June 17, 2020, Page 10

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Extracted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Clark County News


June 18, 1953


Joseph William Plunkett, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plunkett Sr. of Greenwood, was awarded the bachelor of science degree at graduation exercises held at Eau Claire State Teachers College Friday, June 5. That same day, Mr. Plunkett and his wife, the former Patti Page of Colfax, celebrated their first wedding anniversary.


They reside in Eau Claire with their one-month old daughter, Kathryn Jean. Mr. Plunkett is a graduate of the Greenwood High School with the class of 1947. The exercises were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plunkett Sr. and their sons, Tim of Greenwood and Staff Sergeant LeRoy Plunkett of Madison.


Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Don Shea of Eau Claire of the engagement of their daughter, Kay Ann Shea, to staff sergeant LeRoy Gene Plunkett, who is stationed at Truax Field, Madison, and expects to go on overseas duty after July 20. The wedding will take place at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 20, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Eau Claire. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plunkett Sr. of Greenwood.


Kathleen Koschak, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Koschak, underwent an appendectomy at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield, Thursday afternoon.


The Sunday School of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church held its annual picnic with a dinner at noon on Sunday, June 14, at the Greenwood Tourist Park. A program followed the dinner and games were played in the afternoon.


The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Koch were pleasantly surprised following the regular monthly meeting of the young adults of the West Side Reformed Church on Sunday evening. The occasion was the couple’s wedding anniversary and the Rev. Mr. Koch’s birthday anniversary. The group presented a gift in honor of each occasion. Two cakes, one complete with candles, served as the centerpiece on the table.


Neillsville Hospital Births


A boy to Mr. and Mrs Alvin Lavene, Neillsville, R4, June 8

A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Halbrader, Willard, June 9

Twin boys to Mr. and Mrs. Harris Schoengarth, Neillsville, June 10

A girl to Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Raine, Neillsville, R4, June 11

A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porath, Granton, R2, June 11

A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kuhn, Neillsville, R4, June 13


Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Peterson have purchased the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Steinhilber and family. Mr. and Mrs. Steinhilber are building a house adjacent to their Club 10 to replace the one burned down several years ago.


The Regional Square Dance Jamboree was held Sunday afternoon at the Silver Dome. Square dancers from surrounding cities attended.


Roy Stanley has recovered from an injury to his right hand and is able to do his work again. He cut his fingers to the bone while working with some machinery.


 Miss Delores Malnar, who has been temporarily employed in the office of the county clerk for the past two weeks, left Monday for La Crosse to attend summer school for six weeks. Sgt. Herbert Nash, brother of Mrs. Dan Brewer, has returned to his home in Virginia from Service in Korea. He has visited in Neillsville several times.


 Rev. and Mrs. Samuel D. Robbins of Adams are the parents of a son, Richard Arthur, born May 30. They now have three boys. The Rev. Mr. Robbins at one time was pastor of the Congregational Church in Neillsville.


 Mrs. Herbert Nickel of Granton entertained 12 little friends of her daughter, Judy, in honor of her eighth birthday. Her teacher, Mrs. Delbert Janke, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luck also were guests at the party.


A family reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wehe in honor of Sister Imeida of Sioux City, IA, and Brother Clement of the Apache Indian Mission at Mescalera, New Mexico, who are spending several days visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Wehe of Neillsville. The following were present: Rev. Norbert King and mother of Loyal; Sister Imeida of Sioux City, IA; Brother Clement of the Apache Indian Mission at Mescalera, New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Wehe, Mr. and Mrs. Leander Schuld and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gall and family of Neillsville; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family, Mrs. Rose Weigel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Bauer and son Jimmy of Rozellville, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schmidt and family of Eau Claire, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wehe and family and John Wehe and family.


Dinner and supper were served, and a social time spent. Sister Imeida has been teaching at Sioux City the past six years.


 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trimberger have been enjoying a visit with their sons Wayne and Eugene for the past week. Wayne holds a commission as second lieutenant with the U.S. Army and is stationed at Camp Carson, Colorado. Eugene is a master sergeant and after serving for several months with the U.S. Marines in Korea is now stationed at Camp Lejeune. The young men plan to return to their duties the last of the week.


 Mrs. Georgine Holte entertained the Widows Club Saturday evening. Mrs. Anna Nelson and Mrs. Edna Ketel were substitute guests. Honors were won by Mrs. C.M. Hunt, Mrs. Vic Welsh, Mrs. Rose Schiller and Mrs. Jess Sturdevant.


 Mrs. Russell Vandeberg was hostess to the York Sew and So Homemakers Thursday afternoon with 13 members present. President Audrey Smith presided. The members answered roll call with “An Idea That Saved Money For Me.” The members were shown by Inger Free how to do textile painting. It was voted to pay for the paints and keep them for future use in the club. It was also voted for the president to sign the pledge card to donate to the Memorial Hospital fund. Clara Gunia and Lucy Hetzel brought our badges for Achievement Day which they had made. One visitor was present, Mrs. Pleysa Davis of Neillsville. Later, a lovely lunch was served by the hostess. We will meet with Mrs. Fern Vandeberg for our July meeting.


Grange News


June is starting out as a rather busy month for Clark Grange. We held a special meeting June 2 for the conferring of degrees with an attendance of around 80. The officers of Fremont Grange came over and conferred the first and second degrees for four new members of our Grange. Lunch was served later.


