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History: PikeLake Twp., Marathon Co., Wis. (1913)





----Source: History of Marathon County Wisconsin and Representative Citizens, by Louis Marchetti, 1913, pg. 567.


----Township of PikeLake, Marathon Co., Wisconsin 1913 History





This town was created December 30, 1886, and had for its first representative in the county board and chainnan, August Marks. Its present territory consist of townships 26 and 27, range 9 east. The settlement of this town began from Portage county after the building of the Wisconsin Central railroad; for many years there was no communication or road to Wausau, the county seat, and people did their trading at Stevens Point. Then roads were opened and good communication from Wausau to Bevant, the village in this town, and clear to the south boundary line at a little place called "Pike Lake," by roads, also telephone connections, exist now.


The soil of that territory is excellently adapted for the raising of potatoes and corn. Some farmers raise thousands of bushels of the root crop, especially since the railroad takes them to market. The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad runs a railroad clear through townships 27 and 26 in range 10 from Eland junction to Roshhold in Portage county, which is near enough to enable the farmers to market their crop at this railroad.


The inhabitants of Pike Lake are nearly all of Polish nationality with few Bohemians and Germans. There is a little village called Bevant, where there is the Catholic church and the meeting place of the people. At that place are two stores keeping general merchandise; one is being conducted by Roman Woijtasik, another by Peter Knippel ; also a creamery operated on the cooperative plan by farmers. A blacksmith shop is conducted by Joseph Cherek. J. Wanta operates a portable saw mill in this town. There are seven school districts with as many modern up-to-date schoolhouses.


The first Catholic church and parsonage was built about 1883, but a large new edifice was erected in 1896 at a cost of $15,000. It is contemplated to commence building a parochial school this year. About 200 families are members of this congregation. The present rector of the church is Rev. Ignatius Latorski.