Church: Greenwood, Wis. Catholic First Communion Class (1904)



Surnames: Hogue, McKenna, Masters, Noetzel, Susa, Potter, Wauseca, Schmelzer, Klinke, Burkart


----Source:  Church Anniversary Book


1904 ca. First Communion Class



The above photo was found in an old album in the Greenwood Public Library (1881 and Onward) and labeled "Father Pollack, Confirmation, Greenwood".  We know that Father Pollack officiated at least two weddings in 1914, so we assume this photo was taken around that time.  Please let us know if you can identify any of the people in this picture.  Jane Braun researched this photo and located a duplicate in on of the Church Anniversary booklets which identified most of the individuals.  That source lists the Priest as "Father Burkart" from Loyal.


1. Eva Hogue

2.  Margaret McKenna

3.  Dora Masters

4.  Ruth Noetzel

5. Albert Susa

6. William Potter

7.  Unknown girl

8.  Stella Master

9.  Frances Wauseca

10.  Dora Masters

11.  ? Schmelzer

12.  Unknown girl

13. Edward Klinke

14. Unknown (from Loyal)

15. Father Burkart (from Loyal)

16.  Jennie Klinke (Mrs. Arthur Barton)



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