Hewett Township Maps
County, Wisconsin
Township 24 North, Range 3 West

The contact for this project is
Aldinger Narret.
Surveying Clark County, WI (1842-1856)
First Owners Plat Maps
Plat Map Project
Because of copyright laws, we will not
be able to display the actual maps which were produced after 1926
unless you are able to obtain permission for us to do so.
County, WI Internet Library Map Collection
County Map (shows all the townships)
Hewett First Owners Plat Map
1880 Plat Map, [East] [West]
1893 Map Transcription
by Ken Wood, 1893 Plat Map--Contributed by Alice
1905 Plat Map--By George. A. Ogle
& Co., Chicago, IL (Contributed by Greenwood Public
1915 Map Transcription
by Lynn Narret, 1915--An extremely rare map
contributed by the
Thorp Area Historical Society.
1920 Plat Map--Origin
1921 (ca.) Plat Map--Origin
1926 Plat Map--By Standard Map Co.,
Chicago, IL (Contributed by
Paulette Strey).
1938 Plat Map--Standard Map
Co, Chicago, IL *Can't be displayed because of Copyright
restrictions and the date of this map is uncertain but it
has been determined to be after 1936, but before 1940.
(Contributed by Owen Haigh).
1956 Plat Map--By Rockford
Map Publishers *Can't be displayed because of Copyright
restrictions. (Contributed by Alice Braun)
1964 Plat Map--By Rockford
Map Publishers *Can't be displayed because of Copyright
restrictions. (Contributed by Alice Braun)
Section 1
1893 Plat Map--D
Wood, D Dewhurst, F Klopf, Ry Co, F Weisner, J Wood, C Pulnow, F Pulnow, A B
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- C.J. Wilbe(?); Ole
Fl??; E.R. Moffatt; E. Haskins; G. Mardsen; J, Wood; W.
Moffatt; F. Wiesner
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 2
1893 Plat Map--N H Withee Estate, A & J
Bautch, G D Hall, S F Hewett, H Schuster
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- H.M. Root; Cornelius
& Root; Mary J. Root
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 3
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, S F Reineking, F
Klopf, W R Adkins, Ramsay Land Co, A & J Bautch
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Braddach & Marvin;
K.H. Kountz; Paulina Klopt; Cornelius & Root; Ramsay
Land Co.; A.G. Briggs Trustee
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 4
1893 Plat Map--US, State, J L Gates, C S
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
State Land; Lake States Land Co.; M.?. Hauch
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map-- 1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 5
1893 Plat Map--Ry Co, C S Graves, H H
Wheeler, J L gates 1905 Plat Map-- 1915 Plat Map-- Nellie Boynton; Asa G.
Briggs Trustee; W.F. Gohres
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map-- 1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 6
1893 Plat Map--J L Gates, H H Wheeler, C S
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- ?. E. Bice; C.A.
Sjolander; A.G. Briggs Trustee; Nellie Boynton
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 7
1893 Plat Map--J L Gates, C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
Nellie Boynton
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 8
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
Elsie G. Scott
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 9
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
M.J. Root; Geo. Loewen
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 10
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, Ramsay Land Co,
D Metcalf, L A Doolittle
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
R(?) Hicks; H.F. Schrader; W.H. Hart; A. Putz; Ramsay
Land Co
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 11
1893 Plat Map--J Hewett, R F Hubbard, Sarah
Metcalf, S F Hewett, A Metcalf, C F Grow, F G Allen Loan & Trust Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Braddock & Martin;
Geo L. Jacques; F. Lavine; W. Amidan(?); R. Ritchie; ?.
Parker; A. Engelke; A. Boda
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 12
1893 Plat Map--L A Doolittle, A Jones, B
Campbell, M M Cook, F Dunn, C R Amidon, S H Esch, G L Jacques, C H Jones, A
Metcalf, G Jacques
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- James O'Neill; Jno.
Durst; G.L. Jacques; W. Dunnetai(?); A. Engelke; L. Cook;
Mrs. S. Cook; Aliden Metcalf
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 13
1893 Plat Map--W R Adkins, R Hart, M E
Corkendale, W Sheret, R B Jervis, C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Ramsay Land Co.; G.
Sheret; H. Albrecht; Mrs. J. Jotters; F. Huntzicker; Jno.
Imaberstag; Jacob Loager; W. Kim??
