Clark County Press,
Neillsville, WI
May 28, 2008, Page
Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Vets honor vets at Hatfield

Conducting Memorial
Day ceremonies at the Hatfield Cemetery Monday were members
of Am Vets Post #5494, (l-r) John Teeples, Larry Baker and
Tom Teeples.
(Photo by Linda Cottrell-Sanders/Clark
County Press)
Garden Club spruces up Am Vets Park

With spring weather
finally here, members of the Trailing Arbutus Garden Club in
Hatfield began planting at the Am Vets park. Hard at
work around the flagpole are (l-r) Barb Reinstra, Mary Ann
Baggs, Jan Nordin and Brenda Hanson. Other club
members working on a bedding arrangement by the picket fence
(left) include Mary Finney, Marie Kaufman, Margie Rakestraw
and Renee Lubke. (Photo by Linda
Cottrell-Sanders/Clark County Press)
Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI
July 2, 2008, Page 9
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Adding the final touches to a
special gift

Hatfield Garden Club
member Jan Nordin surprised her fellow Garden Club members
when she used her artistic talent to paint a special picture
for the Am Vet-Park located in Hatfield off CTH J. The
Garden Club provides that extra charm adorning the Hatfield
area caring for the hanging baskets and flower gardens in
the area during the summer. According to a fellow club
member, Nordin, a former teacher, did the painting “out of
the kindness of her heart.” (Contributed Photo)
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