June 9, the Grange met for the regular meeting with over 60 present. As this is Youth Month, the youth of our Grange, which numbers 12, took over the officers’ chairs and also put on the program. The following took part: Virginia Gunia, Donald, Georgia and Larry Benedict, Noreta Schmidtke, Dennis Gunia, Larry Benedict, Ronnie Hetzel, Carol Lehman, Sarah Anderson, Claudia Gunia, the Grange quartette, Luanne and Noreta Schmidtke, Georgia Benedict and Diane Martin; Georgia Benedict and the Youth chairman, Alice Benedict.


The program was concluded with a safety film shown by Nyle Benedict.


Worthy Master Manford Cain and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gower of Fremont were present and several other visitors.


On June 12, Clark Grange drove over to Fremont Grange and put on the program.


Dr. M.A. Foster, Neillsville and Thorp optometrist, announced this week that she is taking into partnership her son, Dr. John W. Foster.


The younger Dr. Foster will be in charge of the Thorp office and will make his home there. His family has purchased a home there. He also will be in charge of the Neillsville office on Thursdays, and Dr. M.A. Foster will be in charge of the Thorp office on that day.


Dr. John Foster recently passed the state board of examinations and is licensed to practice optometry in Wisconsin. A graduate of Pacific University, at Forest Grove, Ore., Dr. Foster also is a premedical graduate of the University of Minnesota. He is a member of the Blue Key, an international honorary fraternity to which students are voted on the basis of leadership, character, ability and scholarship.


He also is an authority on illumination and is a member of the Illumination Engineer Society of America. During World War II, Dr. Foster was a member of the naval aviation reserve list. He is married and the father of two sons, John Jr. and Jeffrey Lee.


Norman Weaver, state director of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, will be in Neillsville Monday night, June 22, for a 7:30 meeting in the Kiwanis rooms. Mr. Weaver will explain recent progress in polio prevention and treatment and will help to organize the summer and fall program of the Clark County Chapter. This meeting is open to the public.


The following statement comes from Centennial headquarters:


“The historical displays in store windows throughout the county are an interesting part of a Centennial celebration. All the stores in the county are asked to use the ‘Then and Now’ theme in decorating their windows during the Centennial Week – half of the window, like their products, would be a hundred years ago, the other half, their most modern articles.


“If you have any very old items of historical interest that a store where you shop may be able to use, it is requested that you tell this to the store owner. He may or may not be able to use it in his window display.


“A Centennial treasure hunt was also used through all grade schools in the county to locate over 1,000 items that can be used by store owners. This list is available at the Centennial headquarters in the Northern State building, Neillsville. Merchants may look over this list, then arrange to contact the owner directly,”


A meeting to organize a softball league was called for 7:30 Wednesday evening, June 17, at the fairgrounds. Two games will be played each Wednesday, one under the lights. Interested players may contact Dan Patey, Roland Jenni, Bitsy Wasserburger or Carl Wagner.


Mother-in-law Seat is Feature of Show


An honest-to-goodness “Mother-in-law seat” proved a feature attraction at the Svetlik Motor Co. Monday, as hundreds of people crowded into the building to help the local celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Ford Motor Co.


The Mother-in-law seat – and that’s actually what it was called – was on the year of a 1910 model Ford automobile, loaned for the celebration by Arnold Ebert of Neillsville. Complete with carbide lights, foot and hand horns, brass radiator, and all, the 1910 Ford showed the strong influence of the horse-and-buggy days. Its “body” looks like a surrey with a fringe on the top. Behind the surrey was a single upholstered seat, cut off from conversation with the occupants of the front seat. And this was the Mother-in-law seat.


Another old Ford on display in the showroom, and also in running condition, was a 1925 model belonging to Tony Svetlik, brother of the garage owner, Frank Svetlik, and to John R. Bergemann, Neillsville undertaker. This was the forerunner of the modern- day light pickup truck.


Three other old Model T Fords, all in current operation, were brought in by their owners for the celebration, The oldest was a 1923 Model T belonging to Walter Jahr of Neillsville. Others included a 1924 model belonging to Henry Schlinsog and a 1925 model belonging to O.W. Lawrence, who lives south of Neillsville and drives the car weekly to Marshfield and return. Each was presented with five gallons of gasoline by the Svetlik Motor Co.


Twenty-nine cakes were entered in the anniversary cake contest. First prize was awarded a cake backed by Mrs. Marion Linster. The prize was $10. Second and third prizes, amounting to $5 and $2.50, respectively, were awarded to Mrs. Howard Sturtz and Mrs. Otto May, both of Neillsville. Judges were Mrs. John W. Perkins and Mrs. Kenneth Olson.


In the afternoon, the cakes entered in the contest were cut and passed out to visitors with coffee and Kool-Aid.


The evening celebration consisted of a two-hour Ford television show, with a television screen set up in the work room of the Svetlik Motor Co. Each visitor during the day was presented with a keychain.


These Youngsters Made a Dent in Chicago!

These are the young people from the Evangelical and Reformed Church of Neillsville who made a recent trip to Chicago. This picture was taken in the Conrad-Hilton, where they stayed, and was sent to The Press by the management of the hotel. The persons in the picture are: Front row; Alan Harder, Jerry O’Brien, Jerry Quicker, Diane Haack, Sarah Albrecht, Glenda Mitchell. Second row: Marlen Hosely, Peter Ludovic, Mona Hoesly, Ruth Scholtz, Judy Meyer, Erma Stucki. Third row: James Filitz, Pauline Zimmerman, Donald Thompson, Donna Rae Peterson, Gary Ziegler. Back row: Mrs. Clarence Bremer, Mr. Clarence (Bud) Bremer, Rev. William F. Koehler, Mrs. Jake Hosely.






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