Local Volunteers Work Camo Quilt Workshop

The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
May 26, 2010
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Thirty-five volunteers gathered at the Loyal American Legion Hall in Loyal on Saturday, May 1, to make Camo quilts to be given to troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Camo quilts are lightweight quilts made from military issued material.
Coming for a couple hours to a full day, volunteers prepared and served food, ironed fabric for cool ties and quilt straps, sewed the straps and quilts, or created cards to be included with the camo quilts.
Along with the 30 other volunteers from around the area, five volunteers from Thorp participated in the workshop, including: Kathy Zajack, Caitlin Rosemeyer, Anna Rosemeyer, Karen Sachs, and Diane Weggen.  Others came from Athens, Loyal, Greenwood, Owen, and Plymouth.
Clark County Area Veterans Council (CCAVC) sponsored the workshop, which was presented by Linda Wieck of Plymouth, Wisconsin, and hosted by Loyal American Legion Commander Don Lander and Loyal American Legion Auxiliary President Joann Oestrich and members.  Wieck, the designer and creator of the camo quilt, made the first prototype for her son-in-law in April 2006.  Since then, more than 3,000 troops have received camo quilts.
What makes the camo quilt so popular with the troops is that military issued sleeping bags are bulky and hot, and must be carried inside backpacks. The camo quilt is made from the same camouflage material as the soldiers’ uniforms and can be used in the open.  They can be tied to the outside of backpacks thus giving more room inside their packs for personal items.
If you have any questions about the camo quilt project or if you are interested in donating your time or financial support, contact CCAVC Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Lingren at 715-223-2667 ext. 235 or at safety@bstate.net, or Thorp American Legion Auxiliary President Diane Weggen at 715-644-2668.  Any support is greatly appreciated by the recipients.