BioA: Voelz, Art & Betty (60th - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Voelz, Sense, Hein

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 13 June 2007; page 8

---Voelz, Art & Betty (60th - 31 May 2007)

Art and Betty Voelz

Art and Betty Voelz, Merrill, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 2, 2007, with a dinner and open house at Schult's Country Inn.

Art and the former Betty Sense, who were school sweethearts, were married May 31, 1947, in St. John Lutheran Church, Merrill.

The couple's children include sons Tom and Tim, both of Merrill; Todd, California; and daughter Tia (Mike) Hein, Shawano. They are also blessed with five grandchildren.

Art and Betty farmed for 39 years following their marriage in the town of Scott. They also delivered papers for the Foto News for28 years and for other area papers. In their retirement they keep busy doing volunteer work at the Merrill Senior Center and delivering Meals on Wheels. They enjoy playing cards and listening to polka music. They formerly bowled, enjoyed polka dances and traveling.

When asked how to stay together so long, their answers were simple: get along well; don't go to bed mad, even if it means staying up for days; and do things together.

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