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 14
1893 Plat Map--M DeWolf, S Castner, Clark
County Land Co, C S Graves, S F Hubbard, Ramsay Land Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Geo.L. Jacques; E.G.
Scott; A. Boda; Ramsay Land Co.; D.H. Atherton
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 15
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, Ry Co, M Graves,
T Freeland, D J Spaulding
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Lake States Land Co.;
A. Putz; Ramsay Land Co.; W.F. Gohres; J.P. Gohres; C.C.
Samson; H.L. Hier; Wos.Ry L&P Co.
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 16
1893 Plat Map--D J Spaulding, Mutual Real
Estate & Investment Co, G S Graves, US
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- D. Hopkins; Jno.
Stewart; A.G. Briggs Trustee; H.L. Hier; Geo.M. Case
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 17
1893 Plat Map--G S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
A.M. Appleby; J.J. Iverson
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 18
1893 Plat Map--H H Wheeler, W Sires, C S
Graves, State, US
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- State Land; N.
Boynton; A.G. Briggs Trustee; M. Waite
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 19
1893 Plat Map--19 Chicago, St Paul,
Milwaukee & Ohio Rail Road, C S Graves, Ry Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Nellie Boynton; A.G.
Briggs Trustee; Boynton & Holway Land Co.
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 20
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, J J Greiger
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Nellie Boynton; Duluth
Brewing & Malting; A. Schulz; J.A. Thwing; P.L.
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 21
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- D.O. Kline; N.
Boynton; Elsie G. Scott; F.H. Bacon Trustee; H.G.
Bridgman; Roy R. Fink
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 22 1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, US
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Jas. Horak; G.
Segrist; Jos. Mashin; Wis.Ry L&P Co.; Mary J. Root
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 23
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Fred Christen; Wm.
Schmoke; E. Gurtzow; F. Gerber; G. Bruni; J. Solberger
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 24
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, State, US, C H N
L Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Jno. Imoberstag; A.G.
Briggs Trustee; L.M. Sturdevant; Lake States Land Co.;
J.A. Phillip; Jacob Christen; F. Lockmon; P.G(?) McKinney
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 25
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Mrs. E. Grunert; Mrs.
M.A. McKinney; Brameld & Dangers; A.G. Briggs Trustee
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 26
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, E H Markey, J L
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Wis.Ry Light &P
Co.; L. Moravec; E.G. Scott; A.& J. Solberger; A.G.
Briggs Trustee; J. Putz; H. Putz; A. Langvish; Adam Rice
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 27
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, Ry Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Elsie G. Scott; F.
Baumel; R.L. Boynton; Wis Ry Light & P Co.; R.B.
Lowry; B. Tykac; T. Barnnoldt; M.J. Root; F.F. Sherman
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 28
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Frank Baumel; Roy R.
Fink; Jos. Tuma; J. Baldwin; F. Bratzler; M.M. Gardner;
W. Schulz; B. Tykac
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 29
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Wm. Amberlang; C.J.
Ehlett; F.F. Amberlang; C.G. Bird
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 30
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, US
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee;
E. Simons
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 31
1893 Plat Map--C S Grave
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- A.G. Briggs Trustee
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 32
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, US, State, G W
King, Ry Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Rose L. Boynton; A.G.
Briggs Trustee; Theo. Dahlman; Christ Steffan; F.W.
Draper; J. Malek; T. Mulvihill
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 33
1893 Plat Map--Ry Co
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Wm. Schulz; J.
Schunck; A.G. Briggs Trustee; J. Sindelar; Elsie C.
Scott; K.G. ?isztart; F. Mauren
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 34
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, US
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- M. Klecker, Jr.; A.
Schaer; F.C. Bohnhoff; T.D. Peterman; C.E. Wartord; F.
Maser; G. Johnson; H.A. Toda
1926 Plat Map--C S Graves, Village of
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 35
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, Village of
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- Mary E. Roberts; C.P.
Green; F.R. Babrock
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
Section 36
1893 Plat Map--C S Graves, State, F E
Grimes, A Hale, E O Bliss, US, H D Lockman
1905 Plat Map--
1915 Plat Map-- John O'Brien; C.T.
Winton; H.M. Root; M.J. Root; S.J. Cook; A.G. Briggs
Trustee; H. D. Lockman; E.F. Deal
1926 Plat Map--
1938 Plat Map--
1956 Plat Map--
1964 Plat Map--
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