Unity High School 1908 Graduation
Clark Co., Wisconsin
Transcribed by Lani Bartelt.
The commencement exercises of the Unity High School occurred last Thursday and Friday evenings.
As usual much interest was manifested by the people of the village and surrounding country and is is estimated that nearly five hundred people were present each night.
The class day program was held Thursday evening and was as follows:
Invocation Rev. Austin
Song Grade Girls
Instrumental Borghild Nelson
The Rhine Song Edith Cook
Class History Amy Klein
Solo Alice Binning ‘09
Class Prophecy Flora Clark
Song Drill Primary children
Class Will Dorothy Salter
Junior Address Bessie Schofield
Duet Misses Nelson and Frederick
Benediction Rev. Austin
The Rhine was the subject of an interesting essay by Miss Edith Cook, who had the subject well in hand and gave a very graphic and entertaining description of the beauties of that ancient and historic river that is so dear to the hearts of the people of the Fatherland.
The Class History presented by Miss Amy Klein was well prepared and rendered in a very pleasing manner, interesting incidents, and narratives of the joys and sorrows of the members of the class since leaving the grades was told in a manner that pleased the audience.
The Class Prophecy was given by Miss Flora Clark, who kept the audience in good humor as she cleverly unfolded to their vision (of) the future of each member of the class as revealed to her by a venerable sage who appeared to her in a dream.
The Class Will a very original and
clever instrument was prepared and read by Miss Dorothy Salter.
The paper teemed with humor yet the necessary gravity was preserved by th
excellent manner in which it was handled.
The Junior Address was given by Miss Bessie Schofield and the excellent manner in which she delivered it is a criterion that the class of “09 will have at least one orator.
The songs by the grade girls and primary children were pleasant features of the exercises: The song drill by the primary children especially captivated the audience and they received several encores.
The instrumental music by Misses Nelson and Frederick was well received by the audience as was also the solo If The Waters Could Speak As They Flow. which was rendered by Miss Alice Binning of the class of 09.
The commencement program rendered Friday evening was as follows:
Instrumental Miss Frederick
Invocation Rev. Christiansen
Essay Edward Anderson
Tenor Solo A.J. Miller
Oration Paul Carlson
Instrumental Miss Kough
Essay Ella Cook
Solo Mrs. Heath
Oration Anna Yahr
Valedictory Paul Carlson
Tenor Solo A.J. Miller
Presentation of Diplomas R.E. Brasure
Instrumental Borghild Nelson
Benediction Rev. Christiansen
Immigration was the subject of a very instructive essay by Edward Anderson, ordinarily this subject is dry and uninteresting to the average listener, but by the ingenious weaving together of fact and fancy and by the interesting manner of delivery, Mr. Anderson held the attention of the audience thru out (throughout.).
An oration on Anarchy by Paul Carlson was exceptionally well prepared and delivered in a manner that would have been a credit to a much older and more experienced orator.
Beauty in Poetry was the subject of a very refreshing essay by Miss Ella Cook. Poetry appeals to and softens the heart -strings of all people, and the discourse on the beauties thereof was appreciated by a very sympathetic audience.
Ideals, subject of an oration by Miss Anna Yahr was handed in a manner that showed she was not only master of the subject but was in complete sympathy therewith. She pointed out in convincing language the necessity of high ideals in life, and her efforts were well received.
It remained for Paul Carlson as class Valedictorian to cover himself with glory by the simple but well -chosen words of farewell spoken to his classmates and teachers.
The Instrumental music by the Misses Nelson, Frederick and Kough were exceptionally good.
The audience enjoyed a rare treat in the Solos by Mrs. C. J.Heath and Mr. A. J.Miller, both responded to repeated encores.
Principal R. E. Brasure presented the diplomas with very appropriate and fitting remarks.
Thus closes another school year.
The teachers and scholars have worked hard and the class is not only one of the largest but is one of the best every graduated from the Unity High School.
During the past year perfect harmony has prevailed between the teachers and scholars and the school officers and patrons deeply regret that Principal Basure has decided to accept the principalship of the Monoqua (Minocqua) schools.
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