Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI March 13, 2019, Page 9 Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press" Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled and Contributed by Dee Zimmerman |
March 1899
Supervisors Fike, Irvine and Benedict met here Monday and drew plans and specifications for a new barn to be built at the County Farm. The barn will be 40x60 with an eight-foot basement.
Globe News:
Miss Ida Freze closed a successful term of school last Friday.
Wm. Kuhl is getting timber ready for a new barn.
John Mund has been hauling logs to the sawmill.
The Indians near here had a fire last Sunday, which burnt their tents.
Quite a few folks lost stored potatoes that froze during the last cold snap.
Mrs. Albert Kluckman was quite ill last week.
Julius Hagedorn sold his supply of rye to the Neillsville Flour Mill.
Emery Bruley has sold his sawmill plant to The Johnson Manufacturing Company of Milwaukee. We understand he has also rented his house to one of the new men and expects soon to go to Tennessee. It is reported that the new firm has purchased a considerable part of the timber on the Romadka lands and has enough stock in sight to run throughout the year.
Wilcox Area News:
George Lindsley drove to Loyal Saturday on business.
Revival meetings are still in progress. This far five new converts have been
Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Benedict drove to the county capital Saturday.
F.W. Smith and family attended the funeral of an infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Demouth, at Christie, last Sunday.
A blizzard raged here Monday.
W.B. Benedict closed his second term of school in District No. 2 last Friday.
Joseph Barber was here from Christie last week.
A load of young people came over from Nevins last Thursday evening to attend a meeting, a distance of 18 miles. They enjoyed the ride.
Future of Northern Wisconsin:
At the close of the Civil War, Eau Claire County had a population of 5,000; in 1895 it was 33,000, and it now contains a city, which is a great railroad and commercial center of the northwestern part of the state.
Lincoln County started in 1880 with a population of 2,000 and has increased eight fold. Its count seat, Merrill, is a flourishing manufacturing town.
Marinette has trebled its population in twenty years, and its county seat in connections with is sister across the river, in Michigan, enjoys the distinction of being the greatest lumbering manufacturing district in the world. Where was a wilderness only twenty years ago, will now be found a city of about 20,000; a hotel costing $100,000; and an elegant opera house; and modern luxuries.
When I came to Wisconsin in 1873, the principal business in Clark County was lumbering. Large quantities of supplies were shipped in, but no farm products shipped out. Now all is changed. With the decline of lumbering has come a development of agriculture and dairying, which insures a more permanent and abundant prosperity.
St. Patricks Day is March 17th. The legend has it that the good Saint Patrick was born in Scotland about the year 396 A.D., and when a boy, he was sold into slavery and sent to Ireland.
He escaped but returned later and converted the people to Christianity. He is also credited with driving all the snakes and toads of the Emerald Isle into the sea.
(St. Patricks Day observes the death of St. Patrick, saint of Ireland. The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, dancing, merry-making and a whole lot of green. Some communities of the Irish decent, living in the United States, still carry on some of those traditions. Perhaps the largest celebration to be held in our country on St. Patricks Day observance is the annual Chicago Paer4ade and Festival, scheduled for March 16 this year.
Years ago, when we fasted during Lent, one penance everyone had to observe was no dancing during Lent except on St. Patricks Day. Every dance hall and bank in the Midwest cooperated with that ruling. DZ)
Game Warden Geo. K. Redmond, assisted by Wm. Heaslett, Pete Mertes, Warren Southard, A. Lyons and Ernest McIntyre blew out about forty feet in the middle of the old brush dam in Black River last Sunday. The dam is about four or five miles above Black River Falls and has long been an obstacle to the navigation of fish in the river. Some supposed that it was out of the question to clear out a passage without great labor and expense, but Mr. Redmond and his crew by the use of about eighty pounds of dynamite and three or four hours work cleared a good path in the center of the channel. Mr. Redmond wishes to thank those who helped with their labor or contributed for the purchase of the dynamite.
March 1944
Otto Lewerenz has purchased from Rose Eberhardt a parcel of land to the east of his present Sweet Shop property on South Hewett. The parcel is 40x50, and now has a barn upon it.
The purpose of Mr. Lewerenz is to enlarge his present building, making provision for increased facilities.
The purchase gives Mr. Lewerenz a L-shaped lot, with frontage on Hewett and fourth streets. The frontage on Fourth is that of his residence, the rear of which is immediately east of the parcel, which he has just purchased.
Mrs. Olson, instructor in home economics in the Neillsville High School, asks that an announcement be made of a class in war-time food production, which will be organized at the high school Monday, March 13, at 7:45 p.m. The subject matter will include planning the familys food supply, gardening, preserving the food grown. The time of lessons will not be regular but will be scheduled to fit the time when the information can be currently used. The instructors will be the teachers of agriculture and of home economics. The class is open to all interested, and Mrs. Olson suggests that it should be attractive generally, particularly to such persons in city and country as are planning to make the most of their Victory Gardens.
(Due to food rationing during World War II, families were encouraged to plant and cultivate a garden raising their own vegetables to be canned, with root vegetables being store in a cool cellar, which would make each family an ample food supply until the next growing season. DZ)
The two Flynn boys, now in New Guinea, have written letters, which give interesting information about life and activities in the combat zone. Their letters have recently come to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Flynn of Neillsville. Tommy is presumably in the Sailor sector, being a member of the Thirty-Second, which had been officially announced as located there. He is a master sergeant, evidently associated with the high command, and is understood to be in the personnel of plans and training. Two very recent letters from him tell of conditions such as are presumable being experienced by all the boys of the old Service Company of Neillsville.
