BioM: Bennett, Beverly (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Bennett, Brecklin, Hoffmann, Rychter, Johnson, Koss, Miller

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 2 May 2007; page 9

---Bennett, Beverly (Marriage - 21 Oct. 2006)


Beverly Bennett, formerly of Gleason, and Patrick Brecklin, formerly of Antigo, were married Oct. 21, 2006, at St. John's Catholic Church, Antigo. Rev. Charles Hoffmann officiated at the afternoon ceremony with music provided by organist/soloist Denise Hale.

The bride is the daughter of the late Edmund and Laura Rychter. The groom is the son of Margaret and the late James Brecklin, Antigo.

Maid of honor was Candy Johnson, Aniwa, and Tony Koss, Deerbrook, was best man.

Bridesmaids included the groom's sisters-in-law Anne Brecklin, Appleton; Mary Jane Brecklin, St. Louis, Mo.; and Sharon Brecklin, Green Bay.

Serving as groomsmen were the groom's brothers Richard, Appleton; Robert, St. Louis, Mo.; and Charles, Green Bay.

Ushers were Todd Wilson, Antigo; and John Miller, Tampa, Fla.

A reception was held at Homestead Inn, Nutterville. The couple honeymooned in southeastern Wisconsin.

Beverly was formerly a dairy farmer and is currently employed at Pine Ridge Restaurant in Merrill. Patrick is a milk hauler for Melzer Trucking, Antigo; and Rickert Trucking, Birnamwood. They reside in Bryant.

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