1947-48 Owen High School

Cloverleaf Year Book Index

Yearbook property of: Elsie (Lipprandt) Anderson

Transcribed by Robert Lipprandt


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Owen High School Activities



Annual Staff

(Page 2)


1st Row:  B. Marking, A. Wilksman, M. J. Hiebsch, B. L. O’Dell, J. Wollum.


2nd Row:  D. Laabs, F. Samek, M. Stuve, J. Jensen, L. Maki, E. Gay, B. Mattson, M. E. Anderson, Miss Boyington.


3rd Row:  J. Klabon, V. Lott, J. Mahoney, D. Thompson.





(Page 16)


Center:  M. Froland


First Row:  J. Madsen, S. Stasek, B. Hilts, V. Smith, V. Meyers, M. E. Allen. 


Second Row:  D. Pyatt, B. Arola, W. Piotrwoski, E. Bjornstad, K. Bucholz, H. Plummer, B. Hull, E.  Gay, P. Straughan, J. Welker, A. Mills, B. Pyatt, D. Thorson. 


Third Row:  D. Demsey, R. Hubert, R. Meyers, P. Bladl, D. Mills, J. Thorson, K. Roohr, P. Bladl, L. Maki, B. Marking, M. Stuve, D. Thompson, D. Clark, A. Arp. J. Stuve, D. Gudex, F. Bucholz. 


Fourth Row:  M. J. Hiebsch, B. Mattson, J. King, L. Weddig, J. Klabon, J. Wollum, B. Allen, I. Ciokiewicz, C. Southworth, N. Horn, R. Bingham, J. Mahoney, B. L. O’Dell, Mrs. Schulze, N. Lipprandt, H. Erickson.





(Page 18)


First Row:  M. Schommer, J. Jensen, R. Purgett, R. Devine, Virgie Lott, Verla Lott, B. Roix, M. Allen, B. Marking, A. Schafer, J. Wollum L. Obernberger, D. Laabs, L. Maki, A. Jensen, M. Long, D. Gudex, H. Plummer, J. King, M. J. Hiebsch, S. Stuve, D. Thompson, A. Wilksman.


Second Row:  M. E. Anderson, J. Mahoney, M. Barnaske, V. Molle, W. Piotrowski, N. Meyers, A. Mills, D. Clark, C. Erickson, S. Raasch, B. Pyatt, D. Thorson, M. Bernsee, P. Bladl, L. Pogodzinski, J. Devine, E. Ohnemus, L. Sapetta, W. Lindau, V. Arndt, J. Stuve, J. Klabon.


Third Row:  Mr. Schulze, W. Kovatch, E. Pabich, H. Frane, E. Gay, M. Smith, J. Kobs, D. Hull, E. Erickson, R. Mattson, D. Southworth, K. Roohr, G. Southworth, A. Smith, E. Gay, B. Hull, P. Bladl, M. O’Konski




Cloverbud – Blossom

(Page 26)


Left to Right, Seated:  J. Klabon, D. Thompson, B. Marking.


Standing:  M. E. Allen, M. Smith, A. Novak, P. Bladl, Miss Boyington.


Cloverblossom Staff

This year, as in previous years, here was a committee of four student chosen by the rest of the school to get articles ready for our weekly column in the local newspaper.  The members chosen were:


Senior Reporter:  Melvin Smith

Junior Reporter:  Patricia Bladl

Sophomore Reporter: Alex Nowak

Freshman Reporter:  Mary Allen


The senior class was responsible for the editorials and feature articles; the junior class for the added features; the sophomore class for the school news; and the freshman class for the humor.  Dorothy Thompson and Bonnie Marking were the typists for the year.  Through this column, the parents were able to see what type of activities and recreation interested their children.  Miss Boyington was our sponsor. 




