Lutheran Church, Harold
C. Verhuls, Pastor
Milbank, South Dakota 57252 Residence : 912 South Viola Phone : 432-6572 Church Office.: 5th Ave. & Grant St. |
January 28, 1972, Ph . 432-6571
Rev. David E. Wenger
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Box 27
Greenwood, Wisconsin 54437
Dear Dave:
"Our Savior's Lutheran congregation celebrates this year and I wish to celebrate with
them. For this congregation is precious to me. Through its ministry of its pastors
and people I grew to truly love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It has provided me
with confirming opportunities for my basic Christian faith. It stepped in to assist
me in various ways during my college and seminar days. It was in this congregation
that I was ordained into the Holy Ministry on June 12, 1960. Our Savior's Luther-an
has been home base for me in the crucial years of my spiritual growth. I am deeply
indebted and grateful to this my home congregation during so many years of my life.
It has given so much of itself.
I believe this is, what has made this congregation important In this community. It
has the mission to proclaim the Word of God. Its ministry is to serve people in the
name of Christ.
May Our Saviors continue to live its ministry and mission in this community for many
years to come.
"May Jesus Christ be praised"
Blessings to you, Dave, in your ministry there and as you make plans for the
Centennial Observance next August. See you this summer.
Sincerely, in Christ,
Harold C. Verhulst
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