Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid of Granton
A Celebration of 90 Years
The Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid of Granton observed their 90th anniversary at Tufts’ Mansion on Oct.17th. The noon luncheon was prepared and served by M&M Catering. Lois Hasz, president, led the members in a responsive lunch prayer.
Lois and Carol Hubing planned the anniversary program. All enjoyed religious and fun musical selections sung by Pat Dorwaldt with Karen Hoppa at the keyboard. Pastor John Trewyn and 20 members reminisced of the society’s last 90 years. The Lord’s Prayer was said and the group gathered at the front steps of the mansion for an anniversary picture.
attending were (front row, left to right) Pat Naedler, Betty Horning, Lila
Schmitz, Betty Beilke, Lorraine Nowak, Viola Garbisch, Francis Drescher,
Beverly Helm, (middle row, from left) Carol Hubing, Hertha Sternitzky, Arlene
Hasz, Ruth Moh (seated), (back row, from left) Leona Anderson, Sandra Egstad,
Clara Lewis, Lois Moh, Pat Anding, Lavon Bartsch, Bev Ure, and Lois Hasz.
From the Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI
October 24, 2007, Page 9
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon, November 3, 2007
Web page by James W. Sternitzky PhD, November 3, 2007
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