BioM: Altfillisch, Danita Rose (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Altfillisch, Hahn, Carney, Schultz, Bjorklund, Hahn, Bloch, Nilan, Voigt, Zuleger, Durkee, Stubbe, Graham, McConnell, Grenfell, Hessel

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 2 May 2007; page 9

---Altfillisch, Danita Rose (Marriage - 24 June 2006)

Altfillisch-Hahn Danita Rose Altfillisch and Nicholas Andrew Hahn were united in marriage on June 24, 2006, at St. John Lutheran Church, Merrill. Pastor Terry Carney, uncle of the groom, officiated at the afternoon ceremony. Music was provided by the Odyssey Brass Quintet, organist Lowell Schultz, and vocalists Cassondra Lee and James Bjorklund.

The bride is the daughter of John and Rhonda Altfillisch, Hamburg. The groom is the son of Thomas and Kathleen Hahn, Merrill.

Maids of honor were Gina and Brandice Altfillisch, both sisters of the bride, Hamburg; and Kyle Hahn, bother of the groom, Merrill, was best man.

Serving as bridesmaids were Heather Bloch, Green Bay; Laura Nilan, Des Moines, Iowa; and Nicole Voigt, the bride's cousin, Hamburg. Junior bridesmaid was Kayla Zuleger, the bride's cousin, Marathon; and flower girl was Allyson Durkee, the bride's cousin, Wausau. Personal attendant was Valerie Stubbe, the bride's aunt and Godmother, Hamburg.

Groomsmen included Brodie Altfillisch, brother of the bride, Hamburg; Christopher Graham, Milwaukee; Anthony McConnell, Brooklyn, N.Y.; and Derek Grenfell, Madison. Ring bearer was Samuel Hessel, Wausau.

A reception, dinner and dance followed the ceremony at Hereford and Hops, Wausau. The couple honeymooned on the island of Kauai, Hawaii.

Both the bride and the groom are 2001 graduates of Merrill High School and 2005 graduates of the University of Notre Dame. Currently, Danita is a second-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Nicholas is an audit associate in the Madison and Milwaukee offices of McGladrey and Pullen, LLP.

The couple resides in Waukesha.

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