BioM: Borchardt, Jill (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Borchardt, Belter, Hiebl, Brooks, Ewan, Kornack, Belter, Hieronimus, Jensen, Murkowski, Denzine

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 6 June 2007; page 11

---Borchardt, Jill (Marriage - 8 July 2006)


Jill Borchardt and John Belter were married July 8, 2006, at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Athens. Rev. Charlie Hiebl officiated. Music was provided by flutist Audra Brooks, sister of the groom, Athens; trumpeters Rick Ewan, the groom's uncle and Jameson Ewan, the groom's cousin, both of Athens; and vocalists Nancy Ewan, the groom's aunt, Athens; and Tammy Kornack, sister of the groom, Edgar.

The bride is the daughter of Bruce and Jeanne Borchardt, Hamburg. The groom is the son of Dave and Sue Belter, Athens.

Maid of honor was Amy Borchardt, sister of the bride, Ohio; and Jason Belter, twin brother of the groom, Athens, was best man.

Bridesmaids were Casie Hieronimus, daughter of the bride, Athens; Jamie Borchardt, sister of the bride, Madison; April Jensen, Athens; Sue Jensen, Mosinee; and Sarah Belter, sister of the groom, Greenfield.

Groomsmen included Zach Hieronimus, son of the bride, Athens; Andy Belter, Al Belter and Matt Belter, all brothers of the groom, from Athens; and Bruce Murkowski, Athens.

Ushers were Ben Brooks, the groom's brother-in-law, Athens; and Kevin Denzine, Athens.

A dinner and reception were held at Memories Ballroom, Marathon, with the Harmony Heroes Band entertaining. The couple honeymooned at Mackinac Island.

Jill works in accounting for Van Ert Electric Co. in Wausau. John works at Heartland Coop, Athens.

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