Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin September 14, 2016, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
September 1901
Auction: At the Geo. Lindsey farm, located one-half mile west of York Center, Thursday, Oct. 3rd. There will be sold: 1 span horses, double harness, bob sleighs, cutter, single top buggy and harness, new binder, mower, seeder, fanning mill, three plows, and other farm tools. Hay and straw, five yearlings (3 steers and 2 heifers), 36 sheep; 2 cook stoves, 1 heater, 1 bedroom set, extension table, chairs, and other household utensils. Terms will be made known at the sale.
Mts. S. A. Lindsley, Admx. A. H. Holverson, Auctioneer
Frank A. Catlin of Sherman and Nellie F. Darton were married Sept. 23, Hon. Geo. L. Jacques, County Judge officiating. The groom is a young man of excellent reputation, industrious and of good habits, the bride is one of Clark Countys best teachers. The Rep. and Press joins in congratulations and good wishes.
A fortunate purchase of a manufacturers samples of 1,000 pairs of Mens Boys, and Ladies gloves and mittens, enables us to sell them at wholesale prices. It costs nothing to look. Marsh Bros.
Dick Townsend caught a coon Monday, somewhere along the borders of somebodys cornfield but declines to give more details. We suspect that he has spotted a coon tree and does not want his claim jumped.
We were somewhat amused one day this week in talking with a gentleman from Dane County, who came here to buy land, to learn that it is the general impression among the people there that Clark County is a wilderness. The gentleman stated that his wife strongly objected to coming to Clark County because of going where they could not send the children to school. He was greatly surprised to see the fine country schoolhouses and to learn that there were five high schools in the county and as many more, good graded village schools. He took a copy of last weeks Rep. & Press home to show his wife and neighbors a picture of Neillsville High School.
Chas. Kurth, recently from Chicago and F. Fiebke have bought Mayor Rabensteins building, which was on his lot below the ONeill House and will move it to the corner of Grand Avenue and Fourth Street for a carpenter and cabinet shop.
Special premiums to be given at the Clark County Fair:
C. C. Sniteman will give $2.00 worth of Kodak supplies to the person making the greatest and best display of photography by an amateur, and $2.00 worth of Kodak supplies to the second best.
The Rep. & Press will give two-years subscription to the exhibitor of the best display of poultry; one years subscription to the second best; Fifty printed calling cards to the lady exhibiting the best gingerbread.
L. B. Ring, editor of the Times, offers a 1-year subscription for the best show of vegetables; 1 year for best collection of apples; one year for best show of grain.
Walk Bros. Store will give a pair of the best shoes in the store to the boy of 14 years or under dancing the best jig at the grandstand show.
Marsh Bros. will give a silk umbrella for the best loaf of bread, first premium; $1.50 silk umbrella for best angels food cake.
Last week Walk Bros. sold their store business at Chili to Albert Degener who has been manager of the business since it started. Mr. Degener takes possession Nov. 1.
School opened Monday with all departments well filled. Ninety-four pupils are registered in the High School, and this number will be largely increased doubtless during the first part of this term.
The post office at Colby was burglarized one night last week. The thieves secured about $500 in cash besides a quantity of postage stamps. Upon hearing of the robbery, Joel Shafer, of the Phonograph, rushed to the nearest hardware store and purchased two 15’ padlocks. The one he placed on the woodshed door. We are informed that he is unable to open either of them since. He cant open the cash drawer because the axe is in the woodshed, and he cant get another axe because the cash drawer is locked.
As the new rural delivery routes are being started in this vicinity, it will be a good idea for patrons of the route to use envelopes with a return card printed on it, also the number of the route. This office will print them at a very low figure.
Last Saturday Fred Broker sold his farm of 120 acres about 4 miles north of the city to Frank Zickert, of Watertown, Wis. Consideration, $5,700. A small amount of personal property went with the farm.
C. Nitzsche has nearly completed his new residence, located next to his son-in-law, Chas. Cornelius house.
September 1946
And who bawls out the traffic cop?
Why its the traffic cops wife.
And if you dont believe it, ask Officer Harry (Bonney) Frantz.
Officer Frantz admitted it as he sheepishly told about an accident in which he was involved Monday morning.
The accident happened this way:
Officer Frantz was touring the city in search of Albert Marg, local expressman. On West Street, between Sixth and Seventh Street, he stopped his car to pass the time of day with Mrs. Lester Steinhilber.
Then he started, and as he was driving in low gear he saw Mr. Marg parking his truck on the south side of Sixth Street, just west of the West Street intersection.
Officer Frantz lamented sorrowfully that he had attempted to attract Mr. Margs attention and didnt pay too much attention to the road directly ahead of him, until he heard a horn tooted with urgency.
He looked, and he crashed, ramming a two-door car driven westward through the intersection by Byril Rowe of Granton, who teaches at Abbotsford.
The side of the Rowe car was a sorrowful sight. So was the grill of Officer Frantzs car.
And so was Officer Frantz.
Hes been sorrowful ever since. Inasmuch, as there was no unbiased traffic police officer around to give him a going over, Mrs. Frantz gently, but deftly, took over the task.
And come to think of it, the other traffic officers have been helping some.
Neillsville is in a discussion, which involves the location of piles of coal. These are, by the nature of the case, not especially attractive, but the outstanding face is that they are absolutely necessary to the community, and they must find a suitable place somewhere.
The coal men have gone through a tough experience during World War II. They were obliged to ration sales, and they were limited in the supplies allowed them. Lack of help hampered them. Yet they weathered the storm, and they rendered a service for which we are all grateful.
