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History: Mosinee Twp., Marathon Co., Wis. (1913)





----Source: History of Marathon County Wisconsin and Representative Citizens, by Louis Marchetti, 1913, pg. 535 -  536.


----Township of Mosinee, Marathon Co., Wisconsin 1913 History



This town was established in November, 1856, to consist of townships 26 and 27 in ranges 2 to 9 inclusive, extending from east to west throughout the county. Its present area is parts of township 27 in ranges 7 and 6, having in all very little over forty-one sections. At the time of its organization there was probably not a settler outside the mill settlement at the village of Mosinee and in the immediate neighborhood. All that territory is now settled upon, and especially on the western part are some of the finest farms in the county. At the same time there were also established the towns of Wausau and Eau Claire; the reason for it undoubtedly was to get the people living on and along the Stevens Point road to help in getting the road in some state of improvement, to make it passable, if nothing more. In former years there were several saw mills located in this town, but the pine timber has disappeared, and no more is left now than farmers will keep for their own use, but tliey have an abundance yet for that purpose.

There are six public schools in the town, one of which, a solid comfortable brick building, in the joint district in towns of Mosinee and Bergen at Moon, is a graded school with two departments. The principal is Miss Marie O'Connor, with Miss Jessie De Lisle having charge of the primary department and with an average attendance of about sixty pupils. This town was very sparsely settled until lately. It was after 1893 that a number of Bohemians, some from Chicago, some from Cedar Rapids, came into and settled upon the lands, and that nationality constitutes about one-half of the town, if not the majority. They are an intelligent and industrious people and have made fanning a success. While there is no saw mill in that town, there is one just across the town line in the town of Bergen, at a place called Moon, and farmers can go to the village of Mosinee or to Moon to get their sawing done at whichever place is nearest to their farm.

The farmers from this town have no church as yet, the settlement being still small, and the settlers belonging to different Christian denominations attend the churches in the village of Mosinee. That farming is carried on profitably is shown by the fact that this small settlement supplies two cheese factories in that town with all the milk needed to run the same throughout the season.