The Thorp Courier (Thorp, WI)
April 4, 1996
Transcribed by Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Old Items Taken from The Thorp Courier files of
100 Years Ago (1896)
Marshall Jones harbored nine able bodied tramps at the calaboose on
St. (Sat.) night last. Farmer S. Gorman is offering his crop of
potatoes-splendid Early Rose stock in fine condition, at 5 cents per
bushel. Call this farm and help yourself. David, son of Henry
Wendt of the Town of Reseburg an employee at Bobb’s Mill in that town,
met with a serious accident on Sat. morning last resulting in the loss
of three fingers and a portion of his left hand. Stanley
Sunbeams – Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potter on March 16th, a
daughter; also to Mr. and Mrs. Al Wry a son, on the 19th of March. – The
Stanley Mfg. Co. is doing a steady business with its heading mill and is
continuously shipping its heading to various parts of the country.
Dr. Selden reports a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lambert on
Tuesday. 75 Years Ago (1921) Reseburg –
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernard on March 20th, a son. – A daughter
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mars on March 18th. Herman Bohn
has rented his farm to his son, Walter Bohn, and moved to the village
last week, occupying the Burke residence. Wm. Gorsegner and crew
completed a barn, 36x80 feet in size on the John Novobylski farm on Wed.
of last week. The structure was entirely completed in eight days.
Village treasurer, E. R. Wiley and town treasurers: Solon Larson,
Jno. A. Papierniak, R. Coates and E. J. Foley made their annual returns
to county treasurer John J. Irvine on Thurs. last. O. E.
Johnson, while mailing a letter on the mail car on No. 5 on Tues.
evening was struck by the mail catcher device and his right arm near the
shoulder badly crushed and skull fracture. The train was moving
slowing at the time. Mr. Johnson was taken to the hospital at
Marshfield on No. 4 following the accident, and died at 3:00.
Andrew Jacobson, August Kuehi and Wm. E. Smith of Clark County were
among the 107 students just graduated from the Short Course in
Agriculture at the University of Wisconsin. John Klak of this
village, who is attending the University of Wis., has been taking some
work in boxing and has made considerable progress in it. Klak
fights in the featherweight class. 50 Years Ago (1946)
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burzinski was baptized
Catherine Ruth on Sun. March 31st. Mr. and Mrs. John Wojcik
received word that a baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sabrowsky
on Fri. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Deuel purchased the
Lutheran Parsonage property on the west side of the village last week.
Four Local Boys Enlist. They are Clifford Ebben, Robert
Rubisch, Bruno Pele and Norman Maier. Leo and Ruth Tobola have
sold their residence property on the south side to Mike Macadlo through
the Bogumill Real Estate Agency. John Pirus sold his dry
cleaning establishment at Stanley to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunt of Dallas,
Texas. Mrs. Hunt is the former Jean Myhre of Stanley.
25 Years Ago (1971) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oldroyd of New
Richmond are the proud parents of a 7 lb. 3 oz. baby boy born on March
25th. A group of Thorp athletic boosters have put together an
appreciation banquet for a man who spent the past 17 years in Thorp
working with young people and accumulating one of the outstanding
coaching records in the state during that time, Jack Tetzner.
Professor Thomas Newton Bobb, 85, of Northland, Wis. died Sun. at an
Ashland hospital. Severy Kendra, 75, resident of Gilman, died at
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Sat. March 27. Lublin – The baby daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kalmon was baptized Sun. at St. Stanislaus Church.
They named her Marlyn Marie Kalmon. 10 Years Ago (1986)
Steve Kozikowski, 76, Thorp, died Sat. March 29, 1986, at Victory
Memorial Hospital, Stanley. Helen Hedler, 84, Thorp, died Sat.
March 29, 1986, at Neillsville Memorial Hospital. Taft – Word
has been received that Mack Wincek, a former Taft resident, passed away
and was buried in Vega, Texas on March 15th. Lublin –
Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. John Kanarowski on the
birth of their son, Mark John, born Thurs. morning.