BioM: Schram, Stephaine (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schram, Hoffman, Horath, Ramassini, Nienow, Hofmann, Haugen, Ineichen, Meyer, Sommers, Stamper, Oemig, Anderson, Clark, Wichlidal, Schroeder, Bostrom, Olson

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 7 Mar. 2007; page 10

---Schram, Stephaine (Marriage - 7 Oct. 2006)


Stephanie Schram and Bryan Hoffman, both of Merrill, were married Oct. 7, 2006, at St. Francis Catholic Church, Merrill. Rev. James Horath, Rev. Bill Horath and Deacon John Ramassini officiated at the afternoon ceremony, where music was provided by organist Jeanne Nienow and soloist Pam Hofmann, the groom's aunt.

The bride is the daughter of Eva Haugen, Merrill. The groom is the son of Shelly Hoffman, Merrill, and the late Bob Hoffman.

Maid of honor was Tabitha Ineichen, the bride's cousin, Merrill; and best man was Dan Hoffman, brother of the groom, Merrill.

Bridesmaids included Maria Hoffman, sister of the groom, Merrill; Kim Meyer and Jennie Sommers, both of Merrill; and Stevie Stamper, Wausau. Personal attendant was Heather Oemig, the bride's aunt.

Serving as groomsmen were Rich Anderson, the groom's uncle, Lake Tomahawk; Matt Clark, Merrill; R. C. Wichlidal, Antigo; and Ben Schroeder, Merrill.

Ushers were Ben Bostrom and Scott Olson.

A reception was held at The Arena in Merrill. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple took a honeymoon trip to Upper Michigan, then took a Caribbean cruise in January.

Stephanie is a CNA at Colonial Manor in Wausau. She will be attending NTC in the nursing program. Bryan is self-employed, the owner and operator of Pro-Tect Sealcoating & Striping Co. He is also a student at UW Marathon County pursuing a career in accounting and law.

They live in Merrill.

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