BioM: Carey, Lynn (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Carey, Bayer, Moore, Kruser, Treder, Schiller, McLoughlin

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 7 Mar. 2007; page 10

---Carey, Lynn (Marriage - 12 Nov. 2006)


Lynn Carey and John Bayer were married Nov. 12, 2006, in Las Vegas, Nev.

The bride is the daughter of Pat (Carl) Moore, Cleveland, Tenn., and the late Jim Carey. The groom is the son of Mitchell and Mary Bayer, Tomahawk.

Maid of honor was Julie Kruser and Mike Treder was best man.

Bridesmaids were Jill Carey Brooks and Dawn Carey, sisters of the bride and Jamie Bayer, sister of the groom.

Groomsmen included Cory Schiller, Don Calhoun and Shawn McLoughlin.

A reception was held at Victoria's following the ceremony. John and Lynn will honeymoon in Mexico. A second reception will be held in Tomahawk in early summer. The pair resides in Mt. Horeb.

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