Curtiss Wisconsin


1882•75th Anniversary•1957




[75] = From 75th Anniversary Book

[100] = From Centennial Book


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Haderlein, Dick [100] [page 148] Add, Insurance agency.

Haegegel, Mr. [75] [page 26] Managed a cheese warehouse.

Haemer, Carl and Judith [100] [page 65] Landowner in section 2, Twp. Green Grove.

Hage, John [100] [page 24] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

Hake, A. [100] [page 6] Listed as owning livestock shipping company, 1918 - 1919.

Hake, Adolph [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

[100] [page 27] Family photograph, Walter L. is the only one identified of the children.

[100] [page 41] One of the original members of Peace Ev. and Reformed Church.

Hake, Elsie and Roland [100] [page 65] Landowners in sections 12 & 14, Twp. Green Grove.

Hake, Helen [100] [page 26] In photograph with brother Walter.

Hake, Walter [100] [page 26] In photograph with sister Helen.

Halbander [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 7, Twp. Green Grove.

Hamm, Arlan [100] [page 65] Landowner in section 35, Twp. Hoard and section 30, Twp. Mayville.

Hamm, Gary L. [100] [page 65] Landowner in section 25, Twp. Hoard.

Hamm, George [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hamm, Harold [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.

[100] [page 126] Group photograph of Curtiss-Owen Calf Club, 1930.

Hamm, Jacob [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hamm, Joe [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hamm, John [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hamm, Raymond [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.

Handle, Mary Alvina (Bernsee) [100] [page 25] Photograph with Bernsee family.

[100] [page 128] Curtiss Community Club member.

[100] [page 130] Member of the Boomtown Card Club.

Handle, Alina and Victor [199] [page 144] Centennial photograph.

Handle, Victor [100] [page 128] Curtiss Community Club member.

Hanna, Chas. [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] First name spelling change, from Chas. to Charles, the rest of the information is identical from the 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hanna, Charles [100] [page 19] Managed the operation of kilns for the Ashland Steel Company.

Hanna, Frank [100] page 46] Gave recitation at graduation program.

Hanna, Lizzie [100] [page 46] Sang quartet with Willie Bishop, Carla Ostenson and Myrtle Cole.

[100] [page 107] Sang solo at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

[100] [page 107] Read recitation at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

Hanna, Mesita [100] [page 112] Mentioned in “Memories of Curtiss.”

Hanna, Norma [100] [page 107] Gave recitation of 1905 graduation at Curtiss Graded School.

Hansen, C. [100] [pages 62 & 63] Tax roll, township of Hoard, 1900.

Hansen, Dave [100] [page 98] Bowen group employee photograph.

Hansen, George [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

Hansen, J. P. [100] [page 41] Ran for constable in the township of Hoard, no date.

Hansen, John [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hansen, Matt [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hansen, Ole [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet, minor change as Jr. is added in the centennial book.

Hansen, Walter [100] [page 71] Twp. Hoard Mexican War Vet.

Hanson, Flora [100] [page 48] Group photograph taken in front of Midway school, 1909.

Hanson, George [100] [page 24] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

Hanson, Harold C. [100] [page 71] Twp. Hoard Civil War Vet.

Hanson, J. P. [100] [pages 62 & 63] Tax roll, township of Hoard, 1900.

Hanson, John [100] [page 40] Member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, 1897.

Hanson, Jorgen [100] [page 40] Member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, 1897.

Hanson, Julius [75] [page 23] Group photograph near Curtiss train depot, poor quality photograph.

Hanson, Matt [100] [page 5] Property located in section 27, Southeastern part of village.

[100] [page 40] Member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, 1897.

Hanson, Ole [100] [page 46] Gave recitation for graduation program.

Hanson, Thea [100] [page 60] Tanlokken descendant.

Harmal, Art [100] [page 53] Community play member, All Star Wedding.

Harmel, Art [75] [page 37] Was a barber in the village.

[100] [page 105] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

[100] [page 92] Was an operator at the gas station for Big Four Oil Co.

