Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI November 6, 2019, Page 8 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled and Contributed by Dee Zimmerman |
Clark County News
November 1904
Halloween befell Monday, to the horror of the sober-minded citizen and joy of the boys. Cats roosted high and barn doors were locked that never were locked before.
It is simply wonderful how many pike are being caught in Black River this fall, big fellows, too, some weighing from four to eight pounds. Black River is certainly becoming good fishing ground.
Bert Dresden gives up the Seif House between now and the 10th, and Frank Seif will take charge running it.
Mr. Dresden has rented the French house at the corner of Fourth Street and the Pike and will open is as he moves out of the Seif House.
Considerable alterations are being made in the French house opposite the Big Store, preliminary to the opening of the Dresden House.
Every morning from 9:30 to 11:30 and evenings from 9 to 11, a hot lunch will be served free at Leo Bruckners, opposite the Merchants Hotel.
Refreshing and Healthful Made from the finest Minnesota Malt and Bohemian Hops
Physicians Recommend Neillsville Beer,
As an invaluable Tonic and Health Builder
12 Quarts $1.00 24 Pints $1.25
Considerable discussion is going on about town of a proposition looking to the building of cement sidewalks, many favoring the plan of having all material furnished by the property owner, the city to build the walks. Cement is very cheap now and permanent walks can be laid at very reasonable cost. Perhaps an ordinance will be passed providing for some such cooperative plan as that above outlined.
One week from today is Thanksgiving, Nov.24th. On that day, all business ceases and the nation unites in feeling glad for the good things that it, and each citizen personally, enjoyed during the year past. Let all observe on that day.
Arrangements ae being made for a football game next Saturday in this city between the Neillsville High School team and the Augusta Highers. The game will be called at 2:30 p.m. This game has been long anticipated, as the rivalry between the two cities is intense. The game will be played on Mrs. Gates field east of Grand Avenue. Be sure to see the game.
In the evening there will be a dance at the opera house in honor of the visitors, to which the public is invited.
Mr. Frank Hemp and Miss Bertha Campman were united in marriage Tuesday evening at the Lutheran Church in this city, Rev. H. Brandt officiating. A large assemblage was gathered and just as the hand of the clock pointed to 8 oclock, the organist began playing the Lohengrin Wedding March, and the bridal party entered. The bridesmaids were Miss Emma Tragsdorf, sister of the bride, and Miss Melvina Walters, and the groomsmen were Mr. John Walk and Mr. Wm. Campman, the brides brother. The ceremony was beautiful and impressive. The bride was dressed in white and carried brides roses, and the groom wore the customary black.
A reception followed the ceremony, at the brides home, only relatives and the nearest friends attending. A dainty supper was served, and congratulations offered. The bride was born and reared here, and she has a wide circle of friends, being a young lady of many loving traits. The groom is one of our leading grocers, a gentlemanly and popular citizen. They will make their home in Neillsville.
Hi and Bert Hart, Dan Higgins and Buck Dickinson returned from the woods Tuesday night with two deer. They hunted up near Tioga. Buck saw the biggest black bear that he has ever ran across in a circus or anywhere else while in the woods. He shot at him a number of times, but the bear only sat up, looking at Buck for a while and then ran away.
(Apparently, Buck wasnt a good shot, or in a state of awe and shock, was wildly shooting in the air and not at the bear. DZ)
Neillsville has been enjoying a prolonged Indian summer as now it is mid-November, which leads us to repeat that this is a most delightful winter resort.
Alf Morrison and Clark Morley got out their ice skates Sunday and went down to the pond for some skating. Both broke through the thin ice and got into the icy water up to their necks. They have now joined the Sunday Observance Society.
November 1939
Most all farmers in the Trondhjem community, northeast of Greenwood, are having their buildings wired for electricity, which will be installed this fall.
Timely Buys!
Mens Suede Shirts, 2-button pockets, green, red, purple, tan grey, navy Each 75’
Mens All-Wool Heavy Buffalo Plaid Shirts $2.85
Mens Corduroy Caps With Fur In-bands 45’
Mens Lambs-down Heavy Fleece Union Suit $1.20
Mens Golden Fleece Gloves, All seams on Back, 2 for 25’
Mens Work Shoes, Leather Sole, $3.75.
Zimmerman Bros. Clothing Work Clothes Shoes.
Forty-seven men and four officers of the Service Company, 128th Infantry, will entrain at 3:20 a.m. Saturday, Armistice Day, for the outfits first fall encampment of seven days at Camp McCoy, Sparta.
A special drill, followed by a banquet, will be held at the armory Friday night, according to Captain Ben Brown. The troops will march from the armory to the depot, where they will board a special train carrying National Guard units from Waupaca, Wausau and Marshfield.
Other companies to board the train later will be from Merrillan, Menomonie and Eau Claire.
During the seven-day encampment, the guard will train with the 3rd U.S. Field Artillery, which recently was ordered back to Camp McCoy for intensive training.
Captain Brown has been notified that he will be in command of the brigades motor pool, and Lt. Marvin Eide will act as assistant brigade supply officer.
The Service Company is expected to return November 17.
Change of Management And-Opening of Bunnys Bar
Formerly Operated by H.F. Zimmerman, Friday, Nov. 10
Featuring Hot Roast Beef & Chili
Located Opposite Zilk Villa, Neillsville.
