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History: Wausau Twp., Marathon Co., Wis. (1913)





----Source: History of Marathon County Wisconsin and Representative Citizens, by Louis Marchetti, 1913, pg. 530 -  533.


----Township of Wausau, Marathon Co., Wisconsin 1913 History



What was the name of the first town in Marathon county? This question is not so easily answered. By the act establishing Marathon county, the "village of Wausau" was named as the county seat. The village of course was not incorporated at that time, and was named a village only because of the number of mills and buildings close together village-like. The election was held and the vote for county officers canvassed in the village, and the report of their canvass is recorded and appears in the minute book of the county board, or as they were then termed "the board of supervisors," and their report speaks very distinctly of a "town of Wausau."

The report certifying to the election of county officers is signed by Charles Shuter, justice of the peace; John Stackhouse, clerk of board of supervisors ; Edward A. Pierson, supervisor, and underneath the following: Attest : D. R. Clement, Town clerk, Wausau, Wis. Underneath appears the following entry: "Copy of returns on file in this office : "We the undersigned board of canvassers for the town of Wausau in Marathon county, Wisconsin, do hereby certify that we presided this day to canvass the votes polled in the several precincts in said town on the first Tuesday in April, A. D. 1850, and the result being ascertained, we the board do determine : That James Moore 1 Andrew Warren, Jr. , ... .... 1^ W 1 1 M3y a majority of votes are elected justices of the peace. E. W. Pencost J Isaac Gunsolly ] . . M XT . 1- by a majority of votes are duly elected constables. Alva iXewton J That D. R. Clement by a majority of votes is duly elected town clerk. As witness our hands this 9th day of April, A. D. 1850. ,„. ,M John Stackhouse, Chairman. ( Signed) 1- I Edward Pierson, Supervisor. Attest : D. R. Clement, Town Clerk, Wausau, Wis."

It will be noticed that all these officers certify as officers of the town of Wausau.

The whole county was governed by three supervisors elected by the people of the whole county, and while there were at least three election precincts, they were elected together by the people of the county. The whole county was only one town, that is, under one town government. There is nothing in the further proceedings which throws more light, but in the minutes of the board of supervisors held on the first Tuesday in January, 1853, there appears this entry : "C. A. Single, Hyram E. Dillon and B. F. Berry were appointed as assessors for the town and county of Marathon," and these two designations "town and county of Marathon" are found several times afterwards.

So it would seem that the town was named "town of Marathon," although it speaks first of a town of Wausau. In the meeting of the supervisors held on the I2th day of November, 1856, present Doolittle and Judson, the following appears : "The board then proceeded to divide the town and county of Marathon into towns, with separate town organizations as follows : The town of Wausau to .embrace all of township 28, ranges 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of township 28, north of range 8 east, and all of townships 29, 30, 31, and 32 of ranges 2 to 8, inclusive. The town of Mosinee to embrace that part of the county lying in townships 26 and zj, north of ranges 2 to 9, inckisive, and the town of Eau Claire to include all of town 28, range 8, except sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of township 28, and townships 28, 29 and 30, north of range 9 east," and the following voting places were fixed ; The first town meeting in each town to be held on Tuesday, December 16, 1856, for the town of Wausau at the village of Wausau, for the town of Mosinee at the house of William G. Blair, and for the town of Eau Claire at the house of Milo Kelly. That disposed of the town of Marathon for good at the time, because the whole territory of the county, at least that part which was surveyed, is included in the division of the three towns.

The board organized January 28, 1857, with the election of L. Doolittle from the town of Wausau as chainnan.

The name "town of Marathon," which was dropped in this division, was given to a new town created November 10, 1857, to have township 28. ranges 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, but the town was not organized, and was later recreated on the 5th day of April, 1859, with the same territory, and in the same meeting the name of the town of Eau Claire was changed to tow^n of Weston. The territory of this town (Wausau) was frequently changed, and it includes now only thirty sections in township 29, range 8, the northeast sections having been attached to the town of Texas, but it has kept its name.

Although there is nothing absolutely reliable on hand, it is very probable that farming was begun in this town as early as in any one, and it is certain that the "Mechanics Ridge Settlement" was the first farm settlement in this county; that is to say, that there was a concerted movement to go on land with the intention to farm it, and that a settlement was started among the mechanics at work at Wausau for that purpose, although the settlement was stretched over several miles. This settlement was referred to. and it is also stated that the mechanics did not farm very long, but sold out. only James W. Nutter remaining on his land.

This town is one of the most populous in the whole county at this time. The sections bordering on the city of Wausau are cut up in small holdings owned mostly by workmen, who either live on the land or in the city and cultivate the land garden-like, to help their incomes by raising vegetables or pasture a cow.

There is one saw mill in the town owned and operated by Paul SejTnour ; it w'as erected over thirty years ago and has been in continuous operation every year. It does a large amount of custom sawing for fanners, enabling them to get their lumber for buildings and repairs close at hand and gives them also a market for their surplus timber. Near the mill is a grocery store kept by William Fradrich and a blacksmith shop conducted by Herman Hahn.

There is one creamery and cheese factory in the town, and at the store there is a public hall. The town has five good school buildings ; one near Nutterville is a new solid brick building with a state graded school having two departments. The principal of this school is Miss Marie Ehmke ; assistant, Miss Emma Van Kannel ; the enrollment is sixty-two.


There is only one church in this town, a German E\'angelical-Lutheran Church. It is named the "Holy Trinity Church." The congregation was organized by Reverend Hudtloff forty years ago and services were conducted for some years in a schoolhouse. Reverend Hudtloff being the visiting minister. The present church edifice was built thirty-two years ago. The first resident pastor was Rev. Martin Buerger, who is the resident pastor of this congregation for over thirty years. Another congregation has its edifice just across the town line, but members from this town belong to that other congregation.  

The town is divided into four school districts, with as many good schoolhouses. It is an undisputable fact that the crop of children in Marathon county, especially among the farming population, is above the average. At Poniatowski there are two Catholic churches, both fine, large brick buildings, and a similar parsonage, all in close proximity. The population is largely of that faith, but being of Polish and German nationality, the desire to have the sermon preached in their mother tongue, in the language which they best understand, was the determining factor in the erection of the two churches. Rev. Florian Kuppke is the resident rector of both churches. He speaks not only the Polish and German languages, but is just as proficient in the English tongue, and there is complete harmony between both congregations.


The Holy Family Polish Church was founded in the year 1882. The first priest was Reverend Maczynski. and after him came Rev. A. Gara, under whose patronage the first church was built in 1S88. and who remained with the congregation until 1898. He was succeeded by several priests until the present rector, Rev. Florian Kuppka, arrived in July, 1908. The membership of this congregation is ninety-five families.


The German Holy Trinity Mission Church was built in 1888 and has a membership of thirty-four families.