Harmel, Martha (Gilbertson) [100] [page 29] In photograph of Gilbertson family.

[100] [page 146] Centennial era photograph with Ruth Erickson.

Harris, Arlun [100] [page 96] First non relative hired hand by Les Bowen, 1938.

Harris, Arnie [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.

Harris, Byron [100] [page 47] Student, Brady School, 1926.

[100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.

Harris, Tom [100] [page 124] Photograph of Boy Scout Troop, 1961.

Harris, Vernon [100] [page 47] Student, Brady School, 1926.

Hartman, Rev. Herman K. [75] [page 18] Pastor of Evangelical & Reformed Church.

[100] [page 77] 1928-29 Information Directory of Curtiss, listed as pastor of German Reform Church.

Hartmann, Julius [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Haselow, E. R. [100] [page 53] Add, Gamble Store Agency.

Hawks, Allan [100] [page 141] Mentioned on Rod’s Custom Painting add.

Hawks, E. A. [100] [pages 62 & 63] Tax roll, township of Hoard, 1900.

Hawks, Emmet [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

[100] [page 141] Mentioned on Rod’s Custom Painting add.

Hawks, Inge Marie [100] [pages 1 & 30] Listed as Chairperson of Curtiss Centennial Book Committee and forward introduction on page 1 & poem.

[100] [page 67] Wrote biography of Cap Thorsen.

[100] [page 127] Curtiss Community Club member, 1982.

Hawks, Lettice [100] [page 59] Photograph standing in front of pioneer home.

Hawks, M. [100] [pages 62 & 63] Tax roll, township of Hoard, 1900.

Hawks, Milo [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

[100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

[100] [page 59] Homestead Certificate signed by President Chester A. Arthur, 1883.

[100] [page 141] Mentioned in Rod’s Custom Painting add.

Hawks, Mrs. Dorothy [100] [page 102] Witness to Owen-Curtiss bank robbery in 1953.

Hawks, Mrs. Lucy [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Hawks, Mrs. Milo [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Hawks, Radley [100] [page 127] In photograph of the Curtiss Community Club, 1982.

[100] [page 142] Mentioned on Rod’s Custom Painting add.

Hawks, Renata [100] [page 127] In photograph of the Curtiss Community Club, 1982.

[100] [page 141] Mentioned on Rod’s Custom Painting add.

Hawks, Rodney and Inga [100] [page 141] Purchased the topper and overhead camper business and property of Roy Frane and opened a custom painting, body shop & sign painting shop. Mentioned on Rod’s Custom Painting add.

Hawks, Rodney P. [100] [page 79] Part owner of Big Four Oil that purchased the standard service station. Other partners were Walter Ecker, Sherman Long and Robert Gosse. He took sole possession of the station in 1966 and built an addition. He then sold the business to Robert Gosse in 1970 and built a shop at Curtiss Corners.

[100] [page 80] Authored article that appeared in the Tribune-Phonograph, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1980 of the growth of Curtiss.

[100] [page 125] Became Cubmaster in 1974.

[100] [page 126] Past president of Curtiss Community Club, Curtiss Community Club member, 1982.

[100] [page 129] Group photograph of Curtiss Lions Club. Listed as two year director.

Hayes, President Rutherford B. [100] [page 64] Signed deed of the farm of Peder Peterson, 1880.

Heagle, George [75] [page 37] Operated a shoe shop in the village.

[100] [page 108] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hiebsch, Mrs. Frank [100] [page 130] Member of Midway Card Club.

Heibsch, Raymond [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet. Note: surname may also be spelled Hiebsch.

Heimbach, June and Walter [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 7, Twp. Colby.

Heimerdinger, Fred [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Heimerdinger, Marie [100] [page 50] Community play member, Mammy’s Lil’ Wild Rose.

Heindl, Clemence and Margaret [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 8, Twp. Mayville.

Heintzel [100] [page 6] Listed as owning meat market, 1918 - 1919.

Heinzel [75] [page 33] Brothers (unnamed) purchased the meat market building and business of Archie Kluve. The business was later sold to Fred Ecke.

