for Hood's Sarsaparilla
Page 2 of the List of Premiums and Rules and
Regulations of the Clark County Agricultural Society, for the Fair of
100 Doses for One
often told of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is not a catch line only, but is
absolutely true of and original with this preparation; and it is as
absolutely true that it can honestly be applied only to Hood’s
Sarsaparilla, which is the very best spring medicine and blood purifier.
Now, reader, prove it.
Take a bottle home and measure its contents.
You will find it to hold 100 teaspoonfuls.
Now read the directions, and you will find that the average dose
for persons of different ages is less than a teaspoonful.
Thus economy and strength are peculiar to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
the first bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla my headache entirely
disappeared, and where before I could not muster up an appetite for my
meals, I cannot now get enough meals to satisfy my appetite.
I am a taking my second bottle and feel like a different person.
J. Lewis Post 49, G. A. R.,
Neenah, Wis.
“I am glad my child,” says the mother to her eldest daughter,
“to see you improve in health so rapidly.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is doing wonders for you, after your long
and severe illness. You
look better every day.”
“Yes mother. I
feel so much stronger, too. Why,
I can play all the afternoon, and not feel tired.”
In fact
thoroughly honest and reliable.”
“Why, mother, Susie Smith says her mother bought
some Sarsaparilla last week, which the man said was just as good at
Hood’s but they did not like it and have thrown it away. Can any body
else make it as good as Hood’s?”
“No. As I have told you very often,
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best. I know that it has done us much good,
and I will not waste time or money trying any other.”
by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD & CO.”
Lowell Mass.
Doses One Dollar
Of the peculior medicinal merits of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is fully
confirmed by the voluntary testimony of thousands. Peculiar in
combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients. Hood’s
Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where other preparations fail. Peculiar
in the good name it has made at home, which is a “tower of strength
abroad.” Peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has attained, the most
popular tonic medicine and blood purifier before the public today is
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
The Best.
“I have been troubled for a good many years with salt rheum. My
hands would itch terribly and crack open and bleed. I read that Hood’s
Sarsaparilla had cured some cases that were as bad as mine, and I began
taking it. Having now taken four bottles I feel well, and my hand have
entirely healed. I took several medicines but Hood’s Sarsaparilla is
the only one that has helped me.”
Mrs. W. H. Lewis,
Delefield road, Waukesha, Wis.
by all druggists. $1: six
for $5. Prepared by C. I.
HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Doses One Dollar
Web page by
James W. Sternitzky PhD,
June 29, 2007.
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