Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin November 23, 2016 Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
November 1936
Announcing the opening of a New Barber Shop, November 2! Located one door east of Bill Dahnerts tavern in Neillsville, M. R. Mabie, Proprietor
The Franklin School will give a program Wednesday evening, November 11. After the program, a ten-cent lunch will be served. The public is cordially invited.
(The Franklin School was located one mile south and four miles west of Chili. DZ)
Orchard Tavern, 1-1½ miles east of Granton on Highway 10 will have a Floor Show, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 & 8 with 2 Shows nightly, 10 p.m. and 1 a.m., featuring Pop Eye & the Merrill Sisters. Eats: Spannferkel & Fried Chicken. Fish Fry every Friday night.
Celebrate at the Hainz Night Club, Floor Show to be held Sat. & Sun. Night. Good Food & Drinks. Located 5 miles East of Neillsville on Highway 10.
Saturdays Dollar Day Special; New Fancy Plaid, Heavyweight Suede Shirt, sizes 14½ to 17, $1.00, at Zimmerman Bros.
Carload of Elkhorn Coal on Railroad track; Call 246, Fullerton Lumber Co., D. A. Peterson, Mgr.
Announcing the Welsh Motor Sales, at Naedlers Garage, 109 East Sixth Street. Authorized sales and service for 1937 Oldsmobile, Sixes, and Eights. F. R. Welsh, Prop. Phone Red 36.
The Clark County Board, with all members present and Elmer Anderson as chairman, began its fall session Tuesday with an appropriation of $2,500 as the countys share of the cost of a dam on Hay Creek in North Foster as the first step in the development of a recreational center in that area.
The First National Bank at Neillsville and the Neillsville Bank were selected as depositories for county funds until further action of the board.
Clark County lost its fight in close county owned land to deer hunters when the attorney general last week ruled that counties have no right to post lands entered under the forest crop law. The opinion holds that the state in entering public lands under the forest crop law received no benefit from opening these areas to the public, such land except the privilege for hunting purposes.
Three refuges, however, have been established in Clark County in which it is illegal to hunt from Nov. 21 to 27.
One is north of the Globe CCC Camp, four sections being in Butler, and four sections being in north Foster.
One is south of Globe CCC Camp, which takes in part of 11 sections.
One is west and south of the Y in Hewettville that takes in part of nine sections.
All refuges are surrounded by roads or fire lanes and signs are posted every 500 feet.
Modern Dancing at Silver Dome, Saturday, Nov. 14, 10’ Admission. Music by Forest Cole and his orchestra. Old-Time Dancing will be Tuesday, Nov. 17, with Eddie Schmitt & his orchestra.
Do your Christmas Shopping Early! Make this a joyful Christmas by Giving a Diamond! Exceptional Values! Diamonds Mounted in the latest Types of Mountings, from $13 & up. A good diamond never depreciates in value.
Stop in at Frank Browns Jewelry & Small Appliances store.
For many years, Frank Browns Jewelry Store business was located in the 500 block, west side of Hewett Street, between Snitemans and the Neillsville Bank. The above photo was taken in 1951. |
Fred Draper of Loyal was in Neillsville Saturday evening, enroute to Merrillan to attend a meeting of the Historical Society of Jackson County. Mr. Draper is much interested in the local history of this part of Wisconsin. He has been collecting data on the history of the upper Black River valley and believes that much information of the pioneer days in the lumber region should be collected now before the early settler are all gone.
An overheated store is believed to have started a fire in the William Ehlers shoe shop on the East side of Main Street in Merrillan about 4 a.m. Tuesday, which destroyed the shop and adjoining restaurant run by James Quinn and damaged a former garage, now owned by Jackson County.
Fire departments from Black River Falls, and Alma Center were called to assist the Merrillan company in checking the blaze, which for a time threatened all of the buildings in the block.
Mrs. Arthur Kearney, who was called by the Press Tuesday, stated that Mrs. Frank Larsen, who was on her way to the depot to take an early morning train, saw smoke coming from the shoe shop and ran to the fire bell to give the alarm. John Frei, a hotelkeeper, who happened to be up, heard the bell and rushed to the fire hall and heled her ring the bell.
The fire spread rapidly and a call was sent for outside help, which arrived within a few minutes.
While Harry Roehrborn was in Idaho this fall, a friend made him a present of a mounted elks head. Harry crated the gift and shipped it home, and it is now on display at the Roehrborn store. These animals have become so plentiful in the game reserve that hunters are allowed to shoot a given number, outside of the regular hunting season, paying for this special privilege, $20 for license, but sportsmen must be accompanied by game wardens. The reserve in that state is located only 35 miles from Lewiston, along the Snake River, 25 miles of the trip can be made from that city by car, pack horses being used when the hills are reached.
Photographs and trophies of Neillsville High School basketball teams for the years of 1930-1935 make up the display in the First National Bank window this week. Among them is a photograph of 26 years ago, one of the outstanding teams in the history of the school. This basketball five won and held the interest of the entire community through their fast team work and repeated victories and made headlines in the papers in this section of the state, having attained second place in the Appleton tournament.
The Dixie Oil Station on North Hewett Street next to Ghents shop, operated by Ed Dunham, was last week taken over by Tom Peaslee, who took possession Saturday.