[100] [page 39] Early members of St. Paul’s Kirche.

Heinzel, Clemix [100] [page 46] Gave recitation at graduation program.

[100] [page 107] Lists miscellaneous song at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

Heinzel, Fred [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Heinzel, Henry [75] [page 29] Purchased saloon, dance hall and harness shop property from Herman Boehm. Sold the property to Louis Schroeder.

[100] [page 107] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

[75] [page 37] Owned livery and drayman service.

[100] [page 110] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Heinzel, Minnie [100] [page 107] Gave oration for 1905 graduating class of Curtiss Graded School.

Hempfner, K. [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hennlich, A. J. [100] [page 2] Listed as village president, 1939 - 1942, 1943 - 1945 & 1945 - 1947.

[100] [page 80] Mentioned as assisting Morris Anderson with master of ceremonies duties at 75th Anniversary Celebration.

[100] [page 137] Group photograph of the dedication of the new intersection of State Highway 29 at Curtiss Corners.

Hennlich, Ina E. [75] [pages 38 & 44] Postmaster of Curtiss P.O.

[100] [page 34] Postmasters appointed August 12, 1934 and was commissioned on January 18, 1935.

[100] [page 36] Photograph with Herb Fahrenbach and Grant Heroic in front of old post office, 1957.

[100] [page 126] First secretary-treasurer of the Curtiss Community Club, 1954. Same information stated on page 127.

[100] [page 130] Attended organizational meeting of the Boomtown Card Club, 1965.

Hennlich, Mr. & Mrs. Anton [75] [page 22] Photograph, poor quality.

Hennlich, Tony [75] [page 13] Village trustee (1952) during street improvement project.

[100] [page 53] Community play member, All Star Wedding.

[100] [page 126] Past president of Curtiss Community Club.

[100] [page 129] Secretary of the reorganized Curtiss Volunteer Fire Department, 1962.

Hennlich, Wm. J. [75] [page 25] Operated a garage.

[100] [page 75] Took over operation of the Curtiss Ford Garage from Henry Aldinger and Wm. Klessig.

[100] [page 76] Add in the 1928-29 Information Directory of Curtiss, Curtiss Garage.

[100] [page 2] Listed as village president, 1933 - 1937.

[100] [page 77] 1928-29 Information Directory of Curtiss, listed as being justice of the peace.

Hermann, Wm. [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hermansen, Arve [100] [page 71] Village of Curtiss WW2 Vet.

Hermansen, Henry [100] [page 71] Village of Curtiss WW2 Vet.

[100] [page 126] Group photograph of Curtiss-Owen Calf Club, 1930.

Hermansen, M. [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hermansen, Martha [100] [page 126] Group photograph of Curtiss-Owen Calf Club, 1930.

Herrick, Grant [75] [page 38, page 44] Sub rural mail carrier, rural letter carrier.

[100] [page 34] One of the rural mail carriers.

[100] [page 35] Photograph of Grant and son Kenneth with a 1923 Ford that he used to haul mail.

[110] [page 36] Photograph of “snowmobile” he used in the 1930’s to deliver mail.

[100] [page 36] Photograph with Herb Fahrenbach and Ina Hennlich in front of old post office, 1957.

[100] [page 71] Village of Curtiss WW1 Vet.

Herrick, Kenneth [100] [page 53] Community play member, All Star Wedding.

[100] [page 71] Village of Curtiss WW2 Vet.

Hesch [100] [page 39] Student pastor shared between St. Paul’s (Green Grove) and St. Paul’s (Curtiss).

Heschke [75] [page 18] Student pastor at St. Paul’s (German) Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Heup, Matt [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hickock, Russell [100] [page 46] Gave recitation at graduation program.

Hickock, Willard [75] [page 5] Group photograph of early baseball photo. Poor quality photograph, no date.

[100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Hickok [75] [page 32] Store built in 1894 was sold in 1910 to Green Brothers. Fire destroyed the business on New Years morning, 1913.

[100] [pages 114 & 115] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet. Difference in the purchaser being B. B. Green, date of the first fire being 1910 and again destroyed by fire in January of 1981.

