Clark County Veterans
Clark County Press Coverage
2009 Greenwood CW Celebration
Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI
August 26, 2009, Page 9
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Greenwood pays tribute to Civil War Veterans
Following the Gettysburg Address, President Abe Lincoln, portrayed by Jason Hansen, stopped for a moment at a Civil War veteran gravesite. (Contributed photo)
The Wallis-Hinker Post 238, Greenwood American Legion, sponsored a major tribute to the Civil War veterans buried in the Greenwood Cemetery. For the past three years, the Post has been working with the Clark County Internet Library History Buffs, who did the research and published a 120-page booklet containing the obituaries and biographies of all.
Dick Adler, finance officer for the Greenwood Post and event chairman, coordinated a program to honor all veterans, especially the Civil War. Funds were raised to purchase new grave markers for those who were not properly identified. The U. S. Veterans Affairs Department furnished 12 bronze markers and the American Legion purchased 27 stones. Aug. 8, Co. B, 2nd Wisconsin Civil War Re-enactors along with the Greenwood Legion honor guard dedicated the new markers.
A program in the Greenwood High School Gym included main speaker, Fred Beseler, also a member of Co. B, who detailed many of the units from Wisconsin that served in the war. Over 90,000 soldiers from Wisconsin participated in the War, with some units suffering high casualties. Also featured in the program was the Clark County Male Chorus singing “An American Salute†by Ed Lojeski, “Bring Him Home by John Leavitt and the “Battle Hymn of the Republic†by Roy Ringwald.
At the cemetery, following a prayer by Fr. Joseph Follmar, Jason Hansen portrayed Abraham Lincoln by reciting the Gettysburg Address. Following Lincoln’s visit to a number of graves, a musket volley was conducted by Co. B, 2nd Wisconsin Re-enactors. In the opening remarks by Post Commander, Burton Jolivette, he indicated the mission of the Legion was “No veteran ever rest in an unmarked grave or not have recognition of their service to the United States.†The 39 grave markers complete that mission. Following the ceremony, a cookout fundraiser was held at the George Schereer Athletic Park.
The booklet, “Civil War Soldiers, in the Heart of Clark County†is available at Heartland Cooperative, Centuries on Main, Mayville’s Market, Greenwood City Hall and Laura K’s Kafe, at a price of $12.50 or by mail from the Greenwood American Legion Post, P. O. Box 176, Greenwood, WI 54437 at a cost of $12.50 plus $2.50 P/H.
Aug. 8, a musket volley from the Co. B, 2nd Wisconsin Civil War Re-enactors, along with the Greenwood Legion Honor Guard, honored all veterans resting in the Greenwood Cemetery. (Contributed photo)
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