Vera Munger - I
compel all creatures to do my will.
Franklin Nebs -
I gazed and gazed and still the wonder grew, that one
small head could carry all he knew.
Amber Northup -
O, for thy voice to soothe and bliss.
Henry Ott - Five
foot eleven and going strong.
Donald Paulus -
Some people are good, others are never found out.
Franklin Phelps
- No legacy is as rich as honesty.
Harold Polzin -
Quietness in class is often the result of attention.
Nona Pritchett -
When a man is in case, all other things take second
Helen Puttkamer
- Let us then be what we are; speak what we think.
Pauline Ritter -
A good name is better than wisdom.
Helen Schmidt -
Her raven locks in boyish bob do flow.
Helen Schroeder
- There is no light nonsense about Helen.
Dolores Scott -
Modest, simple, and sweet - the very type of Priscilla.
Myrna Searls -
Always laugh when you can; it's cheap medicine.
Sylvia Seif -
Fashioned so slenderly young and fair.
Jean Sellers - I
am a little molecule, so small you can't see me; This
molecule should you divide, an atom I would be.
Neva Selves -
Hang sorrow, care will kill a cat; therefore let's be
Ruby Selves -
The warmth of genial courtesy, the calm of
Alice Shumway -
She never laughs. Oh no not she for she's as quiet, as
quiet as can be.
Ruth Skroch -
Pretty to walk with, witty to talk with.
Francis Sonnetag
- Tougher than Jesse James, he's almost afraid of
Stephenson - If a frown exhibits thought, Fleming, I'm
afraid, will be with naught.
Evelyn Strebing
- A silent listener to every conversation.
Eldred Tesmer -
His smile is chronic, and his kind disposition
Geneva Thomas -
Her voice was ever soft and low, an excellent thing in a
Vivian Turner -
Her looks bespeak the stern mind within.
James Unger -
For if he will, he will, you may depend on't; and if he
won't, he won't and there's an end on't.
Vandeberg - As bad as the best of us.
Gale Vandeberg -
A quiet, unassuming lad of sterling worth.
Daisy West - Go
West, young man, go West.
Mildred Wetzel -
She is as quite as a mouse, you'd hardly know she's in
the house.
Louis Worchel -
A faithful friend, best known of Heaven.
Bernard Wuckie -
Time was made to waste.
Helen Wuckie -
Calm and of an acquiring turn of mind.
Casimer Zajac -
Striving, always striving onward.
Glen Zickert -
He is so big, his feet just touch the ground.
President |
Vera Munger |
Secretary and Treasurer |
Dolores Scott |
Vice President |
Raymond Green |
Colors: Blue and Silver
Flower: Forget-me-not
Motto: This is only the beginning. Strive
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