[100] [page 113] Photograph of Hickok and Block Store.

[100] [pages 114 & 115] Photograph (page 114) of outside of store, nine unidentified individuals. Photograph (page 115) of inside of store, nine individuals total and identified are George C. Hickok, Russell Hickok, Willard Hickok and a tall woman who’s first name is Estella.

[100] [page 123] Only surname used in photograph of 1910 baseball team. Possible identification could be Willard Hickok as he was identified in the photograph from the 75th Anniversary booklet of the same type photograph.

[100] [page 147] Photograph of the Hickok store after the 1905 cyclone.

Hickok, Addie (Russell) [100] [page 114] Second wife of George C. Hickok. Four children were born, Estella, Carrie, Willard and Russell. She died in February of 1905.

Hickok, Carrie [100] [page 114] Daughter of George C. She married Adolph Peterson and settled in Abbotsford.

Hickok, Estelle [100] [pages 114 & 115] Daughter of George C., photograph on the inside of Hickok store.

Hickok G. C. [75] [page 8] Photograph of G. C. Hickok store, 1900. Poor quality photograph.

[100] [page 10] Photograph of store, Main Street looking North.

[100] [page 34] Photograph of the front of his post office with G. C., Willard, Olive and Estella built after the cyclone of 1905.

Hickok, Geo. C. [100] [page 41] Ran for treasurer in the township of Hoard, no date.

Hickok, George C. [100] [page 115] Identified inside Hickok store.

Hickok, George [75] [page 38] Postmaster of Curtiss P.O.

[100] [page 33] See item under James A. Gary, Postmaster of the United States. He was appointed postmaster in 1897 and served to 1910. Postal receipts averaged $84.00 per month.

Hickok, Hazel (Schultz) [100] [page 114] Wife of Russell, mother of Marguerite (Hickok) Lannewehr.

Hickok, Marguerite [100] [pages 114 & 115] Daughter of Russell, authored the history of Hickok store. Married surname is Lannewehr.

Hickok, Mrs. Geo. [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Hickok, Olive [100] [page 114] Wife of Willard Hickok.

Hickok, Russell [100] [page 107] Read recitation at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

[100] [pages 114 & 115] Son of George C. identified in photograph inside Hickok store. He was born in 1893.

[100] [page 114] Married Hazel Schultz in 1917 while still in the Army. Two children born, a son killed by a train at age 13 and Marguerite (Hickok) Lannewhehr.

Hickok, Willard [75] [page 6] Group photograph of early basketball photo. Poor quality photograph, 1908.

[100] [page 123] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

[100] [page 114] Son of George C.

[75] [page 33] Purchased a building previously used as a blacksmith shop and converted it to a post-office, 1910. The same building was later sold to Archie Kluve.

[75] [page 38] Postmaster of Curtiss P.O.

[100] [page 115] Identified in photograph inside Hickok store.

Hiebsch, Joe [100] [page 48] Group photograph taken in front of Midway school, 1909.

Hiebsch, Oscar [100] [page 48] Group photograph taken in front of Midway school, 1909.

Heibsch, Ruth [100] [page 130] Started Midway Card Club in 1937 along with Kitty Hinges. Mentioned as original member.

Hiebsch, Joe, Frank, Oscar and Richard [100] [page 60] Photograph taken in front of the Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Boehm log cabin.

Hiebsch, Oscar [100] [page 71] Twp. Hoard WW1 Vet.

Hildeman [75] [page 25] Mentioned as owning store.

[100] [page 108] Mentioned as owning a Dress and Millinery Shop, located across the street from what is now the Paul Stumpner residence.

Hildeman, Grace [100] [page 46] Sang solo at graduation program.

[100] [page 107] Soloed at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

Hildeman, Mrs. F. C. [100] [page 46] Sang duet at graduation program with Grace Berry.

[100] [page 46] Sang solo at graduation program.

Hildeman, Ralph [100] [page 46] Sang quartet with John Richert, Jacob Johnson and Lydia Neitsch at graduation program.

