Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

June 13, 2018 Page 8  

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

June 1908


Sheriff Jaseph took an hour off Tuesday night and caught a walleyed pike weighing 10 pounds and six ounces, down near the mouth of the Cunningham Creek.  It is the biggest pike ever caught in the Black River and will keep the local fishermen jumping for years to come, trying to beat it.


If you want real value in the line of Buggies, Spring Wagons, Milk Wagons or Farm Wagons, don’t fail to see Wolff & Korman.  They carry the largest and most complete stock, and every part of each job is full warranted.


Mrs. Dux, who lives on State Street in “Ketel Hollow,” has a large amount of strong tomato, cabbage and cauliflower plants, which she will sell very cheap.


(Ketel Hollow was in the area of East Second Street and the intersection with State Street. DZ)


Jesse Lowe went down into Jackson County trout fishing Saturday, making a fair catch, which he distributed around town among several invalids who are unable to catch fish for themselves.


The baccalaureate sermon, as a part of the high school graduation’s exercises, was delivered at the Congregational Church, Sunday night by Rev. H.A. Riser.  There was a large attendance, and the church was nicely decorated.  Rev. Riser delivered a very able and helpful sermon.  The services were somewhat marred by the electric lights going out, necessitating the securing of lamps, this causing an awkward delay.


The Columbia baseball team came up last Sunday expecting to play the Neillsville team, but the rain cut out the game.  A game between Neillsville and Hatfield is talked of being held next Sunday at Hatfield.


Nearly 11,000 pounds of butter were manufactured by the two creameries in Thorp last week, and the flush season is still to come.  Two cheese factories, one in Worden, the other in Reseburg Townships, made about 7,000 pounds of cheese during that period.  This beats the sawmill days!


James Paulus is preparing to remodel the interior of the Omaha Hotel, put in a furnace and furnish it throughout with new and up-to-date hotel furniture.  He will take charge of the Omaha himself, after July 1, Mr. Wingenter taking over the Wasserburger boarding house.                                   


The “Merry Widow” suit is the newest creation in men’s wearing apparel.  This suit of clothes consists of trousers and coat and it is made in the latest fashion as to general appearance.  The material used in the manufacture is the best grade of pepper and salt denim, having wearing qualities equal to the best cloth.


The suit looks ratty in appearance.  It may be worn on any and all occasions, since it is not an overall.  The “Merry Widow” suit is being manufactured by the Neillsville Overall Manufacturing Company and it will be on sale at the stores of all enterprising merchants in Clark and surrounding counties.


The price asked for the suit is $2, no more.  When very large suits are wanted, they will be, made to order at a small additional expense.                                                                        


Rev. Waage, pastor of the Scandinavian Lutheran Church on the North Side of town, has rented Mrs. A. C. Pitcher’s house and moved his family here.  He will preach at Marshfield also.


Mr. and Mrs. John Subke of Levis celebrated their silver wedding Tuesday night.  A large number of their friends met at their home to help them celebrate the event.                    


Sunday was an ideal day for the picnic and Kinderfest of the St. Johnnes Ev. Lutheran Congregation, they got the full benefit of the day.  A large crowd attended the exercises in H. W. Bartell’s grove where they took dinner at the generously loaded tables. The program was fine, and the children did well in showing their excellent training.                                                                                        


The Misses Bertha Steinberg, Hattie Klueckmann, Bertha Schoenherr and Erick Schoenherr, Jr. of Globe left for Luster, Michigan Saturday where they will attend Lizzie Schoenherr’s wedding.


Wm. Schwann, who lives south of the brick church on Pleasant Ridge, was badly hurt by falling from a ladder while working on Herman Braatz’s barn.  He fell about 15 feet, and one of his ribs was broken.  At present he is reported doing well.


A circa 1900s birds-eye view of Neillsville’s Northside, photo taken from the top of the water standpipe at the end of East Fourth Street.  (Photo courtesy of Bill Roberts’ collection.)


June 1943


Clark County has 1,842 men in the armed services, as of the present date.  Of these 1,430 were inducted into service through the selective service route; the others, 412 in number, got into the service chiefly by prior enlistment.


Mr. Lakosky also revealed that 2,866 men have been deferred for work on Clark County farms, A number substantially in excel of the number actually in the armed services.


Clark County has 1,192 2-C men, these being single men who work on farms.  It has 922 3-C men, these being married men working on farms.  The county has 493 4-F men, these being morally, physically or mentally unfit for service.                                                                                           


Robert Neuhaus of Neillsville, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Neuhaus, has been awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action.  The decoration was bestowed upon him on a battlefield in North Africa, according to notification, which has come to The Clark County Press.


Mr. and Mrs. Neuhaus, who reside on a farm near Ross Eddy in the Town of Pine Valley, received the first word of the honor through The Press.  They have had little information about the activities of their son Robert, but knew that, being in the Fifth Army, he was seeing plenty of action in Tunisia.


Robert became a member of the armed forces in the summer of 1941 and has been out of the United States since last fall.  The last letter received by Mr. and Mrs. Neuhaus says that he is healthy, with plenty to eat and “Usually quite comfortable, considering the present circumstances.”  He speaks of having been home a year ago and expresses that hope that he may be back again soon.


Mr. and Mrs. Neuhaus have a son, Calvin, in the Navy.  He is a petty officer, engaged in recruiting in Milwaukee.  Their son, Samuel, was a member of the local Service Company and was drowned in Louisiana during maneuvers in September 1941.                                   


Robert Reimer has purchased the O’Brien home at 167 N Hewett Street and will occupy it as his residence.


The home is a modern, 9-room structure, constructed in 1937.  There is a connecting garage.  The lot is 20 x 120 feet.


