Bio: Tiffany, Melissa (Engagement - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Tiffany, Chariton, Neubauer

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 25 April 2007; page 11


Melissa Tiffany and Lucas Chariton announce their engagement and forthcoming marriage. The future bride is the daughter of Stephen and Susan Tiffany, Merrill. Her fiance is the son of Faye Neubauer and Patrick Chariton, both of Medford.

Melissa was home-schooled, graduating in 2003. She is currently a quality assurance auditor at WPS Health Insurance in Wausau. Lucas is a 2000 graduate of Medford Area Senior High School and is currently pursuing an associate's degree in accounting at Northcentral Technical College. He is a shift leader at Kwik Trip in Medford.

A July 7, 2007, wedding is planned at First Baptist Church, Medford.

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