[100] [page 107] Gave declamation at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

Hilton, Dave [100] [page 98] Bowen group employee photograph.

Hill, Ben [100] [page 131] Member of Boomtown Sno-Chasers Club, Inc.

Hill, Ben and Edna [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 33, Twp. Hoard.

Hill, Judith and Roger [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 2, Twp. Green Grove.

Hill, Linda and Reuben [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 34, Twp. Hoard.

Himmel, Mrs. Pearl [100] [page 18] Card of thanks in the death of Emma Bass.

Himmel, William [100] [page 33] Appointed as co-postmaster with Jacob Johnson during WW1.

Himmel, Wm.¹ [75] [page 13] One of two that died in WW1.

Himmel, Wm.² [75] [page 38] Postmaster of Curtiss P.O.

Himmel, Wm.³ [100] [page 71] Village of Curtiss WW1 Vet.

Hinges, Kitty [100] [page 130] Began Midway Card Club along with Ruth Heibsch. Mentioned as original member.

Hingess, Alvin [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hingess, Ferdinand [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hintz, Fred [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hoard, W. D. [75] [page 6] Man who the Township of Hoard was named after. An “X” governor of the State of Wisconsin. Hoard became the 24th Township created in Clark County in 1889.

Hochstetler, Noah A. [100] [page 64] Settler in the Amish community.

Hochstetler, Yost A. [100] [page 64] Settler in the Amish community.

Hoeper, Wm. [75] [page 43] Add, co-owner of Hoeper-Kraut Funeral home.

Hofman, Carol and Ron [100] [page 65] Landowners in sections 10, 15 & 16, Twp. Hoard.

Hoff, Dorothy [100] [page 49] Group photograph of Curtiss State Graded School, no date.

[100] [page 50] Community play member, Mammy’s Lil’ Wild Rose.

[100] [page 126] Group photograph of 4-H sewing class, late 1920’s.

Hoff, Ethel [100] [page 48] Group photograph of Curtiss State Graded School, 1924.

Hoff, George and Martha [100] [page 127] Curtiss Community Club members photographed at the retirement party of George and Martha Hoff, 1954.

Hoff, George P. [75] [page 31] Purchased Machlett business from Ben and Fred Machlett in 1922. He sold the business to Howard Wauson.

[100] [page 95] Photograph of the Hoff Hardware Store, 1922.

[100] [page 77] Add, 1928-29 Information Directory of Curtiss for Hardware and General Merchandise.

[100] [page 96] Add for Goodrich Rubber Footwear, Hoff Hardware.

Hoff, Harley [100] [page 71] Village of Curtiss WW2 Vet.

Hoff, Myrtle [100] [page 49] Group photograph of Curtiss State Graded School, no date.

[100] [page 51] School notes on Washington’s Birthday, did dramatization of The First Flag with Thomas Petermann and Carl Mathias.

Hoffman, Joyce and Thomas [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 20, Twp. Mayville.

Hoge [100] [page 39] Early members of St. Paul’s Kirche.

Hoge [75] [page 36] Co-purchased saloon with Janz and converted it into a meat market. The building was later sold to Art Tonn.

[100] [page 105] Building originally built by a Mr. Moore.

Hoge, Clara [100] [page 107] Gave recitation at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

Hoge, John [75] [page 42] Pioneer settler East and South of Curtiss.

Hollihan, Barbara and Thomas [1900] [page 65] Landowners in section 19, Twp. Colby.

Hollman [100] [page 39] Early members of St. Paul’s Kirche.

Hollmann, Mr. W. [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

Holtzheimer, Ray and Susane [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 8, Twp. Colby.

Hoover, Aaron and Edna [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 18, Twp. Colby.

Hoover, Harvey and Mary [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 5, Twp. Colby.

Hoover, Martin and Mary [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 26, Twp. Hoard.

Hopkins, Dr. William P. Add, Owen-Withee Family Clinic.

Horel, Theo [100] [page 111] Cousin of Dorothy (Horn) Johnson, married the depot agent Bill Ginnegan in “Memories of Curtiss.”