The house is being reconditioned and minor changes are being made.  When these are completed, Mr. and Mrs. Reimer will live there.                                                                   


Arnold Gustman has bought the Jack Sprat grocery business, together with the realty in which it is located at the corner of South Hewett and Division.  He will take possession the latter part of this week, the Gustman family occupying the residential apartment in the same building.


The sale was made by Harry Swanson, who will retire from merchandising.  Mr. Swanson expects to engage as a subcontractor in defense construction, working in Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago.  His family will for the present occupy the residence at 216 South Hewett, which is being vacated by the Arnold Gustmans.


Upwards of 80 million dollars in gold, which is owned by the polish Government that for a long time stood in jeopardy of falling into the hands of Germany that in her scramble for gold, obtained $226,600,000 worth belonging  to Belgium, is safe beyond the Nazis’ reach, it was learned from reliable quarters in London today.


The Polish gold, like many a refugee from German-occupied Europe, has made tortuous journeys and has had several narrow escapes since the war began, but unlike many a refugee, it has come through safely.  Its present location is a secret that cannot be told.


On the eve of the outbreak of war, the Polish Government, as a precautionary measure, sent $80,000,000 of its gold holdings to Paris, where it remained in the custody of the Bank of France through the Ardennes Forest in 1940.  When the enemy threat to Paris foretold of that capital’s doom the authorities ordered their gold removed and shipped to Dakar, French West Africa. It was safely out of France when the Franco-German armistice was signed.


From that time until now, its whereabouts has been kept a closely guarded secret.


The marriage of Miss Lila Knoop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knoop, Route 2, Granton, and Brooks Karl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karl, Route 2, Neillsville was solemnized at the Zion Lutheran Church, Town of Fremont, on Saturday, June 12, at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. G. Reif performing the double ring ceremony.


The bride’s dress of white net over taffeta had a fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses and swainsonia with white ribbons.


The matron of honor was Mrs. George Wagner, a sister of the bride.  Her dress was of brocaded silk organdy and her shoulder corsage consisted of red roses and swainsonia.  The bridesmaid, Miss Clarice Winters, a friend of the bride, was dressed in aqua taffeta, and wore a corsage of red roses and swainsonia.  Arnold Karl attended the groom and George acted as usher.


A wedding supper was held at the home of the bride’s parents, 19 guests being present.  The house was decorated with pink, white and aqua streamers and a with a white bell in the center. The church was beautifully decorated with baskets of flowers.


Before her marriage, the bride was employed at the Roddis Veneer Company in Marshfield.  The groom’s occupation has been farming.  Mr. and Mrs. Karl have gone to housekeeping on the groom’s farm near Neillsville.                                                                                                  


C.C. Sniteman Company Father’s Day Specials – Briar Pipes, 50’ to $3.50; Tobacco Pouches 50’-$2; Tobacco, 1 lb. 69’- $2.50; Cigarettes, in books, 83’; Sunglasses w/case $1.95; Shaving Cream and lotions, 25’ to 89’.                                                                                                     


Ship-Yard Workers Wanted at Leathem D. Smith Shipyard Building Company of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin has Openings for the following classifications:


Electric Arc Welders, Ship Fitters, Electricians, Structural Steel Workers, Pipe Fitters, Outside Machinists &
General Laborers.  Age Limit 16 and up.  Men must be in a draft deferred status.


Call or write to Company or Stop at our Nearest Office of War Manpower Commission, U.S. Employment Service.


Persons Now in Essential Employment Will Not Be Considered.          


Miss Alice Fensome, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fensome, Humbird, has resigned her pastorate at Ladysmith and joined the WAAC.  She has returned to her home and is awaiting her call and hopes to get into work in the Japanese Concentration Camps.  Miss Fensome worked in a Japanese Mission in California before going to Ladysmith.                                                                             


The George L. Lloyd property is now in the ownership of LeRoy Allen, whose farm lies just to the east of it.  The sale was recently completed.  Included was farmland of about 40 acres, and it was to extend his own farm chiefly that Mr. Allen made the purchase.  The sale was made by Clyde D. Lloyd of Bellingham, Wash., a son of the late George L. Lloyd.


This sale carries with it the ownership of one of the largest residences in Neillsville, and a property, which was once one of the finest.  The house is of brick, very large, with fine hardwood floors and trim.  It was the pride of Mr. Lloyd, who was a successful lumberman and merchant of Neillsville’s earlier days.


Mr. Lloyd died about 25 years ago.  As time passed it became evident that the residence, however well suited to the pride and family of a successful lumberman, was not suited to be suited in size and viewpoints of modern families.  So, the place has gradually depreciated, although it is still intrinsically a splendid building.


One of the assets of the property is a spring, which in the old days was harnessed by means of a ram to provide a private water supply for the Lloyds.


The Lloyd house is said to have cost about $15,000 at a time when the dollar was larger than it is now.  It is eloquent of the changing taste and viewpoint that the house and the whole forty acres should have been sold for $2,000, the price, which Mr. Allen is said to have paid for it.  And as for the house itself, its present value is highly debatable, as it is vacant, seemingly useless and depreciating steadily.


(After Allen bought the Lloyd property, he did sell the house and a few acres to a buyer who used it as a rental.  The house continued to lack upkeep and eventually, once again became vacant.


Fortunately, about 20 years ago, a local young couple saw the vacant house’s potential beauty as a home, bought it and after 10 years of hard work, restored it back to its Victorian era charm.  It is an asset to our city and community’s history.  The present owners continue to keep the house and property around it, well cared for.  It is located on Lloyd Street, the northeast corner of Neillsville’s city limits. DZ)                                    



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