BioM: Radloff, Cheryl (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Radloff, Hogue, Cummins

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 18 April 2007; page 9

---Radloff, Cheryl (Marriage - 24 Feb. 2007)


Cheryl Radloff, Merrill, and Robert Hogue, Park Falls, were united in marriage in an intimate family ceremony on Feb. 24, 2007, at Word of Faith Church, Park Falls. Rev. Mark Cummins officiated.

The bride is the daughter of Karen and Don Radloff, Merrill. The groom is the son of Adelline Hogue and the late Durwood (Jesse) Hogue, Park Falls.

Brenda and Brad Hodgson, children of the bride, were the couple's attendants.

Following the wedding ceremony, there was a reception at the Black Bear in Park Falls.

Cheryl is employed at Church Mutual Insurance in Merrill. Robert is a department manager at Southside True Value in Park Falls.

The couple lives in Park Falls.

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