Events Calendar

(Pages 34 and 35)


March 1947


  1        The Annual goes to press.

10        A number of the students and teachers have been absent from school because of the flu.

13        Mr. Schulze was called home by illness in his family.

17        The band mothers gave a card party to raise money for instruments for the band.

20        The band and orchestra present the spring concert.

31        Forensics eliminations take place at the high school.


April 1947


  1        Forensics contest at O.H.S.

  3        School closes for the Easter vacation.

  8        Back to school again.  Vacation was too short.

15        Music department presents its annual spring concert.

17        Owen and Withee tangle in boxing bouts.  Karl Doege takes the honors for Owen.

18        Mr. Milliren and the F.F.A. Boys go to Wausau.

21        Forensic winners are invited to a Kiwanis dinner and to give their declamations. Aren’t they lucky!

29        Musical recital.

30        Thirty-six students went to Eau Claire to hear the Army Ground Forces Band. 


May 1947


  2        Highlight of the year, Junior Prom!

  5        The Band Mothers entertained all the teachers. 

  7        Rural Day at school. 

  9-10   Music Festival at Eau Claire. Look at all the honors!

12        Menominee school chorus presented a concert at Owen High.

14        The Home Ec. Department gives a dinner to the faculty members.

18        The Baccalaureate sermon is preached at the Episcopal Church.

21        Commencement night.

22        Senior class night and plays.

23        School picnic, the doors of Owen High again close for the summer vacation.


September 1947


  3        School opens. Everyone has settled down to study. The new members to join the faculty are Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Aasterud and Mr. Korpal.

19        First football game. Owen victorious over Loyal.

20        Junior County Fair, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.

27        Neillsville victorious in football game. Must have been due to the rain, eh’ boys?

29        School bus has an accident, no one injured seriously.


October 1947


  3        Freshman initiation. Cadott bows to Owen’s squad.

  7        High school band hears Marine Corps Band at Eau Claire.

  8        Owen gives Thorp a trimming on the green.

  9        Vacation! Teachers Convention at Eau Claire.

17        Owen vs. Greenwood. Another victory. Jerry Madsen gives skit for Pep Meeting.

23        Homecoming festivities. Close with a huge bonfire.

24        Ben Hammond, artist, presents the first forum program.

27        Seniors go to Wausau to have their pictures taken for the annual.

31        Owen beats Withee at football. Last game of the season.


Novmeber 1947


10        Mr. Korpal returns to school after an appendectomy.

11        Armistice Day. Students give assembly program.

14        Owen and Loyal play first basketball game. Style show for pep meeting.

21        Otto G. Dallman provides the second forum program.

23        Magazine sale for Curtis Publishing Company.

26        School closes for Thanksgiving vacation.


December 1947


  1        Back to school, Vacation was such fun. Mr. Kafka joins the faculty.

  5        Thorp defeats the basketball quint.

  6        Those sparkling gems on the junior’s fingers aren’t diamonds, just class rings. An illustrated lecture by Art Hook completed our forum programs.

11        The orchestra presents its annual Christmas concert.

12        Sadie Hawkins Dance. Boys, be careful!

18        The grade school pupils present an operetta. “Christmas For Others.”

19        Christmas party given by faculty. Vacation time again! Coach Peterson resigned his position here, will accept one at Galesville.


January 1948


  5        Students resume studies for the new year.

  6        Owen winds another basketball victory. Boyd is the victim.

  9        Owen tangles with Withee on the basketball court. Result? Owen on top.

13        Owen wins victory over Colby.

14-16   More headaches, semester exams!!

20        Owen takes Stanley in a hard-fought game. Keep up the good work, boys.

22        The band presents its first concert. Smokey and Hokey for Pep Meeting.

23        Thorp wins from Owen again. Better luck next time.

27        Group pictures taken for the annual.

28        F.H.A. girls go to Athens for a regional meeting.

30        Owen and Neillsville basketball game. Our boys are really getting good.


February 1948


  4        The Band Mothers present two one-act plays for grade children. A minstrel show entertained the audience between acts.  Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. Schulze were in charge.

  5        The band Mothers plays were presented in the H.S. gym. Miss Boyington coached.  

  6        Played Stanley and lost by 5 points. Mock wedding for pep meeting.

10        Band Mothers repeat their plays at Withee, which brought the total receipts up to $190.60.

11        Game at Boyd.





(Page 29)


Bottom Row:  D. Southworth, H. Erickson, D. Hull, W. Hansen, M. Smith, P. Devine, L. Phillips, E. Gay, E. Sluzewski.


Second Row:  E. Pabish, H. Frane, G. Southworth, F. Pawlukiawicz, K. Hacker, C. Smith, A. Nowak, R. Seufzer, L. Gifford, F. Samek, N. Lipprandt, W. Kovatch, B. Hull.


