Bishop Issues Challenge for Future
St. Mary’s officially celebrated its 125th anniversary on September 26, 2003. Bishop Raymond Burke spoke eloquently about the parish history, the overcoming of adversity and devotion to the Lord.
"I take the occasion of your 125th anniversary to thank you for your generous response to the needs of your parish, of the diocese and the Universal Church. May your gratitude for the many decades of the life of your parish inspire you to participate ever more generously in the works of the whole Church," Bishop Burke said in his homily.
He also issued a challenge for the future.
"Calling to mind the irreplaceable service of the parish priest, let us also rededicate ourselves to the apostolate of fostering and supporting new priestly vocations for the service of God’s people in our Diocese and the wider church. An important chapter of your parish history remains unwritten, the chapter which tells of the vocations to the priesthood in the families of your parish. Please pray for vocations to the priesthood, especially from the families of your parish, and encourage young men from your families to consider whether God may be calling them to the priesthood.
Odds and Ends
Members of the Building Committee for the building of the church in 1924 were: Frank Reinhard, B. J. Haas, Joseph Zilk, Sr., Francis Welsh, Thomas Kelly, W.J. Landry, Frank Schmidt, Nick Linster, Leo Wasserburger, Henry Langreck and Carl Gassen.
The committee for the building of the school in 1939 consisted of: the Most Rev. Bishop Alex J. McGavick, president; Father Biegler, vice-president; Barney Haas, secretary; Frank Reinhardt, treasurer; with Joe Zilk, Francis Welsh, Wallace J. Landry, Frank Smith, Henry Landgraff, Carl Gassen and Tom Kelly, consulters.
The parochial school took in $1,846 and spent $1,540 that year.
During the 125th Anniversary Celebration Mass, Bishop Raymond Burke blessed Father Steven Kachel, prior to Fr. Kachel proclaiming the Gospel. Fr. Kachel is the great-nephew of St. Mary’s first pastor, Fr. Volz. Seated with the Bishop are current Pastor, Fr. Pace (seated) and Father Richard Gilles (standing). |
The 1978 Centennial booklet singled out three individuals for recognition:
Bob Opelt who has served in various capacities since joining the church April 1, 1944. Bob is still an usher and greeter in 2004.
Tillie Burr who served as the school lunch cook and supervisor for 21 years.
The late Leander Schuld, who served as maintenance man and custodian from 1945 to 1970?
St. Mary’s Parish Statistics*
Baptisms |
3,819 |
First Communions |
3,385 |
Marriages |
1,020 |
Burials |
1,428 |
Confirmations |
2,619 |
*The figures include children, adults, and marriage validations as well as church marriages. These figures are 1878 through June 30, 2003.