The Battle of the Cabbage Patch is over.
Winners in this unique contest between 4,400 cabbage plants, some rutabagas, and carrots. Now only the nubbins of the cabbage plants stick starkly above the ground to indicate the site of battle on the William Schulz farm.
But it was quite the battle when it raged. When the deer started feeding on the delicate heads of cabbage, Mr. Schultz marshaled his forces. Game Warden Alva A. Clumpner was called in.
After a strategy conference the Schultz forces put out flares, believing that this maneuver would defeat the deer.
But, instead of frightening the wild deer off, the flares seemed merely to furnish them light to feed by.
And, said Mr. Clumpner in announcing the end of the battle, when the deer got cold they even used the flares to warm their shins!
With the largest squad in the point of numbers in recent years, Neillsville High School gridders are pointing for their opening Cloverbelt League game here September 20th against Owen.
The squad this week numbered 44 men, about 10 more than last year and more than double the number of previous years.
The team this year will average only about 150 pounds. But coach Hovey hopes that by placing the accent on speed and spirit he will be able to overcome some of the weight handicap.
Members of the squad are: B. Eggiman, C. Swenson, D. Anderson, T. Wall, Vincent, E. Wagner, D. Tibbett, F. Wasserburger, D. Trewartha, D. Hantke, H. Svirnoff, D. Ayers, A. Moeller, D. Mattson, B. Cummings, J. Cummins, J. Van Tatenhove, M. Klann, D. Meihack, B. Minett. D Patey, G. Hahn, Bob Scholtz, R. Thompson, E. Ott, J. Swenson, T. Gergen, T. Casler, M. Tock, Leo Chapman, F. Sydorowicz, W. Elmhurst, F. Seelow, J. Hagie, G. Gaier, J. Moller, C. Gerhardt, R. Gress, C. Sydorrick and R. Herian.
A meat famine threatens Neillsville. The famine here might not be so serious and so tight as in the urban sections of the East, but will be tighter by far than local householders will enjoy; tighter, according to local food men, than it has been at only time during the war or since.
The local stringency is due to return of meat controls, as is the famine in the urban centers. Farmers and wholesalers are practically out of the meat business, now that the ceilings are back on prices. Meat animals were moved en masse during the period just preceding return of controls. Then the flow slowed to a trickle and almost stopped.
The Rock Dam Rod & Gun Club has been formed with a charter membership of 32 persons. Officers are: Gordon A. Wolf, Thorp, vice-president; Ed Pawlak, Thorp, secretary; Charles Fisher, Willard, treasurer.
The directors, appointed by President Wolf, are the following:
Art Morison, Town of Butler; Leonard Rauen, Willard; Frank Klancer, Greenwood; Myron Kasken, Withee; Art Olson, Thorp, Rae Ingham, Willard; Art Baures, Fairchild; Claybourne Bogumill, Thorp; Harry Wasserberger, Neillsville.
The organization was perfected September 18, at a meeting held at Rock Dam resort. Al Covell called the meeting to order. Help in organizing was given by Dan Ballett, secretary of the Eau Claire County Conservation League, and by Al Clumpner, game warden of Clark County. There was discussion of conservation, wild life, fish, and game. A Dutch lunch was supplied by John S. Bogumill and his son, Claybourne.
(Congratulations are in order to the present members of the Rock Dam Rod and Gun Club who are faithfully and actively carrying on the conservation clubs purpose, this marking their 70th anniversary! Remarkable record. DZ)
Approximately 200 rooms in and near Neillsville will be needed to house visitors who will come for the Veterans Homecoming, November 9, 10, and 11, according to estimates of the V.F.W.
The organization asks that all those who will have one or more rooms available for that period, register them with Mrs. Francis Welsh, chairman of the committee on housing. As guests register they will be assigned rooms from the official registry.
A double wedding ceremony was performed at Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church Saturday afternoon, September 21, by the Rev. N. J. Dechant, pastor, in which Miss Edna Fitzmaurice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fitzmaurice, married Clifford Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker, and Miss Reta Walker, sister of Clifford, who married Jerry Koranda. All the participants are from Humbird, except Jerry Koranda, whose former home was near Neillsville. They were attended by Miss Frances Matousch, Chicago, cousin of Jerry Koranda, and Jake Fitzmaurice, cousin of Edna Fitzmaurice, whose home is at Humbird.
The Shortville Store, Community Headquarters for Standard Produces is a Country Store with a large selection to meet the needs of farm families. R. Mortenson, Proprietor.
Shortville Store was located seven miles southeast of Neillsville at the intersection of State Hwy 73 and Miller Avenue. It operated as a country store for nearly 100 years. The above 1908 photo of the Galbreath Family, owners of the store at that time. |
Suckows Service on Route 10, 3½ miles east of Neillsville, offers a Complete Standard Service Station, Gasoline & Lubricants; Also, carries a Complete Line of Feed.
All relatives, neighbors, and friends are cordially invited to attend A Coin Shower and Card Party at the York Town Hall Thursday, Oct. 3, at 8:00 oclock in honor of Harold Searls and Ruth Krejci. Will those who have card tables, please bring them.
Neillsville Shipping Association will ship Sheep again Oct. 1st, from Granton & Neillsville. For Prices paid and Truck for Livestock, Call by 9 a.m. Tuesday Morning, Neillsville Shippers call: Art Drescher, Phone X1721, or Arnold Henchen, X4911; Granton, Roy Stanley, &3111, or E. J. Vine, Granton 2010.
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