BioM: Draper, Stephanie (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Draper, Lange, Horath, Nienow, Lee, Hoffman, Plisch, Reinhardt, Schaupp, Kottke, Bassi

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 6 June 2007; page 11

---Draper, Stephanie (Marriage - 21 April 2007)


Stephanie Draper and Kevin Lange, both of Merrill, were married April 21, 2007, at St. Francis Catholic Church, Merrill. Rev. James Horath officiated at the afternoon ceremony, where music was provided by organist Jeanne Nienow and soloist Abby Lee.

The bride is the daughter of Jeff and Chris Draper, Athens. The groom is the son of Russ and KayDee Lange, Gleason.

Maid of honor was Mindy Draper, sister of the bride, Athens; and Dan Hoffman, Merrill, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Jenny Plisch, the bride's cousin, Athens; Kelsey Lange, sister of the groom, Gleason; and Kaili Reinhardt, Merrill.

Serving as groomsmen were Greg Lange, brother of the groom, Gleason; Steve Draper, brother of the bride, Athens; and Dan Schaupp, Wausau.

Ushers were Wes Kottke, the bride's cousin, Athens; and Mick Bassi, the groom's cousin, Milwaukee.

A reception was held at the MARC in Merrill. The couple are planning a honeymoon to Canada later in the year.

Stephanie is employed at Aspirus Clinic, Wausau. Kevin is employed by Musson Brothers Inc. They live in Merrill.

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