Clark County Sabbath-School Missions by Joseph Brown
contributed by Wayne Opelt and transcribed by Janet.
Reverend Joseph Brown DURING the past fifteen years it has been my pleasant privilege to address many of our churches in the East and West and present the claims of our great Presbyterian Sabbath-School missionary work. Frequently, in making arrangements for these services, pastors have said to me: 11 What will be the character of your address?" and my response has usually been: "Word pictures of the things I have seen and heard on the Sabbath-School mission field of Wisconsin." And this is the purpose I have had in view in the preparation of this book: to make it a collection of pictures of actual Sabbath-School mission work performed along these years and in the order in which it was done. This I have attempted with the hope and prayer that a perusal of these pages will impart knowledge, and produce impressions for good, in behalf of this great work which is so vital to the future welfare of our beloved Church. Joseph Brown Marshfield, Wisconsin, January 1, 1904. |
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