"The 1931 Loyalite"
Loyal High School Seniors
contributed by the Thorp Area Historical Society.
EVELYN WICHMAN "EVVIE" "A girl of true blue with a dash of red pepper." Girls' Kitten Ball Team; "Come Out of the Kitchen"; Declamatory Work; "Loyalite" Staff. |
CHARLES RANKIN "CHUCK" "We like him still...the stiller the better" "Creepy Crest"; "Loyalite" Staff; Oratory; Pole Vault.
MARGARET EDWARDS "PEGGY" "Marks, not men, have always been my aim." Declamatory work; Glee Club Treas.; Pres. of Girl Reserves; Creepy Crest"; Editor of Loyalite."
ELSIE SHUPE "TAT" "Though she talks little, her thoughts are vast." Girl Reserves; Glee Club.
ROBERT ROUS "ROUS" "If silence is virture, how virtuous he must be." Pole vault; Track.
MARTINA DAVEL "MARTIN" "Those about her will read the perfect ways of honor." Girls' Kitten Ball Team; Girl Reserves; "Creepy Crest"; "Loyalite" Staff; "Come Out of the Kitchen."
GENEVIEVE THURBER "PAT" "Freshmen are my favorites." Girls' Kitten Ball Team; Glee Club; Girl Reserves; "Creepy Crest"; Loyalite" Staff.
-1931- | |
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