BioA: Borelli, Leo & Edith (Golden - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Borelli, Davis, Litke

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 2 May 2007; page 9

---Borelli, Leo & Edith (Golden - 27 April 2007)

Leo and Edith Borelli

Leo and Edith Borelli of Merrill celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends on Saturday, April 28, with a reception in their honor at the Merrill Eagles Club, the same location as their wedding dance. Best man Jim Borelli, Leo's brother, currently from Tomahawk; and maid of honor Leota Ricci Davis, currently from Merrill, were in attendance. They were the only other members of the original wedding party.

Leo and the former Edith Litke were united in marriage at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Merrill, on April 27, 1957.

The couple raised two children: Joe (Dawn) and Bruce (Patti), both of Verona. They are blessed with six grandchildren: Eric, Nick, Megan, Matt, Stephanie and Zachary.

Leo is retired from the former Ward Paper Mill in Merrill and Edith retired from the Lincoln County Land and Forestry Department. They enjoy traveling, gardening and spending time with their children and grandchildren.

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