Third Row:  W. Johnson, M. O’Konski, R. Laube, B. Adams, C. Lulloff, E. Klessig, L. Johnson, G. Fakes, H. Laube, T. Riley, E. Kaucnik, G. Behringer.


Fourth Row:  P. Bladl, K. Bucholz, B. Devine, G. Behringer, H. Peterson, E. Gay, A. Smith, C. Johnson, O. Steinke.


The Future Farmers of America is a nation-wide organization that offers many opportunities to any rural student taking agriculture in high school. Within the Owen Chapter, the following boys earned awards:


Kiwanis Farming Program

First: Melvin Smith, $25.00

Second: Edward Sluzewski, $15.00

Third: Ernie Gay, $10.00


E.W. Kidd Relationship Essay

First: Ernie Gay, $20.00

Second: Edward Sluzewski, $12.50

Third: Andrew Smith, $7.50


In a state dairy judging contest held July 15, 1948 at Madison.  The Owen Team placed fifth.  The team consisted of Clifford Smith, Harold Laube and Gerald Behringer. Clifford Smith received an “A” grade in the Clark county contest, while represented the poultry class from Owen.





(Page 28)


Bottom Row:  M. J. Heibsch, A. Wilksman, P. Bladl, L. Maki, J. Jensen, M. Bernsee, D. Laabs, A. Schaffer.


Second Row:  Mrs. Aasterud, D. Gudex, R. Radley, V. Arndt, S. Raasch, D. Ackerman, H. Plummer, B. Lysdahl, M. Crye, M. Newman. 


Third Row:  V. Molle, B. Haas, D. Hautimaki, A. Jensen, D. Strohkrich, D. Clark, B. Hilts, N. Murphy.


Fourth Row:  A. Wisneski, M. Schommer, V. Smith, J. Alexander, C. Erickson, L. Obernberger, L. Sapetta, D. Thompson, D. Anderson.


Our F.H.A. chapter ventured something new this year.  Once a week we made and old hot dished to the students at noon.  The proceeds will go towards sending two girls to the state convention at the Wisconsin Dells.  In January our chapter attended the “neighborhood meet” at Athens.  Our group contributed a skit for the program. 


F.H.A. Officers

President: Louise Maki

Vice President: Jeanne Jensen

Secretary: Pat Bladl

Treasurer: Marjory Bernsee

Historian: Dorothy Thompson

Advisor: Mrs. Aasterued




(Page 27)


First Row:  F. Samek, J. Madsen, B. Johnson, M. J. Hiebsch, E. Gay, D. Hull.


Second Row:  Mrs. Armstrong, J. Samek, M. Schommer, B. Hilts, B. Haas, M. Newman.


Third Row:  J. Klabon, B. Lysdahl, D. Thompson, B. Pyatt, D. Thorson, J. Stuve, M. Smith, E. Sluzewski. 


An original poem by: Jerry Madsen




To Mary and Joseph, Christ had come,

To save mankind, from sins past done.


Born in a stable, their place to stay,

A manger – His bed, His cushions – the hay.


He led his life of teaching men,

Spreading the truth, and then…


Upon the cross he wrongly died,

With pain ne’er showing…. 


The Body – dead,

But the Spirit – glowing.


The presence of God was in the sight…

To show the way with His guiding light.



He died for sins committed by you.



Honors Page

(Page 14)


In this year’s forensic contest, Mary Stuve took first place in dramatic Declamations; Dorothy Thompson won second place; and Violet Otto was given an honorable mention.


Among those who competed with Humorous Declamations, Mary Jane Hiebsch took first; Julia Samek second; and Jerry Madsen was given an honorable mention.


                        Mary Stuve                  White Hands of Telham

                        Dorothy Thompson     Dog of War

                        Violet Otto                  The Crimson Rambler

                        Mary Jane Hiebsch     Alvin Jr. Takes Youth’s Flying

                        Julia Samek                 At the Lace Counter

                        Jerry Madsen              Ma, What Did Pa Say?


The annual award for good citizenship, scholarship and character, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, was granted to Sidney Toraason for the year of 1947.  A similar award to boys, sponsored by the American Legion went to Galen Parkinson


The state award which is given by the D.A.R. went to Alice Devine.  This award includes a conducted tour to Washington, D.C. for the one girl from each state, selected from the representatives of each section.  Alice was the candidate from Owen.


