Obit: Natzke, Dorothy F. (1929 - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Natzke, Martin, Mueller, Kautz, Clausen, Mezaros, Kudick, Beversdorf

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 13 June 2007; page 9

---Natzke, Dorothy F. (27 June 1929 - 6 June 2007)

Dorothy F. Natzke

Dorothy F. Natzke, 77, of Merrill, died Wednesday, June 6, 2007, at Pine Crest Nursing Home, Merrill, under Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice.

Born June 27, 1929, in Appleton, Dorothy was the daughter of the late Carl and Minna Martin Mueller. She married Erwin Natzke on Dec. 26, 1955, in Merrill He died on Aug. 30, 1992.

Dorothy graduated from Concordia Teacher's College in River Forest, Ill. She taught elementary school in Clyman; the former Immanuel Lutheran School in the town of Corning; and Trinity Lutheran in Merrill. Dorothy belonged to the Lutheran Layman's League and the Trinity Lutheran Church Mission circle. She enjoyed scrapbooking, stamp collecting, playing the piano and organ, reading and especially spending time with her family.

Survivors include her daughter Beth (Ronald E.) Kautz, Merrill; grandson Joshua Kautz, Merrill; step-sister Ruth Clausen, Chebanse, Ill.; sister-in-law Esther Natzke, town of Corning; step brother-in-law Ernie Mezaros, Aurora, Ill.; brothers-in-law Arnold Natzke and Martin (LuEllen) Natzke, both of the town of Corning; and Harold (Ethel) Natzke, town of Scott; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband Erwin; granddaughter Jessica; step-sister Betty Mezaros; step brother-in-law Walt Clausen; and sisters-in-law Edna Kudick and Frieda Natzke.

Funeral services were Monday, June 11, at St. John Lutheran Church, Merrill. Rev. Alden Beversdorf officiated. Burial was in Merrill Memorial Park. The Waid Funeral Home, Merrill, handled the arrangements.

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