1957 and since that time Hrasky has been picking up new or used parts, trying out and timing the motor, and obtaining material for putting the plane into the air.
The plane had a new four-cylinder Continental motor added in 1954 and it was reconditioned in 1957 after only 500 hours of use.
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