At Last spring’s Music Festival held in Eau Claire, the local high school captured first and second places in several entries.  We give the list of the awards won by the juniors and seniors. 


In the vocal solo work, first pace awards were granted to Judith Wollum and Dorothy Long. Second place awards were given to Frances Baxter, Donna Clifton, Nancy Crowley, Mary Jane Hiebsch, Violet Otto, Betty Jean Kraut, Mary Stuve and David Hull


In the instrumental field of music, Dorothy Thompson and Sidney Toraason place first in piano; Melvin Smith, first in violin; Mary Stuve, first in baritone; Nancy Hamm, first in trumpet; Violet Otto, first in clarinet; and Ernest Gay won first in tenor saxophone. Second places were granted to: Dorothy Thompson in baritone.


Group work such as: brass quartets, clarinet quartets, instrumental duets and trios also merited high recognition. The band took first place honors for concert work and second place in parade. The orchestra, mixed chorus and string ensemble received first, second and first place rankings respectively.


The name of last year’s class play was entitled “The Great Joanne.” The cast of characters follows: Hostess, Pat Hamm, Maid, Nancy Hamm; Young Couples: Betty Jean Kraut, Dorothy Long, Donna Clifton, Herbert Ewan, Earl Johnson and Galen Parkinson


A pantomime entitled “The Living Magazine” was also given. The cast being; Exhibitor, Violet Otto; Cover, Beatrice Schwarze and Inez Hofmann; Story “Paul BunyanRussell Garfield; Poem “That’s the Way For Billy and Me,” Floyd Niebacker; Home Section: Phyllis Hacker; Beauty Ad, Sidney Toraason; Hair Tonic, Allen Fritz, Walter Smith, LeRoy Parve; Have a Coke, Sylvia Stolp; Shirley McMillan, Alice Devine; Meat Sauces (Chef), Bill Marino; Tuna Fish, Frances Baxter; and the role of the Nurse was played by Darlene Lulloff


Every high school in the state is entitled to three representatives of the Coca Cola Scholarship.  Only one pupil is victorious from the whole state.  Owen’s three representatives for 1948 were Mary Stuve, Dorothy Thompson and Ernest Gay


The Homecoming Queen was selected from four representatives; one girl representing each class.  Freshman, Janice Devine; sophomore, Arlene Mills; Junior, Lorna Obernberger; and Senior, Louise Maki.  The latter won the honor of queen by a majority of votes. 


These pupils have been on the honor roll for all four years of high school. 


                        Fern Bucholz                           Mary Stuve

                        Ernest Gay                              Patricia Sugden

                        June Klabon                            Dorothy Thompson

                        Ruby Purgett                           Judy Wollum




(Page 17)


First Row:  M. Smith, P. Bladl, S. Wilksman, B. Hilts, J. Stuve, M. Stuve.


Second Row:  E. Sluzewski, N. Nason, E. Gay, F. Levine, J. Madsen, V. Smith, B. Arola, V. Meyers, M. Allen, A. Rossman, D. Laabs. 


Third Row:  A. smith, M. Barnaske, B. Allen, I. Ciokiewicz, I. Gay, K. Buchholz, W. Piotrwoski, H. Plummer, K. Roohr, L. Maki, B. Marking, E. Gay, D. Thorson, B. Pyatt, D. Thompson, F. Buchholz, D. Gudex. 


Fourth Row:  M. J. Hiebsch, J. King, A. Wilksman, B. L. O’Dell, Mr. Schulze, J. Wollum, J. Ackerman, E. Glenzer, B. Lysdahl.




Pep Band

(Page 16)


First Row:  W. Piotrowski, M. Allen, J. Madsen, B. Hilts, D. Thorson, B. Pyatt, E. Gay.


Second Row:  M. J. Heibsch, J. King, K. Bucholz, M. Stuve, P. Bladl, D. Thompson, F. Buchholz, D. Gudex.


Third Row:  Mrs. Schulze, H. Erickson, B. Marking, L. Maki.




String Ensemble

(Page 17)


Seated:  M. Smith, P. Bladl, M. Stuve, N. Nason, B. Hilts.


Back Row:  Mr. Schulze, B. L. O’Dell, J. Wollum. 




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