1927 Neillsville, WI High School Annual |
CALENDAR 1926-27
7 “Tom” turns the key and we all rush in.
8 Of course, the Freshmen don’t know where to go and everybody tries to capture everybody else’s place.
10 The program is still a mess. Nobody knows what to take or when to take it.
13 Mr. Hansen puts the finishing touches on the program and we start on our second week of (happiness)?
15 Alex comes in late, daily. He ought to have a special seat in the back of the room.
17 Boys are training hard in the soft mud for out first football game.
22-23- 24 Half days off for the Clark County Fair. (Fair days, yes “very fair!”) Everybody swims in the mud; that’s our English Channel.
27 Many trot home to have “papa” sign excuses. Mr. Hansen thinks they skipped.
29 Appointments are made for the Annual. Walter Keller is Editor-in-Chief.
30 Kenneth Smith is shown the door leading from the English room.
1 Mr. Imislund has a olack tie on instead of his usual crimson one.
5 Julius solves the “floating fish mystery” in Physics. First big blowout! Freshmen Reception! The Honorable Kenneth Keach and wife, Walter K. make their first debut. Very attractive couple!
9 Neillsville plays Marshfield. Score 0-0. We take it for victory in the first home game.
13 First pep meeting this year. Neillsville plays Owen here. We win, score 6-0. Walter Hemp saves the day with a touchdown.
14-15 Rah! Rah! Two days’ vacation for teachers’ convention. So glad!
19 Crowel Publishing Co. man presents “get rich quick” plan. We’re all going to sell the “American” or the “Meator”. Isn’t our old friend, Mr. Iten, coming this year?
20 Report cards. What a treat! Wonder how many A’s the Freshmen got? The Seniors certainly weren’t oversupplied.
23 Game at Medford. Boys play football in the snow. B-r-r-r. Seven of us go and root, but we get beat, 12-0.
28 Wild West Rodes ! Regular knock’em down and drag’em out party!
29 Game at Augusta! Last game of the season. Score 24-0 in favor of Augusta. Many school skippers there.
2 The Physics class surprise Mr. Olson by all getting a zero.
5 Rev. Martin from China and Rev. Olden of Washington, D. C. Rev. Martin tells the boys how to get a “friend”. Mr. Hansen will be pretty busy when he gets back.
10 Mr. Williams gives some “shocking’ experiments in electricity. Frank and James in the performance and K. Smith tries out his voice.
11 All Seniors are exchanging pictures.
19 Mr. Olson and Miss Shaw spring a new system.
24 Rosyln Warlum goes home without a coat. Wonder why? Many girls are seen going into the office hatless and coatless and coming out with a coat, hat and blush.
25-26 Thanksgiving vacation. We’re all very sorry. Yes, indeed!
30 First basketball game. Marshfield wins 21-6. We’ll do better next time.
31 Report cards. Another treat!
2 Report Cars. About ten freshmen get ousted out of the library. Mr. Hansen raided it and found nothing but Freshmen. The rest of us know when to get out. They’ll learn!
6 Junior and Senior boys game in annual class tournament. Juniors win, 7 to 1.
7 Dick and James skip school. Freshmen beaten by Sophs.
8 Seniors and Freshmen game. Three seniors beaten by five freshmen.
9 Sophs win class tournament by defeating Juniors, 7-6.
10 Neillsville beats Humbird 16-8. We sure are the Hot Stuff! Boys met at train by a pep meeting.
13 Juniors win seal sale; Seniors break down long standing tradition.
14 Commercial and Latin clubs swing a partnership party. Plenty to eat.
15 “Pair of Sixes” a grand success – as grand as the color on the pills.
16 Neillsville defeats Greenwood, 14-7.
17 No more school for two weeks. Teachers will hop first train to beat it ou of town. Oh! Well! We don’t care; they need a little vacation.
30 Alumni wins over H. S. team, 17-13.
3 Back to school! What happiness reigns (rains). All the teachers have a little lecture about New Years resolutions.
7 Augusta wins over Neillsville much to our chagrin.
14 What a big night! Greenwood gets another warping; our team rides up in snow-snake. Some class! Also Pair of Sixes at Granton. Mr. Imislund shows great athletic ability on main street.
16 Skating rink opens. Ernest Begley and Roslyn Warlum win first prizes for H. S. students.
17 Last week of semester. We all have our pencils ready for some real tests.
20 Now we know! Someone let the cat out of the bag. The teachers don’t want to work next semester, so they’re trying to get rid of us via semester tests. The world brightens a little. Neillsville wins over Humbird 20 to 17.
