"The 1931 Loyalite"
Loyal High School Seniors
contributed by the Thorp Area Historical Society.
MARIE STANGE (DALLMAN) "Marie""A girl with ways as beautiful as her hair."
JEROME BERTZ "WHITEY" "A white head! Resulting from work?" President of Class I.
MILDRED SMITH "SMITHY" "Her brain contains ten thousand cells, In each some active fancy dwells."
NELLIE BROWN "NELL" "Oh, how I love to laugh."
CONRAD DUEYSEN "CONNIE" "Good natured and still, he can do what he will." "Creepy Crest:; "Come Out of the Kitchen"; "Loyalite" Staff.
HAZEL SNYDER "HAZEL" "Reserved and shy, but friendly for a that." Glee Club.
ARWILDA FRICKE "BOOTS" "I don't care how you spell my name, I'll change it some day anyhow."
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