Senior Class Will
In departing the Seniors bequeath the following
cherished possessions to others who may, or may not,
cherish them:
Erma Anding - her vivacity to Mildred Baumann.
Dorothy Armitage - her hair to Enhelder twins.
Wilbur Bardell - his telephone calls to Norene Savage.
Genevieve Berrett - her dignity to Jean Seller.
Donald Braatz - his shuffle to Josephine Deutsch.
Marie Bracken - her literary ability to next year's
annual board.
Keryl Brunzell - her complexion to Mr. Anderson.
Donald Dixon - his spelling ability to whoever wants it.
†Harold Feirn - his stars
and strips (for being football captain) to Clifford
John Henry Flynn - his
middle name to Donald Wall.
Henry Frantz - his knack
for arguing to Jimmie Unger.
Carl Gassen - his speaking
ability to Robert Dahnert.
Leila Gluck - her bookish
inclinations to some less capable librarian.
Dorothy Gault - her
exotic coloring to Bernice Jepsen.
Ruth Hanchamn - her spike
heels to Lorraine Stelloh.
*Hugh Horswill - his
physique to Franklin Nehs.
Edith Housley - her V-8 to
Ted Kunce.
Christine Jespen - those
expressive eyes to Mildred Selves.
Neoma Kuhl - her book-"larnin"
to Clarence Shaw.
Jean Kleckner - her regal
distinction to Kathleen Frantz.
Vahla Klopf - her Loyal
heart-throb to some girl with a changeable boy friend.
Irma Mott - Her permanent
wave to Stella Jacklin.
Mary Jane Nesbitt - her
boyish bob to Betty Schmedel.
William Noel - a pair of
dark glasses to his red-shirt victims.
Oluf Olson - his meek
disposition to Miss Forsyth.
Helen Pagenkopf - her
pleasant unobtrusive manner to Geneva Thomas.
Jean Preston - her quiet
ways to "Bobby" Jackson.
Henrietta Poppe - her
height to "Davy" Krutsch.
Max Pullen - his smooth,
black hair to Ted Bracken.
Marcia Potter - her
composure to Catherine Gassen.
Gloria Reindel - her
neatness and efficiency to the "Freshman" Class.
Dorothy Richmond - her
snappy walk to Belle Hansen.
Clarence Roessler - his
dramatic and artistic ability to June Zilisch.
Rose Rosandich - the ease
with which she learns Latin to Donald Hunt.
Dorothy Rennak - her shy,
retiring nature to Louis Bast.
†Lowell Schoengarth - his
sense of humor to Martin Zilisch.
Arne Schwellenbach - his
fatal fascination for the femmes to Herman Beilke.
Rosaly Stelter - her
shorthand-writing knack to Kathryn Allen.
Archie Schwellenbach - her
silver-toned voice to future orators.
Opal Thomas - her
stick-to-itiveness to Eileen Hoepner.
Andrew Turczyn - his
permanent excuse to Orville Evenson.
Alma Vogel - her sobriety
to any of these noisy Freshmen.
Irma Wahlen - her dark hair
and eyes to Joyce Kleckner.
Leona Walk - her popularity
to some lucky gal.
Neil Warren - his
chivalrous manners to Alvin Hahn.
Anita Wedekind - her auburn
locks to De Wayne Nehs.
Irvin Wedekind - his
western gait to Janet North.
Jane Weeks - her eyelashes
to Orlando Rude.
Polly Wittke - her
main-room vocal effects to Mr. Flynn for after school
use only.
Doris Wood - her
personality to Arlene Schwanebeck.
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