John is a staff sergeant in a hospital unit. It is surmised that he is in the Lae sector. He is not far from Tommy, and he discovered this when he and his buddies picked up a wounded Yank. This Yank identified himself as a member of the Thirty-second, and he knew Tommy. So, he told John where Tommy was, and it was evidently not so very far away.
On February 4, Tommy wrote as follows:
Yesterday I spent the day at the front lines with the Colonel and other officers. We went up to the farther outpost and the only shot I got was with my camera. We were just a little over a hundred feet from the Japs just across a river. I took the picture, but all you can see is the tall kunai grass on that side.
Boy I thought was fairly young and spry, but I sure am stiff in the joints today. The old Colonel clips right along and nothing stops him. We climbed up a sheer ridge in no time flat and I was bushed when got to the top! About 3 oclock I was all in but my shoe strings, until we stopped off at a kitchen and drank four cups of good coffee, and I was all set to go again.
When we arrived back to camp, I was mud from head to foot. The roads are just like melted chocolate ice cream, about wheel-high.
Tommy later wrote: We are in the combat zone again. At present we have a beautiful home in a huge coconut grove. I suppose to a tourist it would be beautiful, but to us it isnt. The palms sway in the ocean breeze and occasionally coconuts drop to the ground. Ive eaten enough coconuts and drank enough of the milk that is nearly coming out of my ears.
Dated February 11, a V-mail was sent by John, describing a visit to a native village.
The other afternoon we went to a native village. We were the only whites there at that time and we had quite a talk with the native priest, who spoke good English and had a fairly good education for a native. He told us of his experiences during the Jap invasion and of the white priest, Father Benchion, and the two white women missionaries who were in the village at the time.
Another party for high school students was sponsored Friday evening at the legion hall by the American Legion Auxiliary, the committee in charge being, Mrs. Elmer Counsell, Mrs. James Cummings and Mrs. Floyd Casler. Music for dancing was furnished by a group of high school students who have formed a swing band, under the direction of Miss Virginia Scholtz, who played piano. This event will again be repeated on next Friday.
Clarence Stiemke accompanied by his father, Robert Stiemke, and his daughter Miss Lorraine Stiemke, went to Milwaukee for a weekend visit with a grandson of Robert Stiemke, Robert Gunder, who has recently returned from the South Pacific. They also visited Miss Florence Stiemke while there.
William A. Campman will be candidate for justice of the peace this spring for the twentieth time. He is now serving his fortieth year. He became justice when he was first embarking upon his career as a young lawyer in Neillsville. He was then appointed to fill the vacancy. Since then he has gone before the people every two years, and they have become so accustomed to voting for him that some of them write his name in on the ballot on the off year, when he is not running.
Of recent years the justice job has been nothing to fun after, anyhow. It may perk up a little now that the city police court has been abolished.
Standard Oil Office Moved to Building adjoining Roehrborns Store, Phone or Call Your Standard Oil Man Arthur E. Dux, Phone 206 at Office or Phone 206, 2 rings At My Home.
John WhiteEagle, a Winnebago, is the first Indian to be commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Infantry. He is the son of Sanborn WhiteEagle and Sarah Decorah WhiteEagle. He enlisted in 1940, was stationed in Alaska for three years and has been brought back to Fort Monroe, Va., for training as an officer.
New postal rates go into effect throughout the nation on Sunday, March 26.
First class mail for local delivery or routes, will be 3 cents per ounce or fraction, instead of the former 2-cent rate. Postage on all fourth class or parcel post mail is increased three per cent.
Marriage Licenses:
Harold Heck, town of York, and Vera Severson, Town of Beaver,
Halvor Moen, Town of Richfield, Wood County and Julia Anderson, Town of Fremont,
Henry Seebandt, Town of Weston, and Caroline Matzke, New Lisbon, Wis.
The way the boys have been spread out over the wide world has been illustrated recently in recent service columns, such as: Raymond Thiesen, a staff sergeant of the air corps, is now in China. Corporal Norman H. Prior is in New Guinea. The large army in England has been joined by Lt. L.W. Thiesen, and Pvt. Wilbur Schaeffner. Arnold Anderson is in Iceland. Harlan Davis of York Center is supposed to be in the Marshall Islands.
Pfc. William Davel is home from his station in New Mexico, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davel of Loyal. And Jerome Whitey Bertz has been discharged from the Army and is back in Clark County.
Edward J. Polnaszek, son of Undersheriff Thomas Polnaszek of Thorp, has won his navy wings and had been commissioned an ensign, following completion of the flight training course at Pensacola, Fla. He will now go to active duty at one of the navys operational training centers before assigned to combat. Prior to entering the Navy Edward attended Marquette University for two years and was a member of the varsity basketball and football teams. Edward has been visiting his parents in Thorp.
Shown is a photo taken some time in the later 1900s of the Town of Grants snowplow at work, removing snow from one of the towns rural roads. The snow depth seems to be similar to what we have seen locally this year. |
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