24 Second semester opens. Big opening! Clarence Stelloh, Art Zank, Gertrude Osgood and Ruth Johnson enter school here.
25 Rev. Lamgbright speaks before assembly on “
28 Neillsville wins best and biggest gram of the season with Chippewa, 15 to 12. All players star. Dick hurts his knee.
4 Granton game. Neillsvillians fill Granton but in spite of this we get beat 14-5.
9 Mr. Hansen gets the school window washed for nothing-Yes, the “Bull Gang”.
10 Mr. Olson gives Physics classes 60 problems to work for Monday and if we don’t get them we’ll “fail, sure as we’re a foot high”.
11 Lincoln Program. Rev. Rawson gives speech of the day. Walter Keller, Marie Short and Clifford Nelson read themes. Mr. Hansen awards the Lincoln medal to Clifford. Mr. Imislund also gives us a few points on Lincoln. Our boys to Fairchild. “Butch” talks all the way over and is silent all the way back. Nevertheless we win a close game.
14 Mr. Olson gets a lot of concrete valentines in the form of problems.
15 Firebell rings and we all rush from the building into the cold. What’s the excitement? Oh! It’s just a fire bell.
17 Basketball boys leave for Chippewa and Stanley to bring back the honors. Neillsville beats Chippewa, 22 to 21.
18 Neillsville plays Stanley and gets beat, 18-16. Not bad at all! N. H. S. representatives storm the information bureau at 10 p.m.
21 Mr. Imislund tells us some of the things he did in High School and what he got. Surprising.
22 Washing on program. Eight seniors gives life of Washington. Half day off.
24 Granton game here. Neillsville wins 21-9. Also our Freshman win over Granton Freshmen.
28 Seniors receive a special invitation to pay for annuals.
3 Last game of the season. We all expect to win- but we lose 11-9. Not bad at that! Granton Juniors win over Neillsville’s.
7 Volley Ball Tournaments for girls. Senior Tournaments for girls. Seniors beat Sophs; Juniors beat Freshman.
8 Albertin Barton and Julius Berlin entertain the assembly with speeches.
11 Senior Class pay cast is chosen. The “Pair Sixes” bunch will have another chance. But the Junior class hasn’t started their play yet, so we’re a bit previous.
14 The girls’ volley ball finals are played. The Juniors beat the Seniors and the Sophmores get beat by the Freshmen.
15 The seniors give a party to the whole high school. Even the Freshmen show grace in dancing.
17 Fern Olson gives a speech on “Fixing up the Campus”. Oh! Yes! She represents English IV. We’re taking up public speaking. Of course, we all love it!
21 The Junior calls play and cast are picked out and started practicing today.
23 Mr. Tobey speaks on Banking. He will give us a talk every Wednesday for 6 weeks.
24 What do all the Seniors want to fight about? Oh, they’re only learning the right hand rule.
25 The Hi-Y gives a dinner and invite Mr. Hansen.
29 Clifford Nelson and Herbert Borde speak on the “Bond Issue for Concrete Highways”.
30 Mr. Tobey gives us a second talk on currency.
1 Kenneth Smith has a wonderful time April-fooling everybody.
7 Local Forensics Contest In the Declamatory contest are: Alice Alden, “The Song and the Man”. Mable Alden, “The Soul of a Violin”. Eleanor Reimer, “Just David” Fredericka Bullar,” Laddie” Marie Short, “The Death Disk” Rosly Warlum, Marie Short, Pearl Chapman, Alice Alden take place in the Reading contest.
Boys in Oratory are: Elwyn Martens, “Spartacus to the Gladiators” Clifford Nelson, The War of Righteousness” Owen Higgins, “The Unfinished Take” Elmer Zaeske, “Message of Flander’s Field” Boys in the speaking contest are Walter Keller and Clifford Nelson.
12 Junior class play. Roslyn Warlum makes a fine “old maid”. Other honor goes to Wilbur Hannah: He certainly would be a cute girl! Others in the cast are: Edna Gluck, Pearl Chapman, Marie Short, Glen White, Everett Skroch and Louis Schmoll.
14-18 Easter Vacation!
23 District Commercial Contest at Neillsville.
26 League Forensic Contest at Black River Falls.
29 Grade operetta at the Armory.
30 Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom at the High School.
5 Exhibit at North Side Grade Building.
6 Exhibit at South side grade and high school.
7 District Older Boys’ Confernece at Black River Falls.
14 Grande Commercial Contest at Whitewater.
26 Senior Class play
27 Senior Classes Close
29 Baccalaureate services.
1 All classes close
2 Class day exercises and eighth grade commencement.
3 High School commencement exercise at the Opera House.
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