Clark County, Wisconsin
Changing Times
Tragedies We Faced
June 24, 1881

Accidental Shooting of
Ida Turner Perhaps one of the
earliest York Township tragedies was the
accidental shooting of Ida Turner.
Ida Turner was the oldest daughter of Horace
and Lorinda (nee Windsor) Lawrence.
They came to York Township in mid-1870s
from Sheboygan County. Prior to her
untimely death, Ida had married William
H. Turner (known as Pint Turner) on December
1, 1879. Pint Turner was a son on
Abel Turner. The Turners had come
to Clark County in the late 1850s and settled
near an area in the Pine Valley Township
known as Staffordville; although Abel eventually
settled in York Township.
Apparently on Friday, the 24th of June
in 1881, Ida Turner was at the residence
of Pint Turner's uncle, Samuel Way, located
in Pine Valley Township near Staffordville.
Family research indicates that Samuel Way's
wife, Angeline, was a sister to Pint Turner's
father, Abel. It was during the evening
that Pint's cousin, Seward Way, took two
revolvers and pretended to shoot them, presuming
that they were both unloaded. However,
one revolver did contain a round and consequently,
Seward accidentally shot the round into
his cousin's wife, Ida Turner. Although
a doctor attended Ida as soon as possible,
her wound still caused her to pass away
on Sunday, the 26th of June.
At the same time, the York Center Cemetery
near the York Center Methodist Church had
just been established. Therefore,
Ida (Lawrence) Turner was the first person
buried at that cemetery.
After Ida's death, it is believed that
Pint and Ida Turner's infant daughter, Meda,
went to live with relatives. Meda passed
away as a young woman in 1898. In
1885, Pint Turner married Ida's cousin,
Bessie Livingston. Ida's mother, Lorinda
Lawrence, and Bessie's mother, Esther Livingston,
were Windsor sisters. Pint Turner
passed away in 1919.
Seward Way married Amelia Raether.
She passed away in 1905. Seward lived
to be an elderly man and died in 1947 at
Watertown, South Dakota.
Compiled by Steven
Lavey from Lawrence family records and research.
and Press Article
(1 July
1881 issue)
A sad case of accidental shooting which
resulted in the death of Mrs. Ida Turner,
wife of W. H. Turner, happened at the residence
of S. M. Way, about two miles north of this
place, last Friday evening between five
and six o'clock.
The sad story briefly told is this: Mrs.
Turner, who is in some way connected with
the Way's had been visiting there for several
weeks and at the time of the accident was
helping to prepare the evening meal. While
placing the chairs at the table in the dining
room, Seward Way, a boy nineteen years of
age, came into the room with a revolver
in his hand and taking another from the
top of the clock in that room cocked both
of them and holding one in each hand, pointing
in opposite directions, snapped them, supposing
them, as he claims, to be empty. One of
them, unfortunately, proved to have been
loaded, and the shot took effect in the
body of Mrs. Turner, the ball striking her
in the left side passing under two ribs
an the through the lower lobe of the left
lung and coming out, passed around and lodged
against the spine.
Dr. Templeton was called and succeeded in
finding and removing the ball, but could
not stay the hand of Death and on Sunday
evening about half past nine o'clock Ida
Turner was numbered with the dead. The deceased
was twenty years of age and leaves an infant
child to miss a mother's care and husband
to mourn her death.
An inquest held on the body established
the fact that the shooting was not intentional,
also that it was the result of carelessness
too reckless to be excusable, if it does
not deserve to be classed as a crime.
Neillsville, Oct. 31---Three
hours before the beginning of his trial
in circuit court here,
Handke, recluse, pleaded guilty
to murder in the first degree before
Circuit Judge E. W. Crosby, and today
he stands in the eyes of the law as
the murderer of Mrs. Laura Handke, a
sister-in-law, whom he clubbed to death
in her home in the Town of York, seven
miles northeast of here on September
29. Judge Crosby sentenced Handke
to life imprisonment in Waupun penitentiary.
The prisoner's iron nerve
which had stood steadfastly by him through
the grilling days of preliminary examinations,
deserted him a few hours before the
trial was to begin. Through his counsel,
Attorney A. L. Devos, Handke requested
an audience with Judge Crosby.
His request was granted immediately.
Without displaying any emotion, Handke
appeared before Judge Crosby and declared
his desire of pleading guilty to the
crime with which he was charged.
Floyd Schoen barn fire (12 October 2008)
A fire destroyed a Granton barn Sunday,
Oct. 12, (2008), in the Town of York.
The Neillsville and Granton fire departments
were called to Floyd Schoen’s residence,
located at N4966 Halle Avenue, at approximately
1:56 p.m. Sunday afternoon.
The barn was destroyed, as were a couple
head of cattle, by the fire, said Roger
Nitchke of the Granton Fire Department.
All property in the barn was also destroyed.
"[The barn] was fully engulfed when we arrived,"
said Nitchke.
Both fire departments spent three hours
extinguishing the blaze. The Neillsville
Fire Department shuttled approximately 30,000
gallons of water to the fire; the Granton
Fire department used approximately the same
amount of water to control the fire as well.
The cause of the fire and the amount of
the damage is not known.