Horn [100] [page 104] Photograph of Horn’s store before the cyclone of 1905. Mr. Horn is shown looking at the front of the building.

Horn, Al [100] [page 68] Son of Josephine and Louis, photograph on porch of Horn home.

[100] [page 45] Identified as student in front of Curtiss Grade School, circa 1905.

[100] [page 111] Mentioned in “Memories of Curtiss.”

Horn, Dorothy [100] [page 45] Identified as student in front of Curtiss Grade School, circa 1905.

[100] [page 46] Sang at graduation program.

[100] [page 68] Daughter of Josephine and Louis, photograph on porch of Horn home.

Horn, Josephine [100] [page 68] Wife of Louis, photograph on porch of Horn home.

Horn, Louis [75] [pages 31 & 32] Purchased the saloon of Richard Schoenman and converted it into a store. The business was later sold to Charles Block.

[100] [page 113] Purchased saloon and dance hall from Nicolas Kilossen in 1904. He moved the saloon to the back of the lot for a residence and converted the dance hall into a general store. The business was sold to Charles Block.

[100] [page 41] Original member of Peace Ev. and Reformed Church.

[100] [page 68] Photograph of the home of Louis Horn. Identified are Al, Josephine (mother), Ralph, Dorothy, Louis and Vivian. Their home later became the parsonage of Peace Ev. and Reformed Church.

Horn, Mrs. [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Horn, Mrs. Josephine [100] [page 107] Presented diplomas at 1905 graduation of Curtiss Graded School.

Horn, Mrs. L. H. [100] [page 46] Presented diplomas at graduation program.

Horn, Mrs. Louise [100] [page 29] In photograph of the Kraut family.

Horn, Ralph [100] [page 45] Identified as a student in front of Curtiss Grade School, circa 1905.

[100] [page 68] Son of Josephine and Louis, photograph on porch of Horn home.

[100] [page 111] Mentioned in “Memories of Curtiss.”

Horn, Vivian [100] [page 68] Daughter of Josephine and Louis, photograph on porch of Horn home.

[100] [page 112] Mentioned in “Memories of Curtiss.” Also noted, Vivian grew up to be a journalist and a teacher at Columbia University and world traveler.

House, Dave [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

House, Howard [75] [page 37] Was a barber in the village.

[100] [page 105] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

House, W. A. [100] [page 6] Listed as owning cheese factory, 1918 - 1919.

Hoverson, Andrew [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hoverson, Hobert [100] [page 71] Twp. Hoard WW1 Vet.

Hrunek [75] [page 26] Co-purchaser (other was Borgemoen) of feed mill from John Sturner.

[100] [page 90] Co-owner of feed mill with Borgemoen.

Huber, Jerry and Pearl [100] [page 90] Add, Curtiss feed mill. Photograph of Curtiss Feed Mill, 1982.

[100] [page 90] Purchased feed mill from Elmer Humke in 1979.

Hueneman, Rev. Wm. [75] [page 18] Pastor of Evangelical & Reformed Church.

Hull, Edward [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.

Hull, Frank [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.

Humke, Elmer [100] [page 90] Purchased Feed mill operation from Clark Co. Farmers Co-op in 1977.

Humrum, Ole [75] [page 41] Pioneer settler North and West of Curtiss.

[100] [page 24] Same information as 75th Anniversary booklet.

Hunt, George [100] [page 108] Home was also the medical office of Dr. Simpson.

Huntley, Mr. [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Huntley, Mrs. [100] [page 43] Original member of Zion Congregational Church, circa 1895.

Hurst, David and Eva [100] [page 65] Landowners in sections 15 & 16, Twp. Green Grove.

Hurst, Edan and Milton [100] [page 65] Landowners in section 35, Twp. Hoard.

Hutter, Clarence [100] [page 72] Twp. Hoard WW2 Vet.


Transcribed by: Robert Lipprandt (December, 2004)




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Webmasters: Leon Konieczny, Tanya Paschke,

Janet & Stan Schwarze, James W. Sternitzky,

Crystal Wendt & Al Wessel