Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin November 29, 2017, Page 13 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
November 1917
Men on draft list should enlist, as enlistments are still open for, aviation section, for nearly every trade. Six engineering corps, coast artillery, infantry, field artillery, ordinance corps, electrical engineers, quartermaster corps, 3rd, 4th and 6th Wis. Inf. For information, call at County Clerks office, hours, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wm. H. Molphy, G. S. in Chicago
On the evening of November 10, a home talent entertainment will be given at the Cole School in the Janesville settlement. A very fine entertainment has been arranged under the direction of the teacher, Miss Laura Wendt, and the public is invited. Admission will be 10 and 25 cents and the proceeds will be divided between school needs and Red Cross.
Persons who have old clothing, which will fit any small children, and who desire to give them away, are asked to send them to, or notify Mrs. John Gullickson. The clothing will be used for the Norwegian Childrens Home.
Have you noticed the passenger trains making a long stop here at the depot quite frequently of late? A large amount of milk and cream is being shipped from this station by express to the Condensery at Neillsville and also further down the line. It certainly takes some time to handle the large numbers of cans used, but it calls the attention of the impatient passengers to the fact that this must be a pretty good dairy section. Augusta Eagle News
Tuesday morning, the marriage of Miss Rosa Schmidt and John Walter was solemnized by Father Zenz of Loyal. The wedding party was made up of Jos. Walter, Allie Schmidt, Tony Spangler. Miss Magie Hauser, Miss Tillie Scheckleman and Miss Elsie Schmidt. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt of[ the Town of Loyal and is a young lady of winsome manners and pleasing personality, well equipped for the position she assumes. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Walters and is a progressive young farmer of considerable ability as well as energy. The young people will go to housekeeping on a farm near Loyal.
Tuesday the Clark County Board took the town by storm and are now engaged in debating various county questions of more or less importance. They will build bridges, lay out roads, settle the war and take care of any business public, legal or social, which may be entrusted to them. There is quite a grist of county business, which will come up for discussion this week and the session has every indication of being a busy one throughout.
Wanted - Carrots, Potatoes, Beets and Cabbage. Staps Fisheries Co., Tel. 19, or call at Marshs Potato Warehouse.
There will be a duck raffle at Fred Bremers farm near Greenwood on November 18.
I have started a new milk route and will deliver milk and cream to any part of the city of Neillsville. Milk at 9’ per quart, 5 cents per pint, cream 13’ for ½ pint, 25 cents per pint. Phone orders promptly filled. Phone X 2332. Nels Nielsen.
Sunday, James Sharp and Dave Prince of Black River Falls found A. W. Hales car, which had been stolen, near Saddle Mound in the vicinity of Pray in Jackson County. The two men had been deer hunting there and had notice the car in the woods on two or three occasions and finally decided that the car was not that of a hunter but had been left there by a thief. They investigated and learned that A. W. Hales of Neillsville had lost his new car and they came to town Sunday and verified the car by the corresponding numbers, so that Mr. Hales is again in possession of his Ford.
The theft was evidently planned for the car had been run into a logging road, the entrance to which had been concealed by brush being cut and piled across it. The water had been drained from the car, so it is quite evident that the thief had left the car in the woods until such a time as the interest in the theft had abated, at which time no doubt he expected to return and make away with the car. There seems to be no clue as yet to the thief.
Charles Hubing was a lifelong resident of the Granton-Neillsville area, except for his time during World War I. He was a member of the U.S. Army Ambulance Corps and is shown seated in front of an ambulance in the above photo. |
November 1937
The new Zilk Villa is one of the finest super-service stations in the northwest for a city the size of Neillsville, and a credit to Joe Zilk, the enterprising owner. Greetings are being extended to Joe by those who had a part in the building and furnishing of the fine new station and home, and the two new, modern cabins he built this year.
Joe Zilk has been a resident of Neillsville for the past 24 years and has been active in the present location the past six years. Previously he was in the old business eleven years. For six years preceding service in World War I he was a salesman.
The Zilk Villa is a handsome structure with artistic stone exterior and 20 by 40 feet in size on a corner lot160 feet square. He has installed a new type hoist, grease equipment and also handles tires besides doing simonizing and washing of cars.
Of his six cabins, three are fully modern and electrically heated. The new home of Mr. Zilk nearby is 28 by 28, two stories high and modern in all respects and a handsome addition to the residential section of the city.
(The Zilk Villa, cabins and home were located on the northeast corner of South Hewett and Division Streets. DZ)
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zilk entertained all of the workmen and dealers from whom they purchased material, and a group of neighbors and friends at a house-warming Thursday evening, furnishing various amusements and a fine lunch. The party was held in the spacious addition to the station where a large group thoroughly enjoyed a pleasant evening.
Clark County Clerk Calvin Mills has received 4,000 deer tags, which will supply quite a number of hunters who may apply for the tags. Last year 3,700 deer tags wee bought with hunting licenses in this county. The deer season this year is Nov. 26, 27 and 28, taking in a Sunday, so there will likely be a lot of hunters in the woods.
A new sidewalk test on one of their finest rugs will be staged by Schillers Furniture Store. People will walk over the rug, which will afterwards be cleaned and then sold to the highest bidder.
About 20 boys turned out for basketball practice at the high school, and all in all, the outlook is quite encouraging. Veterans of the game returning include Capt. Bud Bremer and Norman Lynch. Others wo reported include Cliff Vandeberg, Gale Vandeberg, Dwight Sullivan and Donald Whaley, all of whom saw service last year.