Mr. Peaslee has been engaged in farming in this locality for several years and has quite a wide circle of friends.
A new road being constructed through the Lac Du Flambeau Indian Reservation by WPA workers will open up to tourists a large territory in Northern Wisconsins lake region, which has hitherto been inaccessible to motorists.
The Tibbetts Ice & Fuel Co. has started building a garage and machine shed 22 by 80 feet on the Tibbetts property north of ONeill Creek near the icehouse. A workshop will be installed in one end. The work is being done by Art Kunze and Tibbetts employees.
As far as we know, Mrs. Walter Pollnow was the first woman, at least in this section, to kill a deer, and, in woman fashion, she raised her aim at nothing short of a 225-lb. buck. Mrs. Pollnow, in company with her husband, Elliott Warlum, and Al Durst had gone to the Town of Seif to hunt, setting up camp in the Warlum trailer. The deer was shot Saturday, so the huntress was forced to change her plans for the balance of the time. Her marksmanship was a bit humiliating for the men, but they felt that with hunting off her chest the least they might expect now would be three savory meals a day.
Mike Dignin came over from Humbird Friday to work in the Bollom Market while C. E. Bollom is hunting. Mr. Dignin is a nephew of Mollie and Fannie Dignin who operated a milliner store here for many years. They are now located in California.
The phrase locked in the coop, is a slang expression generally used in connection with lawbreakers, but seldom does it apply to officers of the law. Thursday, however, Wm Schroeder, night policeman on the Neillsville force, found himself in just such an embarrassing situation. He and his small son had gone to feed the flock of hens. The little lad left for the house and in some manner, threw the latch and imprisoned his father, until the calls of the elder Schroeder brought Albert Smith, a neighbor to the rescue.
November 1956
A dial telephone system, with completely new building and equipment, is in prospect for Greenwood. Approval has been given by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for expenditure of $266,205 upon the new plant. The commission has also authorized the issuance of 2,320 shares of stock, with a par value of $10 each. The firm expects to borrow $253,000 as the chief factor in financing the project. The Greenwood Telephone company has also been authorized to buy the West Side Telephone company at $500.
R. S. Knutson, president of the company, states that the new building will be constructed next summer, and that a contract for switching equipment will be let within 60 days.
Theres more than one way to pay a fine.
Two truck drivers, snared in the state officers safety check met the problem squarely here last week. They sold their trucks to the wrecking yards. The sale for these junkers brought just about enough to pay the $15.15 fines and court costs, according to Officer Leon Luick of the state traffic patrol.
The Henry Nebels of Chili celebrated their golden wedding Saturday and Sunday, October 27 and 28. Saturday, 6:30 p.m. the Ladies Aid served a dinner to 135 guests in the E. U. B. Church in Chili. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Nebel received an open house in the church parlors.
The Nebels were married December 20, 1906, in the parsonage of the Evangelical Church in Marshfield. Their attendants, present also at the jubilee, were George Lindow of Webster and Mrs. Charles Krug of Coloma.
The Nebels lived on a farm in Fremont from their marriage until 1949, when they moved to Chili. They have two daughters, and seven grandchildren. The daughters are Frieda, Mrs. Russell Roehl of Loyal, and Mildred, Mrs. Marion Lee of Chili.
The Nebels have been useful in the community, both working in the E.U.B. Church. Mr. Nebel has served as trustee, class leader and Sunday school teacher. Mrs. Nebel has been president of the Ladies Aid and has served many years as a Sunday school teacher.
The New Neillsville IGAs Thank You Sale to Customers who attended Their Grand Opening Last weekend:
The Famous Hershey Candy, Box of 24, Plain or Almond Bars, only 89’; 10 lbs. of Onions 33’; Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. 9’;
Popular Brands of fresh Bread, 1-1/2 lb. loaf 20’; Red Potatoes 25 lbs. 89’.
The Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Beil will be celebrated at Christ Lutheran Church, Chili, on Sunday, Nov.11.
There will be an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. in the church parlors.
Wedding Dance, in honor of Joan Lezotte of Neillsville & Wayne Holnbach of Loyal, Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Silver Dome Ballroom, Neillsville.
Charles W. Hart, 74, of Humbird, and Elton Stallard, 50, of Eau Claire, emerged from the woods Monday morning, little the worse for wear and worry. They had spent the night in the woods with the birds and deer, found their way in the early morning to County Trunk B, the Neillsville-Humbird road, and feasted their eyes at 7 a.m. on Ray Kutsche, the sheriff, who was out looking for them.
Sheriff Kutsche represented the bright-and-early-morning end of a manhunt, which made lots of noise Sunday night. With guns and sirens going, searchers to the number of 20 or more had combed the area near Wildcat Mound and had postponed the search at midnight. Mr. Kutsche was out early Monday morning, and ran right into the lost men.
Pvt. Francis A. Brey, 25, of Greenwood, recently completed 10 weeks of advanced individual training at Fort Knox, Ky. Brey, completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. His wife lives on Route 2.
It is Christy, and nobody can get away from it.
The great controversy has been decided finally, once and for all. The county board has done it. The crucial act was the formal adoption of this spelling.
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