BioM: Mueller, Danica (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Mueller, Wilson, Astorga

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 7 Mar. 2007; page 10

---Mueller, Danica (Marriage - 15 Sept. 2006)


Danica Mueller and Corey Wilson, both of Portland, Ore., were married Sept. 15, 2006, on the beach at Canon Beach, Ore.

The bride is the daughter of Gary and Susan Mueller, Eagle River. The groom is the son of Gordon and Lisa Wilson, Bend, Ore.

A reception was held at a beach house in Canon Beach, Ore. The couple took a scuba diving and hiking honeymoon on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

Danica is a 1999 graduate of Merrill High School. She is a photo producer for Rafael Astorga. Corey is a pipefitter/welder for NW Natural Gas.

They live in Portland, Ore.

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