Quite a number of Neillsville people plan to take in the football game at Madison between Purdue and Wisconsin Saturday, November 13, which comes on the occasion of Dads Day. This should be a thrilling battle, with the odds in favor of the Badgers.
The cornerstone of the new $70,000 Neillsville post office was put in place Wednesday without ostentation of ceremony, as apparently very few knew it was to take place. Inspector Cook, stated that at Rice lake there was also no ceremony, but where a fraternal or civic body asks the privilege of a ceremony it is given. Sometimes the ceremonies interfere with work for some hours.
Good progress is being made on the brick laying, with eight men at work, and it will take about 15 more days to finish the work. The weather has been warm and ideal.
Light buff-colored brick with roughened tapestry facing is being laid. This comes from Galenburg, Ill., and the stone facing comes from Mankato, Minn., and matches very well.
Annual Plum Pudding Supper at Pleasant Ridge Church, Friday Nite, Nov. 12, Cost 50’ and 25’.
Card Party at Moose Hall, Wednesday Evening, Nov. 17, playing 500, Bridge and Schafskopf. Everybody Invited.
Turkey Dance at Moose Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 23. Music by Hiles Orchestra. Admission: Ladies 10’, Gents 25’. Plan now to Attend and Get Your Thanksgiving Turkey.
Sponsored by the Neillsville Chamber of Commerce.
A number of people and animals were struck by lightning during unusual storms in this month of November. last week a truck driven by a Fairchild man was considerably damaged when a nearby tree splintered and fell on the truck. In the Town of Hendren two heifers, a horse and cow of Frank Laken were killed by lightning.
Frank E. Brown, who has for some time acted as service officer of the American Legion recently received a citation for distinguished service from the commander of this district for services rendered to veterans of this district. Mr. Browns vigilance and efficiency in this work is fully recognized among the veterans here and all will be pleased to learn of this recognition from the commander.
William Lautenbach, a pioneer of the Granton area, died Wednesday morning at the age of 77 years, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Minnie Marg. He was born in Germany in 1860 and was married to Bertha Blienner in the Town of Grant in 1887. They lived there until his wife died in 1925, and the next year he went to live with his daughter. He was a school director and trustee of the American Lutheran Church.
Mr. Lautenbach is survived by six children: Mrs. Minnie Marg of Granton, Walter, Paul of the Town of Grant, Mrs. Frank Sutter and Mrs. Edward Berndt of Milwaukee; four grandchildren and a brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reber entertained the patrons of t he East Pleasant Ridge cheese factory at dancing and lunch Monday evening at Grant town hall in celebration of the opening of The Little Store, which Mrs. Reber will operate in connection to the factory.
Clover Farm Store Owned by Prochazka Bros., Wayne Potter.
Thanksgiving Foods
Order Turkeys Now Will deliver when wanted.
Polish Sausage, lb. 25’; Boneless Picnics, lb. 28’;
Head Cheese lb. 20’; Blood Sausage, lb. 20’;
Cranberry Sauce, 17’; Pumpkin, 27 oz. can 9’.
Harold Feirn of Neillsville was given first place on the all-state teachers college conference football team as end, and Hugh Horswill, also of Neillsville, as tackle on the second team.
Both of these young men played for three years on the football and basketball teams of our high school. They are juniors in the Eau Claire Teachers College.
E. W. Deal of Neillsville, Royal Teatz of Granton and Mrs. Ole PI Larson of Granton were the three winners in the flour-naming contest conducted by H. H. Van Gorden & Sons. The winning name was Dairy Queen Flour. There were over 3,200 replies received in the contest from people in Whitehall, Black River Falls, Neillsville and other places, showing a great interest in the contest.
The fact that Neillsville and Granton folks carried off the honors and will divide the five barrels of flour is very encouraging to their many friends. There are over 8,000 names of flour in use in the United States, so it was necessary to check carefully so there would be no infringement of copyright. Kermit Clausen and L. S. Smith, who are with large flour firms in Minneapolis, were the judges.
(Now, 80 years later it is difficult to imagine getting excited over winning five barrels of flour, and how long would it take for an average family now to use that much flour? However, there were three contest winners, each receiving one and two-thirds barrels of flour. At that time, most families baked bread and other bakery in the home. DZ)
George Moen and Emer Robinson ae busily engaged in the revival of a lost art, that of hand hewing, which is in this case the hewing of the flagpole for the new $70,000 federal building in Neillsville, and the two wood hewers are doing an expert job.
Deer Hunters have many interesting Stories to Tell!
Dr. Olson and Joe Braunels of Greenwood, Otto Stock of Loyal, and Carl Olson, Frank Brown and Dr. J. R. Thomas of Neillsville left Friday for Phillips to spend the hunting season. The entire party, save Dr. Olson, was disappointed.
Doc Stiemke did his hunting around the pinnacle out west of town, brining the game home with him.
But the maddest hunter we know of is the fellow who shot a deer, and before he could get at the animals side, a Melrose hunter had pinned his tag to the buck. An argument ensued and terminated in a division of the meat and an unfriendly separation. Last we heard, each man was still sure his shot brought down the game.
John Winneshiek, who is employed at the Indian School, proved his native skill as a huntsman when he shot a 4-point, 180 lb. buck.
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