Kuesters Market
Fresh Pork Ham 15’ lb.- Pork Shoulder .. 13’ lb.
Neillsville, Ph. Black 303
Van Gordens
All Purpose Mineral Feed 100 lb. Bag $2.50
Grinding Our mills are ready for grinding this years new ear corn.
Bring it to us. Ears must be free of all the husks!
Cattle Salt Special Price in White Toweling Bag,100 lbs. for 85’
Neillsville, Wis. Phone 88
A project for a County Hospital was advanced Tuesday to the Clark County Board of Supervisors. The proposal is that the county should build and equip a hospital, centrally located. The institution would have fifty beds and would be operated by the county and would cost an estimated $50,000.
The proposal was made by 17 physicians of Clark County, who were represented by a committee, consisting of Dr. B.H. Dike of Owen, Dr. H.H. Christopherson of Colby and Dr. Milton Rosekrans of Neillsville.
Plans to launch an extensive improvement program this winter at Lake Arbutus, and in other fishing waters of the district, were revealed in a letter to Sen. Walter rush from H.W. Mackenzie, state conservation director, this week.
The plans contemplated by the department include the removal of snags in Lake Arbutus and a proposed blanket for the removal of rough fish in the eighth WPA district, which includes Clark County in its boundaries.
A proposed blanket for the removal of rough fish from the so-called eighth WPA district has been submitted to WPA authorities, and as soon as this blanket is approved and the labor for the construction of the camp and removal of snags from Lake Arbutus is completed, an attempt will be made to remove rough fish from this area as well as from other locations in the district, including the Blair Mill Pond, where there is an apparent over-production of carp.
It is also planned to set some pound nets in Lake Arbutus this winter as soon as the camp can be constructed so that state men can be stationed there to directly supervise the setting and lifting of these nets.
For the past 77 years, it has been a regular custom in this good land of ours, to observe, at the close of harvest a day of Thanksgiving.
This time is again upon us and the day for observing has been designated as November 30.
We live in a land of abundance.
We especially enjoy freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
It is therefore fitting and proper to offer thanks for these blessings bestowed upon us and pray that these freedoms may continue permanently.
H.J. Naedler, Mayor.
(At that time, people of our country seemed more conscious of the freedoms and Thanksgiving blessings that were not to be taken for granted. All businesses were closed on that day, which encouraged families to attend morning worship services in giving thanks for the years bounties, followed by attending family dinner gatherings. There werent the various distractions then as now, such as emphasis on viewing or participating in various sports, shopping trips to the mall or other events. And, in depressed times there was barely enough money to buy the essentials. DZ)
Brother Van, a Methodist minister, was driving in the West. While out in the wilds, he was held up by a bandit, who had a gun and a mask. The bandit made demands for money or life, but Brother Van, having little money, has presence of mind, which was better, and he said, You wouldnt rob a Methodist minister, would you?
The bandit shook hands warmly with Brother Van, saying, Of course not; Im a Methodist myself.
This story was told at the Kiwanians meeting here, Monday evening by the Rev. Ernest Clarke, of Eau Claire, district superintendent of the Methodist Church.
The story is a good one on its own merit.
A backwards framer was met in a field one day by a modern agriculturist and when asked what he was doing, the farmer said he was driving his pigs down to the woods where they could eat acorns and fatten up for market.
Why, thats not the thing to do, informed the agriculturist. The modern way is to build a pen in a yard and carry the acorns to them. Itll save lots of time.
The farmer looked at the agriculturist for a moment and then, in utter disgust, said: Why, whats time to a pig?
(Apparently, the modern-day agriculturist had never experienced building a yarded pen, or fenced-in pen, to know the work involved with such a project, or took on the job of picking up a vast number of little acorns on the woods floor. I agree with the farmers system of taking the pigs to the acorns that were lying on the ground in the woods; that is if the property line was fenced to keep the pigs from straying. I remember helping my dad put up barbed and woven wore fence or repairing a fence such as after a cow stretched to reach the greener grass on the other side, thus breaking the barbed wire. Those jobs were always time-consuming. DZ)
The slaughter was on in earnest this week as hundreds of hunters stalked the deer country south and west of Neillsville.
And slaughter it was , too. According to officials at the district conservation office in Black River Falls, more than 60 does had fallen prey to hunters bullets in the first three days of the season. Most of these were found in the woodlands of southern Clark County, northern Jackson County, and the forest area of the western region of Clark County.
The officials said that the toll of does shot, many of them believed to have been shot by hunters who pulled the trigger before looking for the antlers, was no greater than usual; but that it was bad enough.
There have been eighteen arrests for violation of game laws, during the first three days of the hunting season, being reported by the district conservation officials.
Among the most interesting hunting stories turned in to date, and vouched for, was that told by Earl Galbreath of the Town of Washburn;.
Earl, who was hunting in back of the ODay place in the Town of Washburn, came upon two old bucks, their antlers locked in struggle. According to the story, Earl saw the head of one buck rise up above the brush, so then he shot.
It was not until after the shot was fired that he realized that there were two bucks, and that their horns were locked. A second shot finished the second buck.
The Zilk Villa Auto Service station, located at the northeast corner of South Hewett and Division streets, was built in the 1930s. It was a unusual construction and a very impressive building made up of mortar, stone and brick that also displayed a showroom for the Buick dealership. After the business closed, the building was eventually torn down. |
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