BioM: Grege, Pamela (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Grefe, Suchocki, Horath, Helman, Emanuel, Severt, Steinagel, Burkee, Schenzel, Mamer, Weix, Yuska, Gebert, Feltz, Boesel, Arneson, Mocadlo, Kittmann, Martinovici, Aupperle

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 18 April 2007; page 9

---Grege, Pamela (Marriage - 26 Aug. 2006)


Pamela Grefe and Brian Suchocki, both of Merrill, were married Aug. 26, 2006, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Merrill. Rev. James Horath officiated at the afternoon ceremony, with music provided by organist Linda Helman and vocalists Brad Emanuel and Karli Severt.

The bride is the daughter of Mary Grefe, Merrill, and the late Robert Grefe. The groom is the son of Robert and Susan Suchocki, Stevens Point.

Matron of honor was Jessica Steinagel, the bride's niece, Merrill, while the maid of honor was Coreen Grefe, the bride's niece, Orlando, Fla. Best men were Eric Burkee, Port Washington; and Kevin Suchocki, brother of the groom, Stevens Point.

Serving as bridesmaids were Sarah Schenzel, sister of the bride, Irma; Lynn Mamer, sister of the bride, Merrill; Joelene Weix, Merrill, Melissa Yuska and Nicole Gebert, both of Merrill; and Peggy Feltz, sister of the groom, Stevens Point. Flower girls were Autumn Schenzel, the bride's niece, Merrill; and Madisen Weix, Merrill.

Groomsmen included Rick Suchocki, brother of the groom, Milwaukee; Scott Boesel and Scott Arneson, both of Merrill; Mike Suchocki, brother of the groom, Stevens Point; Curt Suchocki, brother of the groom; and Joe Mocadlo, Bancroft.

Ushers were Chris Kittmann, Michigan; Ryan Martinovici, Merrill; Dennis Aupperle, Kewaskum; and Dylan Suchocki, the groom's nephew, Stevens Point.

A reception was held at Mountain Bay Banquet Hall, Weston. The couple honeymooned in Florida.

Pamela is health and fitness coordinator at the Boys and Girls Club of the Wausau Area. Brian is a teacher for Merrill Area Public Schools. They live in Merrill.

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